Wiki Wiki Wow Wiki Wow Wiki Wiki Wiki

If you pay attention to the Patreon feed, Discord announcements, or my Twitter, you probably already know all this, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have a record archived here on the ol’ bloggo, and also to let anyone who for whatever reason follows only the blog in on what’s going on.

Got a nasty surprise on Monday. In case you haven’t heard, Wikia, the free public service where was back in the day someone created the original Harem Collector Wiki, has decided that hosting wikis for erotic games is no good, even if all adult content is left off of those wikis. Thankfully, they at least gave us two weeks’ notice to remove all information contained on said wiki so we can implement another solution.

That other solution ended up being hosting our own wiki on our own website. You can find it here and it’s also linked on the website’s main navigation bar. As of this writing, it’s very rough- almost all the pages are up, but transferring images and other important files is going to take some time, and it’s probably going to be a long ass time before we get around to making it pretty- but most of the information had been rescued and is newly available.

I would like to extend a massive thank you to the volunteers who have stepped up and generously donated their time and effort to rescuing the Harem Collector Wiki- RomeroPapa, lostone, TheSevenSins, and S05Z. If you see these guys on Discord and you appreciate their hard work, please give them a heartfelt “thanks”.

Anyway, that’s it for this week. Happy fapping, and I’ll talk to you again next Wednesday!

A Dungeon King Update

So, it’s been awhile for one of these, huh? We’ve been focusing heavily on Harem Collector most of this year, finishing up multiple plot arcs and getting lots done (though, as usual, less than I’d like). But I’ve also been nibbling away at the design documents for Dungeon King, and have been making some progress.

We have a full list of twenty-six adventurer classes we’re going with for the enemies in the game. Some of these might change, particularly classes which are based on buffing a familiar/construct/animal companion. I’d like to include classes like “Beast Tamer”, “Dragon Tamer” and “Doll Mage”, primarily inspired by the same classes from the Ogre Battle series, who come with companion enemies who are functionally separate enemies but lack the normal enemy priorities and just follow their “master” around. If getting this mechanic to work proves problematic, since the behaviour of the adventurers is so important to the gameplay, I’d rather just cut the classes.

Still filling out the list of monster girls. The main trio of starting harem members- the succubus Mephy, the slime girl Kalene, and the ratling Nezi- are fairly fleshed out, and I’m looking forward to sharing profiles for them later on when they have some concept art to do with it. A minor antagonist from the early game which you will get to recruit later on is going to be a magma elemental loosely based on the Vulcan enemies from Odin Sphere. As backers may remember from a few months ago, I also intend on including some kind of female werewolf or beast-girl, who desperately wants to consider herself a knight despite being a monster girl, playing with the idea that I originally wanted a wolf-girl knight as a corrupted adventurer until backers voted otherwise. I have firm plans for about seven monster girls for the harem at this point, meaning there are still about eighteen monster girls still to include.

I don’t expect to have a full roster of harem characters by the time we begin development in earnest, by the way. I feel that making things more or less on the fly is an important part of my methods, and I want to keep that freedom when we’re actually working our way through the game.

Conash hopes to have an early alpha with stand-in art assets done by early 2020. This would be mostly a tech demo, so we can work on the core systems like the enemy behaviour and other basics while finishing up Harem Collector. This will be distributed to backers for them to enjoy and offer feedback on, although it will be some time before story or hentai get added to the game.

Hope this short update proves interesting. Until next time!

Harem Collector v0.42.5- The ROYAL Update!

Get it here!

Changes in this version include:

-Two new quests! Finally, you have the opportunity to take back Eastfort, and get your cute princess reward! Quest chain starts by speaking to the Dark Wanderer in your Eastfort home.
-A new investment opportunity not far from Lumberhill! Now you can become a casino owner so you too can take advantage of the gambler’s fallacy for profit.
-Area of Effect attacks now scale in both damage and secondary effect chance based on the number of targets.
-Gargan’s skills have been revamped.
-The price of vacations has been adjusted.
-New sprites exist for Queen Melfi Regal and Princess Quinta Regal.
-Sex scene with Queen Melfi fully implemented
-Several bugs solved
-We’ve converted all the .pngs to .jpgs now please could those of you with slow internet please remove the needles from those NoMoshing-shaped dolls you have? Thank you…

Next: v0.43, the PRINCESS(?) Update

So, in the past few months we’ve wrapped up two of the major questlines in Harem Collector, and as always, after a major update goes out, the question becomes, what’s next?

The answer, for the next two months, is pretty simple- the delivery of the prize from Iron Waifu 2019, of course!

The PRINCESS update (working title) is, overall, a celebration of the ever-so-sweet Princess Quinta that has excited people’s imaginations (among other things…) for quite some time now. Now that’s she’s finally recruitable in v0.42, our next goal is make sure she has access to everything she needs to fully flourish as a harem girl. That means her Love Quest, Sex a la Carte scenes, chats (I hope), and most importantly, her Sunnyshore vacation interactions.

I have a pretty solid footing for her Love Quest. Playing to Quinta’s sheltered and innocent nature, it’s going to be fairytale themed, and involve a relatively simple task that becomes… unexpectedly complicated. You’ll have to work hard to earn Quinta’s love, and unravel the nonsense storybook rules of a place that isn’t exactly like anywhere else in the Middle Kingdom.

I also want to put some more effort into the Sunnyshore experience with Quinta. She’s one of the few characters that mentions wanting to go to the island specifically, so I think shoring up some of that content would be a good use of my time. There are several other scenes that I want to address as well, notably involving Gargan and Yeon, and I think it’s well past time to do so. Of course, Quinta’s swimsuit and vacation sex scene can’t be ignored in all of this.

As for the other “quest” worth of content, I’m not sure. I’ve been thinking lately of doing a couple more Love Quests before resuming with normal plot-related content, particularly for certain low-demand characters that I’ve known what I wanted to do with them for awhile. But I don’t know if that would be appropriate now, given that I don’t want to steal any thunder from Quinta. She is, after all, the Iron Waifu.

Anyway, hope you appreciate this small update of what to expect in the near future. Until then, I’ve got a lot of work to do before the intermediate update on Friday. Happy fapping!

A Royal Pain

Not very happy where progress on the game is right now.

As you might have been able to tell by the fact that blog posts the last three weeks have been two posts from Conash and one week of… Conash and I forgetting there had to be a blog post. Also, the schedule on the website never got updated. But, if we were to spend this blog post detailing my many small failures, we’d be here for awhile, so I’ll move on.

We’re behind, is the important thing. Conash seems confident that we’ll get the core stuff done, but the “Royal” update will, unfortunately, be going to go out without a lot of content for the “Royal” it was initially intended to celebrate.

Maybe I’m just being pessimistic. The real Iron Waifu reward is probably best celebrated with Quinta’s love quest, which will be part of v0.43, coming out in November. We’ll not have to rush our way through any preceding quests, just focus on the love quest, new art, dialogue, sex scenes, etc, and putting out a really great, um, “Princess” update or something.

I still think that the quest capping off the Kellos Invasion, where you finally get to recruit Quinta, will still be a nifty piece of content- similar in size to “Hell to Pay” but with a very different feel and direction. It has more of a “heist” vibe than the drama of finally hunting down Xaven, though, which has proven a challenge to express. Conash and I feel we sort of hit the apogee of what RPG Maker is capable of in terms of stealth mechanics in Shipping Disaster, and besides, sneaking around is not what the Hero is made for, anyway.

In some good news, we also made some progress on stuff for ILTSDK. Namely, a semi-finalized list of enemies. Er, heroes. Adventurers. The people invading your dungeon. Because the nature of ILTSDK is more strategic, it’s very important to our design that you, as a player, be able to figure out an attacker’s behaviours just by looking at them, and that means having a limited number of enemies.

Right now, ILTSDK is in a state where we’re laying plans still and feeling out the limits of what we’re going to need, including what we’ll require for art assets. I intend to fight hard against feature creep for our next project, So knowing in advance the extent of our plans , and what we can choose to expand on is very important.

Anyway, that’s it for now. I’ll get in touch next week with an update on how things have been getting the backer release ready!

Other Stuff I Does

Uh… so I totally forgot to do the blog this week. It’s been kind of an exciting week, so I guess it just got lost in the shuffle.

The new update is coming along. As requested, I’ve been using the new casino-themed assets to make a casino that you can invest it, after completing a bit of an associated quest. The main focus of this month’s development, the quest to take back Eastfort, is progressing pretty steadily as well, hoping to be able to wrap it up in time for the mini-release next week.

Anyway, figured I’d use the late blog post for an excuse to promote some of the other things I do:
Isekai Life In D&D is an erotic story I’m writing about a misanthropic power gamer who is rewarded with his own private “heaven” upon his death, and because his request is misinterpreted winds up in a world strictly based on the rules of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
I also have a Twitch channel where I’m attempting all 529 games in my collection, starting with Shining Force for the Sega Genesis. I don’t have a fixed schedule yet, but I’m aiming to stream Monday and Wednesday evening EDT, and occasionally on weekends.
Meanwhile, Conash has his own Twitch channel where he’s playing an absurdly difficult self-imposed challenge of Tales of Symphonia on the Gamecube.

Hope you check out some of our stuff, and are looking forward to next week’s minirelease!

Harem Collector v0.41.3- the SHOWDOWN Update!

After a long wait, the final battle between the Hero’s harem and the demon cult plaguing the Middle Kingdom are finally here! Can you overcome the legions of hell and defeat Xaven once and for all?

Download it here!

Changes in this version:
-Two brand-new quests where you finally get to deal with two of Harem Collector’s biggest antagonists, once and for all!
-A new harem girl can be captured and sent to your dungeon, representing the first true monstergirl to appear in the harem in HC, with a brand new sex scene to boot!
-Kobolds spotted on the streets and fields of the Middle Kingdom, terrorizing residents! Check out your random daily quest for more information!
-There are now two additional ways to acquire the Philosopher’s Stone if you’ve managed to miss it before or can’t afford it.
-The trophy traders can now process multiple trophies at a time to ease your gift-giving plan!
-A new merchant has opened up in the Westcastle to sell you statues to help you express your devotion in your home decor, be it to the Angels, Demons, or whatever else!
-A whole bunch of new art for Larelle’s dungeon scenes, Therese’s vacation scene, plus a whole new scene with Therese!
-New text-only scenes for Bronwyn and Raina!
-New music and sprite art from Clara and Kumiho!
-And like always, bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes!

Tits or GTFO

Some of you who received the Backer’s Release last week might have noticed that there was something fairly significant missing from the end of Hell to Pay. I was hoping that Hilent would only be a couple days behind the release with Bell’s first sex scene artwork, but unfortunately due to some moving-related snafus he has been significantly slowed down, although the maid piece is already finished and all that’s left are some colouring on the variations.

Otherwise, things are going well, well enough that I decided to take “release date interlude week” as a sort of staycation. I’m attending to work here and there, but mostly chilling out, catching up on housework, painting minis, and catching up on some personal projects I’m behind on.

I’m also taking some time to contemplate exactly what a post-demon-cult-and-kellos -invasion Harem Collector might look like. With the final quest of the Demon Cult questline wrapped up and the last two quests for Kellos Invasion getting tied up in v0.42, that leaves us with only a couple more Harem Drama loose ends, then Ancient Mysteries and Save the Elves to do, then the endgame.

We’re getting close, ladies and gentlemen. I can feel it.

So expect new character designs for Hanelore and Meiriona very soon, as well as the final shopgirl who will be able to set up in the Elf Village. And there, on the horizon, the mysterious 15th party member….

Thank you again for all the support you’ve given to get us to thing this point!

A Different Kind of Key

When I was in high school, and started playing AD&D, I had a bit of a struggle with a section of the Dungeon Master’s Guide where it described the idea of “keyed” encounters- encounters that only appear in a given area of a dungeon once certain conditions are met. This was the kind of concept that was simultaneously too simple and too complex to grasp- of course I understood basic causality and was confused as to why the DMG would mention something so obvious and simple, but I struggled with the realization that, fundamentally, any interactive quest/dungeon/cyoa story/whatever could be realized in the form of a flow chart.

Or, if you prefer, as a sort of program.

While I struggled with it at the time (described a quest or a dungeon in those terms seemed to rob D&D of some of it’s magic, I suppose), it helped me realize something which you might have found I like having a little fun with in Harem Collector: A key can be anything you want it to be. Sure it could be as simple as flipping a switch, or actually having a physical key, but it doesn’t have to be. In Resident Evil, a key could be a mechanically unlikely art installation. In metroidvanias, skills like double-jumping or the ability to roll can act as keys. In RPGs, having spoken to a specific person frequently acts as a key, or having a certain party member if that particular game has field abilities.

So I try and have fun with it. The Golden Tomb “Knight of” enemies are just a mechanically interesting (I hope) way of presenting a “guess which key goes with which lock” kind of puzzle, and I really like moments like the Expanding Foam/Foam Key and the Wyld Seeds, but my personal favourite is the bench from “Hall Monitor From Hell”. Especially that meaty thunk of having the Hero slam it down. I don’t know why, but it feels very satisfying to me.

Now, I’m not just mentioning this randomly- you can look forward to a couple interesting “keys” to show up in the v0.41 update to Harem Collector, one of which I went out of my way to grab some special assets for. So, get hyped- it’s only a week away for backers!- and get ready because I think you’re really going to like this update!

We Live!

Hey, sorry for not updating for a couple weeks. I’ll try to get back on track this Wednesday.

There isn’t any dire reason why I haven’t updated the blog in a while. It’s just fuckass hot in my region right now, and while I have central air, it’s kind of jury-rigged into my 90 year old house, so the second floor has one intake, one outflow, and neither of which are actually in my office.

Because of the heat, I have been focusing on game development, and cutting hours I would otherwise spend on communication, marketing, and administration. So, I promise it only *looks* like I’m doing very little.

The quests for v0.41 are in their final stages, I only have a little bit of final dialogue, and some enemy placement and treasure drops to do. I’d like to tie off some new sex scenes and chat dialogue, that sort of thing, as well, but we’ll play it by ear on that one.

I just wanted to make this effort to reach out real quick, so I’ll leave it at that. Thank you for your support, as always, and I’ll see you in a week and a half for the backer release!