Really ran up the deadline on this one. Backers should be getting their release shortly, just compressing the game now. It’s not technically on the 27th, but hey, it’s close.
I’ve got to stop doing this to myself….
Really ran up the deadline on this one. Backers should be getting their release shortly, just compressing the game now. It’s not technically on the 27th, but hey, it’s close.
I’ve got to stop doing this to myself….
Hey, still working on the next update, just wanted every to know the revised backer tiers are out on the Bad Kitty Games Patreon page. Things are condensed down, the tiers in general have more benefits, and the top couple of tiers have been eliminated, so if you’re a backer please double-check your tier to ensure that you’re getting the rewards your want. Particularly if you were pledged at the $60 tier before- it seems that your pledge has been eliminated entirely so if you want to continue to benefit you’ll need to re-make your pledge.
Please ask your questions in the comments, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Aah, this month’s update just isn’t coming together at all.
It *might* be delayed, we’ll see. The big problem is the Honey Trap quest… well, I’ll go into specifics if I have to announce a delay. For now, focus!
Oh man it’s been busy lately….
Nekochan and I were at BBQs all last weekend, and I was pretty hung over on Sunday. Nothing like a national holiday for poisoning yourself, setting fire to things, and playing with explosives! Still, got to see some old friends, and I earned four badges on Untappd.
There is, of course, doing “payroll” and paying bills and whatnot. Thanks for your support, Patrons! I guess I must be growing up, because I get a strange sense of satisfaction from being responsible with payroll and taking care of bills. It’s like, “Alright, successfully adulted for another month!”
I’m also thinking about rejiggering the Patreon tiers again. The lower tiers (ie, all but three of the Patrons) won’t change at all, but since nobody’s interested in the higher tiers it’s time for a change. The major draws (Nekochan’s artwork, free merch) aren’t working out, but I have no idea what else could work for a monthly reward. Custom sex scenes and the like are fine, but I can’t be repeating them every month. If anybody wants to share ideas that other successful Patreon campaigns use, or even if you have your own ideas, please feel free to share. Of course, all promised patron rewards will be honoured up until the change.
I’ve also started actively searching for hentai artists to contribute to the game. If you know anyone who does hentai art by commission (or you do hentai art yourself) please let me know! Hopefully soon we’ll be able to get the HCGs back on track!
So the July schedule is up on the main page, and due to being busy almost every Saturday the Backer devstream is instead going to be on a Sunday again, July the 10th. Sorry for any inconvenience! If it’s any consolation, I’m only drinking heavily two out of the four Saturdays. That’s probably not a consolation, actually… shit.
Anyway, moving on, the public Devstream will be on July 30th, starting at 3 and going until 6. The reason why the extra hour is because by popular(?) request I will be playing Higurashi When They Cry Ch. 1 for an hour before the devstream proper. Feel free to give it a pass and show up at 4 for the usual devstream antics- I honestly don’t really know why people want me to stream games but whatever.
There will be a game update as well, of course, with a good mix of mechnical updates, dialogue and new quests.
So yeah, that’s it! Thanks for playing!
So, for most of the past week, I’ve fallen hard for Valkyria Chronicles. You ever just end up really addicted to a game, to the point where you keep thinking about it even when you’re supposed to do something else? Doesn’t have to be a game, either- I remember once pulling an all-nighter because a friend demanded that I try the Harry Potter novels. Anyway, I managed to beat VC just last night, and I’ve put it away, but damn.
Anyway, it was a huge distraction this past week. I’m going to work hard today putting everything together for the backer update- it just needs some connective tissue to pull everything together- so hopefully it won’t suck.
Not a lot going on this week, just a reminder that the June public devstream is this week! This Saturday, June 18th, at 4pm EDT, I will be designing the newest dungeon using fan suggestions, so please feel free to come out and participate!
You can find the Bad Kitty Games channel here.
I didn’t expect to be doing this so soon. When some people expressed interest in me doing a blog post about my rare game collection, I figured it’d be happening a few months down the line when I have nothing to say. But, other than new art assets I’ve been working on, I really don’t have anything to write about today… so here we are. Apologies if this is the sort of self-indulgent thing that makes you roll your eyes, but I’m actually pretty proud of my game collection so far.
So, with that in mind please indulge me.
Sorry for the blurriness, for some reason I can’t find my digicam anywhere and had to take all of these using my cell…. Anyway, this is our primary game cabinet. We currently own 475 games and our collection is valued at over $5000 USD. I like going to flea markets, pawn shops, and conventions looking for treasures, and we’re fortunate to live within easy travel distance of seven game resellers, a couple of which are really good.
This is our entertainment center, where all our currently “on deck” games sit, including our entire collection of handheld games. You can also see some of the consoles we’re currently using.
I know that 475 isn’t a massive collection by many standards, but we try to keep things focused on games we would actually play. This leads to weird situations like us treasuring bargain bin games like Alpha Protocol and Shadow Madness, but I don’t have a lot of interest in a game like Hagane or Intelligent Qube.
In our living room there’s a glass case that contains the “crown jewels” of our collection, plus a few other odds and ends (in this pic you can see a reproduction “shield key” from RE1, some very not valuable collector’s editions, some RWBY statuettes and Nekochan’s ammonite fossils- the bottom two shelves hold my Amiibo collection). This is why I (ironically) don’t play a lot of PC games, by the way. PC games don’t hold a lot of the same value (hell, digital games are effectively valueless), and besides I just like the feeling of being able to survey and obsess over my collection, holding them in my hands, organizing them, etc.
Front and center are these beauties that I bought just last January. I haven’t played any of Eternal Blue yet, and I was about halfway through Silver Star Story when my memory card got corrupted. 🙁
The FF3 here is actually Nekochan’s original from childhood. The CIB FF2 was a lucky find I bought for her birthday ages ago.
Terra and Celes still have got to be two of my favourite game protagonists.
Chrono Trigger, as you may recall, is our agreed-on greatest game of all time, so of course we’ve got to have it CIB. This copy is also Nekochan’s from the ancient past. My mom was kind of a bitch about video games and forced me to sell my previous consoles and games whenever I upgraded. When I bought an N64 (with my own paper route money, may I add) I was forced to sell my entire collection to my little sister for $50, which included not only my own copies of FF3 and CT, but also gems like Donkey Kong Country and Mario Paint that I have yet to replace.
CIB Star Fox isn’t particularly valuable, but it gets pride of place for personal reasons. Ask Nekochan about it sometime if you’re interested.
Rounding out our SNES gems are Lufia II and Earthbound, which are both really valuable as carts alone. They’re both relatively recent purchases, too- I picked up Lufia II after seeing it had jumped in price a few months back, and we picked up Earthbound at a convention just last year.
I used to love StarTropics as a kid, and finding it CIB (yes, including that fucking letter) at a flea market last fall was a really nice surprise. It was a real trip opening it up and finding the ad insert for Nintendo Power!
The Ghostbusters Video Game is a great example of trash that I love. It’s worth around $25, probably closer to $40 with the signature, but I love the experience of playing it- total nostalgia crack and I don’t even care. The autograph, in case you can’t make it out, is from Winston Zeddemore actor Ernie Hudson. I wanted to try and get the entire team, but unfortunately that’s impossible now (as if Bill Murray’s general weirdness didn’t make it nigh-impossible before Harold Ramis’ death, but I digress).
This is currently our greatest treasure, which was a huge shock to me. After RPGs, Survival Horror is my next-favourite genre, and I had picked up Rule of Rose ages ago because it was a seriously creepy game, but after awhile it seemed that I was the only person who knew anything about it. When I first began cataloging our game collection and taking it seriously, I was pleasantly surprised that RoR was valued at around $90- a respectable number, considering that many “rare” games don’t even resell for what they cost new at release. I figured that me and a handful other collectors knew about RoR, and that was it.
I was literally sitting at home the day Nekochan and I were leaving on vacation a few weeks ago, waiting for Nekochan to get back from a mani-pedi appointment so we could depart, and a video about the most valuable PS2 games happened to be in my feed. I gave it a watch, happily noting the Nekochan and I owned over half the list, but seeing RoR at number one made my jaw drop. Since the last time I valued it, there has been a massive FNAF-fuelled resurgence in the Survival Horror genre, Cryaotic and Best Friends Play have done LPs, and the increased demand drove the price to around $300. It’s been in the cabinet ever since.
Anyway, that’s it for my games collection for now. If you want to know more, drop me a comment, but please understand that my collection is not for sale. I’d be interested in hearing if there are any other collectors in the HC fanbase!
So, lots of stuff wrapped up/happened this week. Here’s the rundown:
First, there is now a version 3 that fixes many of the bugs and problems that folks were complaining about last week. IF you’re having trouble with the current release, please be sure to upgrade. (okay, version 4 for you fussy types that demand things like “defeating enemies should give you exp”)
Second of all, the first ever winner of the Iron Waifu Grand Tournament is… Therese! After a month of voting, the people have spoken and the number one harem girl is none other than the first party member you receive in HC. Expect the September update to be Therese-themed, featuring her love quest, a more in-depth examination of the Paladin Orders, and some other stuff I’ll come up with later. I’m also swearing off other “popularity contest” polls from now on, so hopefully I don’t end up in a pinch for topics.
In case you didn’t catch it elsewhere, the backer Devstream will be June 11th from 4-6 EDT, and the public Devstream will be June 25th from 4-6 EDT. I don’t know what topics will be explored, but odds are good that the June 11th stream will involve at least some dungeon design. As always, bring your questions for the Q&A period of each stream, Backers get spoilers but the public does not.
There is now an FAQ for questions I’m tired of answering or that I think people would want for easy reference, which you can access without a BKG forums account. Also, on the blog, I’ve changed to manually approving every comment because I’m not receiving email notification of auto-approved comments anymore and probably missing a lot of stuff. I’ll do my best to check for new comments daily!
I had a pretty good vacation last weekend, where Nekochan and I left to attend an anime convention being held in our area. We had a lot of fun- I picked up some semi-rare games (Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth for Xbox, Faxanadu complete-in-box for NES, Nekochan got Trails in the Sky Premium Edition for PSP), placed second in a Tanto Cuore tournament, tried some interesting new indy games (would absolutely recommend checking out Chronoclysm), got my ass handed to me in a Pokemon event….
It’s weird how taking days off because I’m stressed doesn’t help me relax nearly as much as a planned vacation, especially one as physically demanding as attending a crowded convention in the middle of a heat wave. I even got heat exhaustion one day, almost threw up in the charity silent auction room, and had to take the rest of that day off. But ever since getting home, I feel totally refreshed and have been getting a lot done on the game.
Funny story, when Nekochan first got the TitS Premium Edition box, she rattled it to make sure that the pin that comes with it was still in there. However, when we finally sat down and she had an opportunity to pull the game apart and have a look at everything, it turned out the pin was missing- that rattle was a disc-only copy of PSP Generation of Chaos stuffed into the same box. We kind of strugged it off- the value of GoC is enough to offset the loss from having an incomplete TitS- but it was just kind of funny that the original seller and the used games reseller never bothered to check what was in the box.
Would you guys be interested in hearing about my game collection on a slow news week? I’ve got nearly 500 games, including some pretty rare ones. I’m pretty proud of my collection. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Until next week, take it easy and happy fapping!
Big update, this time. Enjoy it!
EDIT: V2 is up, ensuring that the Elf Village Elder will no longer trap you in an infinite loop of thinking about the future.
Changes in this version:
-There is a new quest in the Elf Village, including a new player home! Speak to the elf messenger in any one your manors (or waiting outside the gates to the Eastfort Military District)
-Added three tournaments at the Westcastle arena! Check out the letter that spawns in the Northmarket manor’s bedroom to kick off those quest(s).
-The Fast Travel _Horse_ has been temporarily changed to Fast Travel _Horses_. I do have a solution for all the horse-related issues, it’s simply a matter of learning some code I’m not familiar with, so in the meantime you have multiple horses because getting to the new player housing in a total PITA without them.
-Nerys has been implemented and is interactable.
-Eulania now has more dialogue and is more interactable.
-Added banters for Yeon + Raina.
-Pin, Web, Grab and Rooted have been folded into the same debuff: Pin. The new Pin acts like the old Grab (reduces Evade and Critical resistance to 0, 95% reduction to Agility), last for 2-3 turns, with an added +20% vulnerability to Knockdown, Stun and Stagger. Particularly strong or tough enemies will have resistance to Pin. This change affects the following items/abilities/equipment/characters:
-The Defend action now makes you immune to Stun, Pin, Stagger, Daze, Knockdown, and Shaken.
-Body-oriented status healers now cure Bleed.
-Skills learned from Brigandine can now only be used while Hero wields his sword.
-Bronwyn, Elaiya, Gargan, and Yamamaya have had their natural evasion rates increased.
-Bronwyn, Elaiya, Felix, and Ino (if you have the Christmas 2014 bonus) now deal Projectile damage with their normal attacks.
-Yamamaya’s hit rate has increased.
-Elaiya’s Headshot skill has been reduced to 12 Momentum.
-Kyrie now learns “Coldsnap” at level 19, which is a spell that makes an enemy vulnerable to cold.
-Kyrie’s Ice Armor no longer lasts for five turns. Instead, it has an indefinite duration, with a 10% chance of shattering every time Kyrie receives damage.
-Yamamaya’s rages have been reconfigured:
-Grenados, Dragon’s Eggs and Nail Bombs now deal Projectile damage.
-The Tomahawk Throw, Pinning Arrow, Steel Punch Arrow, and Barbed Arrow skills now deal Projectile damage.
-Enemies that normally use spells exclusively will default to basic attacks when Deafened or out of Mana.
-Enemies with the Takeoff skill now have a 33% chance to be knocked out of the air when damaged. Unless they’re large enemies (ie, dragons), in which case your attack have no affect on their flight.
-The Lesser Red Dragon should no longer be able to use Takeoff when already in flight.
-Pyrobrews now inflict the Burned status.
-All Animals and Birds (but not Magical Beasts) now panic when they receive fire damage.
-All damage-over-time debuffs now have indicators when they are still in effect and when they lapse.