A New Direction

So, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?

My month off had it’s ups and downs, and it was a nice break. Mental healthcare is always a challenge, but I feel refreshed and more importantly, I decided on a new direction for Bad Kitty Games. But first, some other news.

Neko and I are moving to a larger house, so that Neko will have her office space. This will also keep such things such as the perpetually-backing-up sewer from being a factor in our lives. Whether or not the new place will have it’s own quirks is a question- it’s an even older home, but much better cared for than our current place. We will be moving at the end of the month, and I promise that as soon as we’re set up I’ll show you all around the new office.

So, the first big change- Bad Kitty Games is no longer holding ourselves to update deadline. We all have other things going on, our own challenges, and nobody deserves to have their mental health put at risk. That goes for me and every other member of the team. What we are going to do instead is push a backer update every month. Like the mini-updates, these are meant to be not-necessarily-complete previews of what we’ve done. And, when we feel good about one of these updates to make it a release, it will come out to the public two weeks later, as usual.

If you’re concerned about schedule slip because of this, don’t worry. We will still be working at our usual pace, just no longer rushing or crunching for deadlines. I feel that by this point, we’ve proven that we are in it to win it, and so you can rely on us to keep pushing out new content at a decent pace. If an update takes two months, like we’ve been doing, great! If it takes three or four months, also great. Our new policy is that it is no longer acceptable to put your health and wellbeing at risk for a deadline. Similarly, it is no longer acceptable to justify putting something “bad” in the game for a deadline, either, which I feel I’ve been guilty of doing.

In a similar vein, “quests” are no longer going to be our benchmark for progress. All progress is good progress, and even if we publish an update exclusively of, say, sex scenes and bug fixes, that still counts. So there is a possibility that you might get an update of nothing but new sex scenes, or dialogue, or other side content.

I’m not going to lie, this is going to delay the end of HC and the start of ILTSDK. But that’s okay- Harem Collector brought this community together and helped us get to where we are. HC and HC fans deserve better than for us to rush through the ending just to satisfy an arbitrary deadline I set a year ago.

And to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t be comfortable making these changes except for how fantastic our community has been throughout this whole odyssey. You guys have been great, and I hope everyone will keep in mind that I’m doing what I feel is best for not only the team but for the quality of the game overall.

There may be more changes coming as we go, but the benefit of being small and scrappy like we are is that the whole team can adapt and overcome any challenge that comes our way. Thank you for believing in us, and I’ll do my level best to make sure that your faith does not go unrewarded.

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