Plans for January

I hope everyone’s having a good holiday. A very special thank you for those who sent me gifts- that was a very nice surprise!

Anyway, it looks like all my diagnostic appointments will be done by late January. Once that’s out of the way, I’ll update you on the whole health situation and how I will adapt going forward. Hopefully it’s all good news. I’ll be done with the sleep specialist as of the end of today, so hopefully that’s all it takes.

Until this is all done, though, I’m going to take it easy. I will spend the next month focusing on dialogue and bug fixes. I’ve been neglecting bug reports somewhat lately and have a lot to catch up on, plus there’s a lot of new dialogue to write. I also have a few ideas to punch up the “chat” feature I’ll be implementing. No new quests, but if I make a significant amount of new content then I’ll provide another update for January.

As for Diadira: She’s currently stalled out on art assets. I don’t really want to add yet another empty sex scene that lacks art, and I also don’t want to add another character who has a different skin tone from her face set. Once that’s all caught up though, she’ll become priority number one.

Anyway, that’s it. Have a great rest of the holidays and I’ll talk to you again in the new year!

Harem Collector December Public Release!

Get it here!

December 2015 Changes:

-One new quest, check it out at the Westcastle Adventurer’s Guild after completing Hall Monitor from Hell.
-Speaking of which, Hall Monitor from Hell is probably fixed this time, as long as you have a save before encountering Alina and Yeon.
-If you had a problem before with the Guild rewards from Hall Monitor from Hell and Sacrifice for Algernon interacting weird, a Guild Auditor now appears in front of the Northmarket Manor to help you with that.
-Once the new quest is completed, the Golden Tomb becomes a revisitable dungeon!
-New Phantom Knight mode for the Hero, available after the new quest!
-Bronwyn has a face again!
-Alchemy is now available! Talk to Orange Kid to try it out!
-On-demand sex menu is now available for Elaiya!
-A few other new things that I can’t remember because I can’t find my notebook!

So What’s Going On With NoMoshing?

First of all: Public Release will be this Friday, the 18th.

For the past few months, I’ve felt increasingly tired over the course of the day. It has affected my work. I wake up exhausted and unable to sleep any longer. Then usually by the afternoon I’m falling asleep in my chair, and it’s hard to think let alone be creative when engulfed in a thick fog of constant exhaustion. By the time night rolls around I have trouble falling to sleep again and I toss and turn for up to an hour. I only manage half a workday at best lately, and after catching up on emails and coordinating with the rest of the team, that leaves only a couple hours of game dev. I hate this, it sucks, and I want it to stop.
Back in August, when I first noticed a change, I saw my doctor and she started putting me through a diagnostic process. I’ve seen a couple specialists by now, including that sleep study I complained about a couple weeks ago, and here’s what’s going on:
-Most likely what I’m experiencing is some form of severe sleep apnea. I’ve had the study done, they’re processing the results, and maybe I’ll end up using a CPAP machine or whatever.
-A second possibility is that I have a gastrointestinal bleed that’s constantly leaving me just a little bit short on blood. It would explain the sudden change in my sleep better than apnea, although apnea fits my symptoms better. That’s getting tested for in January.
-A remote third possibility is, well, the “big C”. It’s unlikely (there would have been a much bigger impact by now if it was, but cancer’s kind of weird and can be unpredictable) but if that is the case, they’ll see evidence when they do the gastrointestinal stuff in January.
I know the updates have kind of sucked lately, and I just wanted to share with you some details as to why.

Sleep Studies Suck

Last night I had a sleep study taken. It was a spur of the moment thing, I’ve been on a waiting list for an appointment since last August and there was finally a cancellation last night. And it was awful. I got barely any sleep, what I did get was even more fitful than normal, and I had to take the bus home with a face and head covered in electrogel bukkake goop. If you have to do one these things in the future, my advice: get a ride home and take the next day off work.

While I’m still picking away at in between naps, but that’s why there isn’t a more substantial update today.

What’s Going On

So here’s what’s going on with the next release of Harem Collector.

There will be a release in earl-to-mid December. I’m going to shoot for December 9th for backers and 16th for the public, but I make no promises. This version will contain at least the Phantom Knight quest, the alchemy system implementation, and a few other things. If I can get all the things done and there are no problems, it might be the complete release with Diadira included.

If not, I’ll do a second release, late December to early January, with just Diadira and her recruitment quest.

If it makes sense to do this going forward, I might just end up releasing new versions one quest at a time if there’s a positive response to this. If you have comments on that, please let me know!

Update, Update, Update

TL;DR Things aren’t bad, but there will still be a delay.

So, update on things going on with me: My basement was cleaned up last Friday, and things on that end were taking care of with incredible celerity. One of the benefits of home ownership: When you have a problem “ASAP” actually means “as soon as possible” and not “when the landlord has time to do it and there isn’t a hockey game on”. It didn’t end up taking much of my time, only two or three days at worst. As for the medical thing, turns out what I was expecting to be the actual thing was only a orientation/consultation session. The actual procedure will be happening in mid-to-late January. In the best case scenario, they’ll conduct the surgery for what they think my problem is right then and there, as it’s a fairly simple procedure, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to properly work after that.

However, there will still be a delay. I’ll update the homepage when I have a better idea of when things will go down, but this is definitely a case of nobody on the team is firing on all cylinders except Music Guy PeaSea. Gurotaku, Kakurine, and Gusbus have all had their own delays this month. Gurotaku is getting his ass kicked at work, and Kakurine had a death in the family, so please send them your good wishes. It’s not all doom and gloom, though- Gusbus is delayed because her boyfriend took a vacation from his job overseas and they’ve been getting reacquainted.

So it seems to me that the best thing to do is to put off the public release by a little bit, let everyone catch up (and give PeaSea extra time for more awesome music), and time the new public release to coincide with the rollout of the new Bad Kitty Games website! Plus, given the amount of new mechanics, new scenes, new harem girls and all that will be in the next release, I think a little delay to make all aspects of the game as great as possible will be well worth it to you guys.

Until next time!

I Tried To Plan Better, I Swear

So, the next release might be delayed. I’m getting really tired of saying that, but it’s part of the risk when there’s only one developer on a project. When life hands me lemons, everything else needs to stop and wait while I put the lemons in the fridge. Or something. Maybe eat them- that would certainly match my current mood.

Okay, so next week I’m losing anywhere from 1-3 work days due to a diagnostic medical procedure I’m undergoing. I don’t want to share the details, but I’ll let you all know of course if anything catastrophic occurs. I knew about this happening for quite awhile, and I was prepared to deal with it and keep development going around it.

Then, last week, the sewer in my house backed up and flooded part of our basement. Other than our Christmas and Halloween decor getting drenched in awful shit water, Nekochan and I have to deal with the smell and filth until the insurance guy gets here to take their accounting, as well as the sick cat (who bravely used her litter box despite it being on the edge of Shit Water Lake and subsequently contracted a furrier, more adorable version of Montezuma’s Revenge) and soon having a couple walls in our basement being torn up and replaced. On top of that, sometime in the next couple of weeks our water will be shut off for a day while the sewer pipe leading from our house to the main gets repaired.

So in the two weeks leading up to testing week I will have maybe six days free, period, between the medical stuff, cleaning up, dealing with the insurance guy, and abandoning the house while the toilets are unusable. If I am very, very lucky, some of this will happen concurrently, freeing up some more time, but at the moment things are not looking good.