A Few Brief Words

Not a whole lot today. I have a copy of the game out to testers, although I’m a day or two behind finishing the tournament content. Unfortunately, something came up and I was unable to finish up today, but if I make some time on the weekend I should able to catch up just fine.

As for the new content, there will be three tournaments available in the new content. There are five tournaments overall, but one is supposed to be postgame content, and the other needs to be balanced for Level 30, which is impossible at the moment since the game tops out in the mid-twenties. Still, the working parts of those tournaments will be in the game data but dummied out, awaiting only for statistics and enemy behaviour before being added.

Anyway, that’s all for now!

Backer Devstream and Iron Waifu!

So if you’re a Backer, the Backer Devstream is this Sunday! The secret private devstream link is on the Patreon page, the special backer’s subforum on the BKG site, and if you’re an old-timey Paypal backer, you’ll be finding it in your inbox. Eventually. Dreamhost only lets me send 100 emails per hour as an anti-spam measure, and there’s nearly 400 of you guys, so it’ll take awhile.

Also, even if you’re not a backer please take the time to check out the Bad Kitty Games forum this month as we’re doing something of a character popularity contest. I know that I do a lot of character polls whenever I can’t think of a more interesting things to poll about, but this month it’s serious- a single-elimination tournament featuring almost all of the female characters in the game to determine who will crowned the IRON WAIFU. Whichever character wins will receive a special themed update later this summer, with featured quests, redesigns, extra sex scenes, and a whole lot more being possible.

Anyway, as always thanks for your attention and May the Fourth be with you!

One Thousand Cuts

Jeez, what a week.
I spent all of Monday getting tax stuff done. About 90% of my taxes are finished except for figuring in a handful more deductions. I wanted to have it all out of the way so I could focus the rest of the week on gamedev, but no luck. I am sufficiently frustrated that my goal is now to find an accountant so I don’t have to deal with this shitshow next year. On top of that, what should have been a half-hour-long appointment yesterday somehow ballooned to five hours.  On top of that, I’m having trouble sleeping again, this time due to the fact that allergies + CPAP means that I frequently wake up gasping and choking on the very air that is being forced into my body to help me. But hey, I try to keep perspective on allergy season- at least the sun is shining and the weather is getting better.
None of this, by the way, is disastrous. A couple days’ delay when I was already pleased with progress and/or ahead of the game is far from terrible. It’s just another thing.
Anyway, the other thing that has happened this week is that I received yet another long, ranty email about how I’m a cancer in the body of the human race for daring to make wank material of something not approved by the Social Sensitivity Control Board (We put the cult in culture!). I haven’t received any of these emails for awhile, so in a way it was kind of a relief- I’m still relevant enough for anonymous harassment! Yay!
If I can rant a little here, it bothers me when people react this way to Harem Collector. I personally don’t feel that authorial intent is very important, but I feel that if you play Harem Collector and come to the conclusion that it’s sexist and promotes violence and hate against women, I don’t think you’ve played it enough or really paid much attention to what’s going on in the game. Or, potentially, that I’m terrible at communicating my ideas, but whether or not that’s true is outside my ability to evaluate.
One comment that still sticks in my craw is one from some blog I read last year where one individual said that Harem Collector was more sexist than Overwhored. Now, I love Overwhored and Cypress is my bro, and I’m not saying that OW is a bad game, or even that OW is a good game is spite of this, but I cannot fathom how you could play both games and come to the conclusion that HC is more sexist than a game literally about removing agency from a whole pile of female characters.
I’m not going to claim that Harem Collector treats it’s female characters perfectly- it is porn, after all, and if you think there’s such a thing as pornography that doesn’t objectify something then you’re an idiot- or that it secretly has some deeper, hidden meaning that makes it a grand work of art. But I have put something there to be interpreted if you’re of that mindset, and it really hurts to be dismissed as sexist when I feel I’ve hard to be fair to the female character in HC despite the non-consent content.
Sorry for ranting. I’m sure precisely zero of the people who read this blog are the kind of people my ire is directed, so this is only worthwhile in that it allows me to vent my frustrations. But if you’d like to share what Harem Collector means to you, I’d be interested in hearing it- please share in the comments or on the forum thread as you see fit.

Lazy Day

Jeez I’m feeling lazy today. I’m actually getting into gardening of all things- now that I live in a place that I can actually take responsibility for I’m surprisingly invested in how it looks and the general quality of the environment. The tenants of the previous owner obviously did not give a shit, as the deck was rotting in a bunch of places, the paints was stripped, the siding was damaged, etc. Besides, cleaning up the backyard will prevent that whole “spider-haunted jungle” thing I spoke about last summer. Thus, much of my spare time has gone into weeding, removing creeping, trimming bushes and trees, and other such things.
On top of that, there’s also game development and taxes! So I’m having a bit of a lazy morning, but I’ll hunker down and get some game dev done this afternoon.
As for updates: Things are proceeding smoothly. I’ve had a small speed bump because I had to redo enemy encounters in the newest quest twice, the first time because I accidentally mistook the quest-specific enemies for the recurring enemies, the second because I messed up the chase script. But things are looking good, and the quest is almost 100% done and finishing the arena battles shouldn’t take long after that. I’ll probably be done all this with plenty of time to spare, but May promises to be a busy month. I’ll probably spend the rest of the time doing something time-intensive but not demanding in terms of milestones, like chat dialogues or putting more on demand sex scenes in the replay menu.

I’m still figuring out the devstream details, but the May release schedule is:
Backer Release- May 18th
Public Release- May 25th

So, look forward to it!

Edit: Was able to confirm devstream details!

Backer Devstream: May 8th, 12-2pm EDT
Public Devstream: May 21st, 12-2pm EDT

Public Devstream Details + More!

Just a reminder that the public devstream is this Saturday, from 4-6pm EDT. I will be showing off some of the new assets from the team, I’ll be answering questions, showing how I work, and together we’ll be creating enemies for the various tournaments that the Hero will periodically be invited to! Note that you only need to register in order to participate in the chat, if you just want to watch you’re welcome to just watch.

Devstream is here!

Other than that, I’ve been sidetracked lately by tax season and I’m not as far along as I’d hoped. I should be able to catch up if I put my nose to the grindstone, though. For the next update, right now I’m looking at +1 quest, +1 harem girl, at least 4/5 tournaments (still deciding if I want to hold off on the last tourney for postgame content) and a bunch more chat dialogue and such. I’ve also been tweaking the mechanics a whole bunch, hopefully it’ll all work out.

Anyway, have a great week everyone, and I hope to see you all on Saturday!


Public Devstream Announcement!

I had a really great time doing the Patron devstream. It really got me energized, and so I put my nose to the grindstone and finished the dungeon over the course of the weekend. I should have a ribbon on that entire quest by the end of the week. I have a good feeling about the May update.

Anyway, because the Patron stream was such a good time, I’m happy to announce that next time, everyone is invited. On April 16th, from 4pm-6pm EDT, the Harem Collector Devstream will be open to the public. Anyone can join, backers and casual fans alike. Further, the second Devstream every month will always be open to the public from now on. Details will be available in next week’s blog post.

As for game progress, there are two other things I’m currently working on. One, which will probably be the subject of next weekend’s stream, is that I’m finally implementing the other arena tournaments. That’s proved to be difficult, because back-ending all the other arena stuff to “Hour of the Beasts” has proved to be a pain in the ass. Once I’ve got that cleaned up, though, it’ll be fun to sit down with everyone and come up with some arena competitors.

The other thing is that I’m sitting down to examine all the enemy types and elements, determining their usefulness. I’m not going to making things too much harder, I’m mostly interested in making sure all the elements are equally useful, which will probably entail adding weaknesses, if anything. Also, making sure that all the status effect strength/weakness/immunities are all copacetic. The enemy types don’t need to be balanced against each other, obviously.

Anyway, that’s all for now! I’ve got some camgirls to exploit for wardrobe tokens….

Devstream this Saturday!

Sorry for the late post. I’ve spent most of my morning getting everything set up for my first-ever livestreamed game dev session this Saturday. All backers/Patrons are invited to participate, and details will be made available to you before the end of the day.

Hopefully everything goes swimmingly! I’m a little nervous, partly because I don’t have a very good “broadcast voice” and party because I’m expecting all the technical problems to happen simultaneously.

Taxes and emails have been taking up all my time this week. I’m clearing out my inbox and various archives in preparation for the new website (which I know I’ve been talking about for forever but is getting pretty close to done). Also getting all my expenses sorted out for tax time.

However, I was able to spend some dev time adding some new stuff to the world map in preparation for the new quests. I also played around with status effects some- Pinned, Webbed, Grabbed, and Rooted have now been collapsed into a single effect, which no longer causes the target to lose an action but does reduce their Evasion to 0 as well as some other stuff. Bronwyn will be slightly less broken useful, but I think overall the change is a positive one.

Incidentally, I’ve been so busy this past week that I haven’t been able to plan anything for April Fool’s Day. Seriously. Of well.

That’s all for now! I hope you all have a very good week and maybe I’ll see some of you on Saturday!

Harem Collector March 2016 Public Release

Get it at the usual place!

New in this version:

-Three new enemy types appear in random daily quests- test your skill against Vampires, Werewolves, and Rogue Golems!

-Eastfort Nonhumans District has more stuff to see!

-The Dark Mine should no longer cause your game to crash.

-New sex scene starring Florine!

-The new chat system has been properly connected up to Elaiya. She will now comment on ten of the quests (with occasional changes depending on whether or not she was present), discuss fourteen of the Hero’s followers, occasionally ask for the Hero’s opinion, remind him to visit Shally if she has a quest for him, and more! Only 2/3rds of her chat dialogues have been implemented, so expect even more next week!

Broken Chair

So, an odd kind of delay this week: my office chair broke. It’s a steel-frame chair that’s older than I am, and one of the welds finally tore on it. It’s still largely intact and mostly stable, but that means the other welds can’t be far behind.
Not a huge deal, though. Nekochan and I will pick up a replacement this weekend. Until then, I’m working from the laptop on the couch. It’s murder on my back, but I’m still getting work done.

I’m focusing on bug fixes right now. Unfortunately, because my my discomfort, I can’t do a lot of cut-and-paste work, so the full chat options for Elaiya and Florine probably won’t be implemented for the backer release later today. Once I can mouse around freely without being in pain, it’ll be priority one, and should be ready for the public release. There should also be the sex menu for Florine as well.

Not an ideal situation, but it’ll be fixed soon enough. Backers- see you later tonight for the backer release!