Harem Collector v0.23 Release!

Hey everyone! It’s finally here! And with a real grown-up version number!

Get it here!

Changes in this version:
-Therese’s Love Quest is in! I understand that it’s not quite possible to get Therese to 101 Relationship naturally yet, so you can enter the code “witenite” into the console or the code machine to boost Therese’s Relationship to 100 in order to access this quest.
-Of course, can’t have a love quest without some lovin’! A new sex scene with Therese is available, featuring art from team newcomer DrawingNeko! Enjoy!
-Achievements are in! It’s still needs work (the achievement menu selection was buggy as fuck so I disabled it until I can work on it) but there are some achievements available, and much more to come later.
-A new piece of music from Peasea plays in the Westcastle Noble’s District.
-Added Vlue’s Basic Options Menu and Basic Window Resizer, for your convenience.
-Several bugs and spelling errors were fixed.

Backer Release

Backer, start your engines. Or… your dicks? Your keyboards? Whatever it is that you’re going to start, start it. Backer release should be up within the hour.

Backer Public Stream

Just a real quick reminder that this weekend is the public stream on Saturday! Starting at 3pm EDT I’ll be playing Higurashi: When They Cry for an hour and then at 4pm I’ll begin working a the game with a focus on bug fixing. So if there’s anything you want me to specifically look at, please bring it along! Not the most exciting thing to be doing, but there will be all the usual shenanigans and whatnot.

Find the Devstream here!


After all the problems that have been occurring in the past month or two, this week has been surprisingly smooth. I’ve gotten a lot done, and that’s been reflected in the number of silent streams I’ve been able to do. Monday and Tuesday this week I’ve been playing music and working on in-game achievements, without the mic on, for whoever happens to see my alerts and find the time to join me. The silent streams are much less interactive than the regular devstreams, but it’s pretty chill and nice to chat with some of you guys. If you want to receive word of when I’m streaming, please either follow me on Twitter or on Picarto!

Things are on track for the release, with only the week delay that I announced at the beginning of the month. Like I mentioned above, there are achievements in the game now (though I’m having a bit of trouble with the achievement tracking script, I might have to release with achievements enabled but no way to track them), plus Therese’s love quest, plus the first 2D sex scene from new team member DrawingNeko! It’ll be a pretty exciting release, so please stay tuned.

Back in Session

Just a quick update today.

Backers- Expect the mini-release by the end of the week.

The next set of CGs from DrawingNeko will be the ones for the three Doralice scenes. I’m hoping they will done in time for the public release.

Expect the main page schedule to be updated by the end of the day.

If you haven’t voted on the Halloween Pin-up Poll please do so on the forums.

Also, I finally got my business license back up on the wall! I feel a little more motivated now!

Summertime Curse

So, the usual summertime curse is in full swing.

Late last week my internet started cutting out randomly. Three services calls Friday night, exchanging the modem Saturday morning, and then another service call Sunday… it’s been a nightmare. On top of this, I’ve been avoiding having to work directly on HC for fear of having a syncing issue like I did last summer, and losing a bunch of work. And then today, the service provider did some more stuff remotely and then refused to send a tech. So frustrating.

Hopefully things work now, but I lost a whole bunch of time. I wasn’t lazy during this whole experience (my paperwork is all filed, I’m caught up on art assets, and the office almost looks clean) but I lost a bunch of time. Because of this, I’m pushing back the mini-release a week. Other than an incomplete dungeon, the only significant change in the game right now is the addition of an options menu, and it just doesn’t feel right to post a mini-release under those circumstances.

Please remember! Tomorrow is the start of the Halloween Pin-up Poll! So please remember to log on to the Bad Kitty Games forum to cast your vote on who will be featured in this year’s art! The poll should be up around midnight tonight.

Figma Harem Update!

Note: Sorry for the late post, but yesterday I couldn’t find the camera!

Getting back on the horse has been a little rocky this week. It took me a whole day to catch up on emails and messages! But I think I’ll still be able to meet my own expectations for the next update. The big thing I want is to have the quest I started in June ready for the backer mini-update next week, and that’s more or less on track. I still have to clean up the new generic paladin faces, though- maybe I’ll stream that tomorrow?

Anyway, on the thing that you guys have no doubt been on the edge of your seat for. /sarcasm


There they all are. Yuuki will be along sometime in November, so I suppose I owe it to the collection to pick up an Asuna at some point. It’s not that I hate Asuna, I just thought that up until Mother’s Rosario she had some really bad characterization decay. Fortunately, my local comic shop has a fairy-type Asuna collecting dust on a shelf, so it’s just a matter of heading down there. It’ll have to wait though- now that I have Fire Emblem Conquest all my spending money is going towards buying the relevant amiibo next month.


Here’s the newest member of the harem, Kuroneko from Oreimo, that some of you might have seen from my Twitter. I was so surprised to see she had come down in price on Amazon, the older figmas tend to be at least three digits.


You may recall me talking about Tsuruya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya a few months back, well, here she is. I kind of feel bad for her- a third of her accessories and options are for facilitating a head swap with one of the Mikuru Figmas so you can have Mikuru in a waitress/maid outfit.


I don’t remember if she was in the last update for not, but here’s Rin from Fate/Stay Night. There’s not a lot I can do with her pose, though. Her, Shinon and Kenshin are in the same boat where they have all action-oriented accessories, so if you want to do cute poses you’re limited in your options.

At this point, I’ve collected most of the Figmas I want from the back uncatalogued. I do want to get the rest of the Suzumiya cast, but they’re all in the three digit range it seems (or at least the ones I want…). Ayase Aragaki, who will round out my Oreimo figma trifecta, will probably stay fairly cheap and maybe I can look at getting her in the new year. She’s a side character, after all. The Lucina reissue should be hitting the secondary market by September, so I might pick one up depending how the FE amiibo situation is. Labyrs from Persona 4: Arena remains as the holy grail… she was a limited release and goes for upwards of $200 on the secondary market.

Thanks for letting me fanwank about all my toys! I hope that if you care about the Figma harem, this was a good update, and if you don’t care, I hope reading through wasn’t too painful for you!


Hey, sorry about the late blog post this week. I was in a pretty deep funk this week, and Wednesday was absolutely a nadir. I was feeling so shitty that morning, there was nothing to do but just wait for it to pass. Fortunately, one of the advantages of dysthymia over regular ol’ depression is that you can just huddle up and wait for it to pass. It only takes a few days, although this week was the worst it’s been for awhile.

I think it had properly started on Sunday, which is why I was so grumpy and ornery during the backer devstream. So, sorry for that.

One good thing about this is that I’m getting caught up on chores. Simple tasks help me get through these things, so when I get depressed things tend to get clean, which helps alleviate the gloomy atmosphere, and feeling that I’ve accomplished something helps me deal. The garden is weeded, the floors are clean, the expenses are filed, and the bathroom is spotless.

Anyway, not looking for a hugbox or anything, just being real about why I’ve been incommunicado all week.

Art for Patrons!

Been stressed all week, and it kind of feels like things are getting away from me despite my best efforts. It’s not affecting the game overmuch, but I’m going into my tabletop game tonight with no notes beyond unused material from last week….

Anyway, the first art preview is out for $25+ patrons, so please check it out when you have time!

Harem Collector August 2016 Public Release

Get it at the usual place!

Changes in this version:
-There is one new quest! A butler should be waiting outside your Northmarket manor to get it started, once you’re completed the Manor Assault and achieved Journeyman rank.
-There is now a “New Game + Fairy” in your Northmarket bedroom who will happily reset the game for you, leaving your inventory, level and money intact.
-New banters featuring Meline x Chimei,
-Implemented some generic catfolk sprites and faces.
-Doll can now equip Orbs.
-Doll and Chimei now learn new Evocations from some Orbs, particularly the non-generic ones.
-Chimei no longer learns Cold-elemental Evocations. Instead, she learns Sonic-elemental ones. Also, the levels at which she learns new Evocations have been shuffled.
-”Rage” skills no longer count as Evocations, instead they now have their own category. This means that Rages are no longer blocked by Deafness. The same goes for enemy rages, by the way, so be careful.
-A whole bunch of enemy skills are now considered Spells rather than Techniques.
-The Staggered state now drains 2 Momentum per turn it’s in effect.

If you’re a backer who is upgrading from the backer release- I focused on bug fixes and polishing up the new quest. In particular, there is actually text for the new sex scenes, a new sprite for Nick and new sprites and a face set for Doralice.