Unity Force Redux

One week until the Backer release! Exciting, right?

The big change I’m most excited about is the redesign of the Hero’s Unity Force skill. It’s gone through over a almost-complete overhaul, not quite a ground-up redesign but it’s pretty close.

Unity Force is still a buff skill. Now, it provides a +10% bonus to thee six core stats- Attack, Defense, Magic, Resist, Agility and Luck. Additionally, all your harem girls get an additional +10% buffs to two stats that are important to their party role- Elaiya getting a boost to Attack and Agility, for example. The two buffs are additive, adding up to a total +22% bonus. Oh, and there’s no duration- the buff lasts until the end of combat. Pretty great, right? That’s not even the cool part.

Every harem girl also has a special team-up skill that allows them to work with the Hero to unleash their true power. Kyrie, for example, deals Acid damage to the entire enemy party while simultaneously casting Ice Armor on herself and the Hero. Each girl has a unique skill, so feel free to try them all out and see what they do!

That’s all for now! Backers, remember to get the new release next week! And everyone else, please come back in two weeks for the public release!

A Wild Conash Appears! What do you do?

Hey everyone, Conash here! One of the perks of being part time code monkey/community manager is that you guys will get to hear me yammer on here every now and then, haha! Anyways, I’d like to start off by saying thanks to everyone who’s wished me congradulations on my promotion, it does mean a lot, and those of you who didn’t get a chance to tell me to my face? Thanks to you too, it’s the thought that matters afterall!

Anyways, I guess I should probably tell you guys some of what I’ll be doing around here now, huh? Well, it’d probably be best to start off with my community manager duties since that’s what you’ll all probably be seeing me doing more directly! First off, I’m in charge of running and maintaining a few expansions to the community that we’ve got going on, including the new Bad Kitty Games subreddit, Harem Collector facebook page, and Bad Kitty Games discord chat! I’ll be regularly checking these pages and using them to help keep users informed about what’s going on in regards to the games, forums, or just helping to foster the BKG community in general. I intend to give other users the same general freedom they can expect on the forums or wiki so don’t be shy to say hello! Next, I’m going to be doing my best to keep the wiki up to date, we had fallen behind in more recent times, though I would like to take a moment to give a shoutout to Caymerra, Shadowblack, and DemitriVritra for each helping get the wiki back up to date, accurate, and keeping an eye out for future updates, it wasn’t easy getting the wiki back up to date after all these months that I had fallen behind, but you each helped tremendously to get it to the point that it’s at now, so thank you! As well, you forum go-ers have probably noticed that I’ve have joined the blue/red forces in their valiant struggle against spammers, oh and I guess now running stuff like the monthly poll and all that, but details! Anyways, I’ve also got a few different potential future projects in mind but we’re going to see how that stuff all pans out before I start getting overwhelmed or something haha!

As for my code monkey duties, NoMoshing and I have talked about a few projects, some of which I’ve gotten done rather rapidly as I’m sure the testers could tell you, but I’d rather not spoil details on that stuff too much. Needless to say, we have plans to try to make your Harem collecting experience a lot smoother, and that’s just the start of things! While I might be willing to divulge certain details if relevant conversation comes up, I do intend on keeping what I talk about in this regards rather controlled, but you’re always free to try to get a sneak peak or two out of me on the forums! Anyways, I think that I’ve probably taken up enough of you guys’ time rambling about this and that, so see ya and happy fapping!

(Note from NoMoshing: Backers! Don’t forget about the Backer Devstream this Saturday!)

I Live Once More! (Also, New Staff!)

Been feeling much better as of late. Last week was rough.

Anyway, this week we welcomed a new member onto the Bad Kitty Games team. Conash, longtime administrator of the Harem Collector wiki, has been helping me with some code for the game for awhile now, and so this week we made it official. Conash is now the part-time coder, part-time community manager for Bad Kitty Games, and from time to time will even be contributing to this here blog when I’m busy with other stuff.

That’s basically it. I’m all caught up with backer stuff, just have to do November’s schedule and get ready for the release at the end of the month!

Sick for Days

Hey, sorry I missed a bunch of deadlines and such, but I have a pretty brutal flu or… something. It’s very hard to focus.

So yeah, check back later.


Sorry for not posting yesterday! I must have lost track of time. I left the house early to meet up with friends and make the long-ass trek to the closest Games Workshop store. Didn’t get back until after 4PM, at which time I was too exhausted to do any work, and to blog post kind of fell through the cracks. Trying to catch up a bit today, though.

Other than that there’s no much to say. Still quietly making progress. $10+ backers will get the mini-update next week, which will have the completed quest for them to try. Also posted a quick series of updates on Twitter on Tuesday. Really hoping the Doralice pics get done by the last Backer stream of the month so I can show them off a little. That’s about it.

Goals for November Release

Oh man I’m so tired today. Last night was really the first time since getting the CPAP machine that I had a really rotten time trying to sleep. I’m feeling pretty good right now, so hopefully this is relatively coherent.

My plan for the next release is to get done the Harem Drama quest that’s been on the backburner since July, but that’s the only major content push. I’m going to be working on bug fixes every day, I know it’s pretty out of control with the bugs at this point and that needs addressing. I want to do another push on dialogue for chat options and party banters. I also want to fill maps and have less empty doorways and such.

One things that I want to do very badly is get the Plus Backer NPCs done, but that’s involved a lot more work than I expected and I’ll probably need to bring DrawingNeko in on it. Maybe I’ll have something roughed in, maybe not, but I do promise I’ll have some level of update every month for that, even if it’s just written dialogue.

On to staff contributions!
DrawingNeko will have two scenes, maybe three, ready for the next release. Right now she’s doing art for the Doralice scenes (which are three scenes, I know, but they’re really small and similar), following that will be a brand new random scene starring Kyrie.
The reason why GusBus has kind of dropped off in terms of contributions is because her computer basically blew up, she’s struggling to recover files from her old hard drive, and her laptop isn’t quite up to the task of running photoshop and a tablet.
PeaSea is getting back up to speed after moving, obviously he contributed to the September release and I expect will probably have two or three tracks for next time.

That’s it for now! Thanks for following along, and happy fapping!