How to Combat Dev Fatigue

I hear an awful lot from other amateur game devs like me, who ask how I manage to avoid the game design version of writer’s block (which I’ve decided to call dev fatigue, because that’s shorter). After all, Harem Collector is a pretty big game already as RPG Maker games go, and a lot more projects burn out in the early stages. So here’s my advice on how to avoid burnout and keep working on your projects for years to come.

1) Learn and use what inspires you

It happens a lot- you start a project because you feel really inspired by something, and then when that something is implemented, or you just get tired of working on it, the project falls through. I’ve done this a million times, and I’m somewhat notorious around my friends for ending tabletop RPGs just because I got bored with the system we’re currently using and excited about something different.

My advice for game designers is to ride that crazy wave as far as it will take you. Find a way to incorporate your new crazy passion into your existing project, even if you’re abandoning a mechanic or a segment that’s halfway finished. It’s better to get lots of work done on something you’re excited about than fight to complete something you’re not. Even Shigeru Miyamoto does this- right around the end of the N64 life cycle, several Nintendo games like Donkey Kong 64 and LoZ: Majora’s Mask incorporated camera functions that absolutely nobody was asking for. Some games- Pokemon Snap probably being the best one- were just a camera minigame blown up into full size, and the Game Boy Camera was a peripheral designed just for this purpose. Maybe the technology had something to do with it- storage finally becoming good enough to save multiple screenshots- but all this was triggered by Miyamoto-sensei picking up photography as a hobby.

Example from Harem Collector: I had a really great idea for a dungeon- an illusionist’s home, which has been “touched up” by said illusionist with huge vistas and bizarre architecture, including converting his basement into a tropical beach. All done with magical illusions of course. But at the time, I was working on incorporating weapon upgrades and the blacksmith into the game. So I came up with an excuse quest, that would both include this great new dungeon I designed, as well as work the blacksmith into the game.

But what about that half-completed water dungeon (or crafting system, or whatever) you just abandoned? Well…

2) Some days just won’t work out, play catch up instead

For whatever reason, some days you just can’t come up with new and interesting stuff. No worries- that’s your cue to pick up where you left off on something old. Slogging away at something you’ve lost your passion for is better than struggling to create new content and getting nothing done. Besides, occasionally working on old, boring stuff and just getting shit done will catapult you into a better mood, where you can create something new and exciting.

Example from Harem Collector: This actually happened to me very recently. I was feeling kind of burned out, so I decided to work on touching up the world map. That day I worked on the world map literally until my hands ached, and later that week I was able to bounce back and get caught up on Meline’s Love Quest.

3) Experience different things

There are a lot of really diehard people out there who only enjoy one genre of game. This is fine on it’s own, but as a game designer you should feel obligated to play as many games as you can try. This has a practical purpose- you can examine other games, see what works and what doesn’t, and incorporate those lessons into your own design- but it can also help inspire you. A person who only plays JRPGs is going to create games that all feels and behave exactly like Dragon Quest. A designer who plays FPSes to the exclusion of all else, is going to make a lot of sub-par versions of Halo or Call of Battlefield or whatever. Those willing to be inspired by other other genres, however, mixing things like JRPGs with dating sims, stealth games with city management sims, survival horror with tower defense, and RTSes with western RPGs, are going to come up with games that feel really unique.

I encourage you to do this with other things other than gaming genres, as well. Who knew that there would be great games resulting from the mix of FPSes with objectivism, JRPGs with time travel, and Princess Maker with Game of Thrones?

Experiencing different things- be they game genres or whatever else- increases your reference pool of ideas. Think about ideas as being the DNA of creative works, and the more ideas you have to work with, the fuller (and easier to work on) your game will feel. So hit the library, go on a wiki walk, or take a course to try and learn something new.

Example from Harem Collector: Almost too many to name. Kyrie’s magic preferences were informed by D&D 4th ed. The cannery was inspired by a Neko Case song. Elven culture was informed by the Japanese dating scene. The list goes on, but so has this post, so it’s time to wrap things up.

So there you have it- incorporate new passions when they come up, save boring jobs for blah days, and experience everything the world has to offer. Hope that helps.

Oedipus Excuse

So, I’m still chipping away at Meline’s Quest. I’m about three days behind where I want to be at this point. I lost one day to a massive spam attack on the forums, one day because a bit of code turned out to be more complicated than I realized, and another because I needed a break and worked on some other features of the game. It’s pretty much the home stretch though, shouldn’t be more than a day or two.

While writing dialogue a Monday, I had something of a “Eureka!” moment. Meline and the Hero were discussing their parents. Now, I had known for awhile what their backstory was- Father was a travelling bard and adventurer, a lover-in-every-port type who floated in and out of their lives, while Mother was a hard-working baker and businesswoman who pulled herself out of the slums and made a name for herself. Dad stopped showing up when the kids stopped being cute enough to fuss over, while Mom died of some nonspecific anime disease when the kids were 14/18.

It occurred to me that this actually fit with their behaviour. The Hero idolizes his father enough that he, too, wanted to become a debauched adventurer. At the same time, he did not like how his father was never around. This is how the Hero glommed on to the idea of having harem- it lets you have a wide variety of lovers while still being a part of their lives. Meline was also influenced by this aspect of her family life- but without her Dad around, and seeing her Mom die when she was so young, Meline’s reaction was to become very attached to the one family member she had left.

Anyway, that’s it for this week. Back to work!

Progress Quest

Work is proceeding, albeit somewhat slowly. I’m still working on Harem Collector at least a little bit every day, thought sometimes progress can get a bit rocky. One method I’m using that seems to work, is that whenever I hit a wall on creative/design stuff, I try to find something mundane and repetitive to work on. For example, yesterday, when I started losing steam at the end of the day, I began catching up on the shovel’s functionality. Several hours of work later (hard to say how much exactly because I had to stop and make dinner and spend time with the wife, but more than two), a job that’s been sitting on the back burner for months is all done. Yay!

I want to get Meline’s Love Quest done by the end of the week. It’s about 66% complete at the moment, and just needs some dialogue, a boss fight, I have to place encounters and treasures on the map, and then I have to calculate how much experience the quest will give out (For now, as I’ve said elsewhere the balance/rewards of the Love Quests will probably change radically when the game gets the big final rebalance).

before the next release, I want to get a few more things done. Doll’s Love Quest, a smaller side quest (about the same level of complexity as, say, Every Day I’m Smugglin’ or The Pusher’s Lament) and the Elf Village/first elf plotline quest will be done before the game releases. I am also hoping that I can find time to improve the Lumberhill zombie attack sequence, extend Elaiya’s love quest (it works just fine, but it is awfully short and deserves more), and make better endings for both the Virgin Gynocides quest and the It Came From Below the Equator quest. I will only proceed on those “extra” things if I feel confident I can deliver all that in a timely fashion.

Little bits that need doing: adding a relationship track for the Blacksmith, write more party banter, add more roaming encounters to the world map, continue filling in the various towns, finish the functionality of the Stats and Collectibles book. These things might get picked away at if I feel I need a change of pace.

As for the future, I want to have all party members in the game by the end of the year, including the quest that finally gets Kyrie into your harem, the quest that wakes Gargan up. I’m also going to be giving the manor a makeover in that time- basically a similar treatment to what I’m already doing to many of the town maps in the game. Hopefully I can make the manor feel as large and luxurious while making the maps more focused.

Anyway, I’m off to continue work for today. Let me know what you think in the comments, on the forum or wherevs. You know what to do.

Painless and The 144

So, Nekochan’s condition is improving in accordance with the doctor’s predictions. As of Monday, I’m back to working on the game at least 6 hours a day- so things should continue to progress well. Monday was mostly spent on adding the ability for characters to learn spells from the tomes they can be equipped with, but I also added a new shop and a couple new investments. Yesterday was mostly spent on Meline’s Love Quest, and I’m very pleased with how the revamp is turning out so far. Next week, I intend to do a full-on teaser for new content, characters, etc. So for today, in honour of the recent release of Guardians of the Galaxy (and the fact I am seriously pining for Avengers 2 next May). I present for your approval some scraps from the ol’ idea book, superhero ideas of mine that I always intended to do something with but never got around to it.


Painless is probably the weaker of the two superhero concepts I came up with. I originally concepted Painless in college, during the unit on abnormal psychology in Psych 101. Painless was a regular joe, until a fateful day where he and his girlfriend, driving while out on a date, are both shot in a failed carjacking. While Painless’ girlfriend dies due to her injuries, Painless just barely makes it out alive, having been shot through the forebrain. His injuries leave Painless with, among other things, amnesia, analgesia, and a terrible anger management problem.

A scheming neurologist, realizing that A) our hero is now prone to rages, B) is completely insensitive to pain, and C) is probably going to have a severely shortened life expectancy, decides to try and make something positive out of it. Through the neurologist’s manipulations, Painless is convinced to take to the streets as a vigilante, fighting a partly-imagined criminal syndicate to get revenge for his dead girlfriend.

Painless was meant to be very dark and gritty- there are no superpowers that aren’t explained by actual medical science, no real villains, and not even any real “hero” in the strictest sense. Painless was supposed to take injuries over the course of the series and either get patched up by his doctor buddy or do the job himself by way of staples and duct tape, but his analgesia means he can keep fighting despite being in a pretty gruesome state. Also, in a subversion of the usual amnesia tropes, Painless would be fully aware of his past, he just doesn’t feel any connection to it- and part of the doctor’s plan is making out Painless’ relationship with his girlfriend to be more poignant than it actually was, to the point where Painless fetishizes the poor dead girl he was only dating for a few months at best.

The story- which I had kinda sorta plans to write eventually as a novella, but never got around to it- was supposed to end on a downer, with a bunch of dead petty criminals and mobsters, Painless himself being dead, and the doctor getting away clean. Maybe a series would come out of it, based on this doctor searching for other, similarly afflicted people to turn into similar vigilantes. Either way, the story is too dark for me at this point- I’m not all that interested in writing it, but I may come back to it someday.

The 144

When the first Fantastic Four movie came out, my friends and I were pretty pumped about it. Keep in mind this was 2005, and we didn’t really know any better. Joking around and hanging out after seeing the movie together, Nekochan, Chibi and I, along with a fourth friend, came up with superhero personas for ourselves and theoretical powers we would have, imagining ourselves as another “Fantastic Four” in the same universe. We really were just goofing around, and didn’t even come up with much of an origin story or even villains to fight. But the idea stuck with me, in time would be influenced by Heroes, the TV show, as well.

The 144 sort of grew naturally out of that. The initial story had a group of four people discovering they have superpowers around the same time, and foiling a group of domestic terrorists in their home town. The original team of four were a guy who had super-toughness, a woman with super-agility (both had a minor strength boost as well- the female character in particular was inspired by Cybersix), a second guy who had the ability to alter the state of matter by touch (that is, he could turn any contiguous object into a solid, liquid or gas as needed) and a second woman who was capable of controlling light and projecting energy beams. The foursome agree to work together to discover the origin and limits of their strange new powers, with crime fighting in general not on the menu- yet.

They eventually track down theirs origins to a cult that had operated somewhere in the US about twenty years ago. The cult engaged in genetic experimentation, guided in part by an ex-Nazi scientist who worked with the cult without buying into their pseudo-Christian belief system. This experimentation lead to a group of 144 genetically engineered children being born to cult members, that the cult believed were Nephilim. Before the cult’s plans really get off the ground, though, a Waco- style government raid breaks up the cult. The affected children are distributed to new families through adoption centres, with no idea that the cult’s crazy beliefs actually had a basis in reality.

The main villain of the piece was a guy with a healing factor, who discovered his powers pretty early on in life and was literally worshipped by his parents, and discovering the truth about the cult only made this guy’s messiah complex worse. He eventually recruits a group of similar cult orphans who have powers that are extremely dangerous in terms of scale- including a woman capable of absorbing and then selectively spreading any disease she has contact with. The messiah-healing-factor guy plans on using this woman to wipe out “normal” humans in preparation for the “eventual” dominion of the earth by his fellow “angels”. However, they are eventually foiled by our team of heroes (supplemented by other superpowered orphans they convince to help out).

From there, the plan was to keep the series relatively small-scale and contained. The focus was on the lives and dramas of the 144 orphans- hence the title- and the conflict would never be larger or smaller than that. I think this concept would be really good for a tabletop RPG, and I’m thinking of running it using a system like BESM one of these days (obviously letting the PCs in control of the heroes pick their own powers, too).

Anyway, just wanted to share that stuff with you, because I’ve kinda got superheroes on the brain. Next week: something actually to do with Harem Collector.

Beatrix, Eat Your Heart Out

No Moshing originally wrote this post, but then the computer ate it, so he got mad and went to play Sleeping Dogs.

Anyhoo, I’m sure people are concerned/curious about how my recent vitrectomy (fancy way of “putting your retina back” surgery) went.

The short version: it failed. My retina, once it detached got caught in bunch of other shit in my eye that was dislodged or leaked in during the initial injury. They had nothing to work with to put back. So they cleaned it up, sewed me up and sent me home. Until other advances in medical science are available, I won’t be able to see out of my right eye.

The long version: it faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailed. (I kid.)

After being informed of my retinal detachment, I was advised the doctor (and his fellows) they wanted to try 2 procedures. The first was a lens replacement. My lens took some damage or got dirty and they wanted to swap it out. The second was the vitrectomy. The vitrectomy had two parts: cryopexy and the air exchange. The cryopexy is using liquid nitrogen to freeze the retina and lasers (you know lasers had to be involved at some point) to stick it back. They’d replace the vitreous humor (inner eye liquid) with a silicon based oil. If they felt the retina needed some extra help, they’d do an air exchange. Simply put, put a tiny air bubble into my eye and use that air bubble to hold the retina in place while it heals. However this second procedure requires you to stay face down, constantly, for about seven days. While that didn’t sound like fun, the promise of having two eyes actually doing their job outweighed the “how the hell am I gonna sleep on my front when I’m a fucking double-D?”

In the following week, I had pre-admission (boo) where we were given a shit ton of literature about what to expect (aka “how to know when shit’s gone wrong”) and how to care for a person stuck face down. We were also given the name of a person who rents mattresses and chairs for people who receive this procedure so you’re not stuck cannibalizing a lawn chair. (Dear God I love you employer health care plan that covers fancy chair expenses). No Moshing may have had a minor freak out when he realized that he would be stuck watching my face down ass rather than being admitting to hospital and having nurses to dote on me. [Actually, this pre-admission visit kicked off about a week where I regressed completely and did little more than play video games and eat sweets, which lead to my emo bullshit post last Wednesday. Sorry. -NM]

On the night before the surgery I had to stop all eating, drinking and all meds (including my pain killers from the last surgery…) at midnight. So in the morning I was a bit grumpy. Cuz it still hurt. And nervous. Do you know they keep you awake (but high) for this operation? We get to the hospital where I proceed to wait. A lot. Which does wonders for nerves. They get me prepped, put the damn IV on the inside of my wrist (which I later learn is the most painful place for it) because my veins are too well camouflaged. And they I have to wait more.

When I finally get wheeled away, I’m a stupid weepy wreck. Which goes away once I finally get the “relaxants” (get high). To their credit, I didn’t feel much of what they were doing. And what I could feel wasn’t painful. However since I was still awake, I did hear enough of the prognosis – they couldn’t salvage the retina. Put in the new lens, since they were already in there, and close me up. But on the plus side – no face down! I can sit how I want. Now when I later related this to my mom and NoMoshing, they didn’t believe me. You see the doc would see us on the following day to discuss the prognosis, they didn’t get a post-surgery visit.

After surgery I got moved to the room where you come down from the meds before we release your ass back into the wild. I came down pretty quick. Sadly I had to wait because they didn’t believe me. And they couldn’t take out the goddamn IV because they were giving me fluids.

My trip home was crap because the painkillers had worn off so my poor stitched up eye felt every bump and turn and sudden stop. Because I got released during rush hour. It was a 2 hour trip home. Also this is when the nausea kicks in. Luckily I managed to keep the three cookies (all I had eaten that day) down. Once home, I get dosed up with tylenol (the strongest painkiller I’m allowed to take) and gravol and sleep until 5ish in the morning since we had to be back at the clinic for 7:30 am to get the post-operation check and prognosis.

The doctor’s check confirms what I overheard in the operating room. At this point, their efforts will be based around making sure I can keep the eye for cosmetic reasons (it still moves around with the left and is less creepy than a glass eye, assuming it heals up okay and stops being a bloodshot mess) and to make sure it’s not in pain (if it is, it means an infection or something got in and the entire eye will have to be removed.) I get sent home with a pretty depressed family (my mom having taken it the worst, having had the highest expectations) to absorb the news and get back to recovering. Which I’m still doing now. Woot woot.

Anyway, thank you all for your good wishes, support, and above all, patience these last few weeks. No Moshing should be back on track soon, and we can put this incident behind us.

Under the Knife Again

Nekochan is back in surgery tomorrow. She took a sudden turn for the worse last week, and now has to have her retina put back in place.

Yup, that’s about all I have energy for today.

The Die is Cast

Last May, at a convention, it was my pleasure to attend a panel run by a guy who was a technical artist for Bioware, and worked on the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age: Origins. One of the things he said was very interesting to me: When looking for dialogue writers, the second thing that Bioware looks for in new hires (after industry experience, of course) is experience with game mastering tabletop RPGs.

See, being a DM or GM or ST requires you to create a character to serve a purpose in the story, but then you have to respond to your players, as that character, in real time, improvising that character’s actions and reactions. Sure, you might have a couple lines, maybe even a paragraph of dialogue written down or memorized in advance to respond to specific situations, but very frequently the players will have other questions or comments, things to say that it’s impossible to plan for and you need to improvise. Because of this, you develop where you learn to anticipate certain topics and at least know how to respond to certain things. You eventually become very skilled at planning the fractal-ish possible patterns that conversations can take and thus, very good at anticipating what things a player would want to ask in a video game.

But the truth is, there’s a lot of things you can learn from tabletop gaming that will help you in game design. After all, being a game master and a game designer are both fundamentally about creating interactive experiences. While not every great game designer played D&D, if you can grab some friends and sit down ’round a table and slay some dragons together you’ll probably learn something valuable.

Here are some of my recommendations for tabletop RPGs you can play to sharpen your game design skills, and what lessons you should take from them.

Party Mechanics 101: Dungeons and Dragons, 4th Edition
A lot of people hate D&D4e. It was a dramatic departure from the feel and mechanics of 2nd and 3rd edition, and focused on two things: being accessible to new players and providing a balanced game where no character class has a strict advantage over the other. The game lost, badly, to it’s nascent competitor, Pathfinder, but if you want to try it this is an advantage: most gaming stores and bookstores have a stack of unsold 4e books, and I imagine a lot of used copies are available online.
The real strength of the system is it’s mechanics, though. D&D4e breaks down traditional RPG classes into two axes: power source, which is a fancy way of saying “theme”, and role, which tell you that class’ function in combat. A paladin, for example, is a divine defender, being their combat focus is in tanking and they are empowered by the gods. A cleric is a divine leader, still powered by the gods but focused instead on healing and buffing their allies. Simply play the game and pay attention to how combat unfolds, and think on how to apply that to your game. If you need any other recommendation, know that I’ve based the party roles and mechanics in Harem Collector heavily on D&D4e.

Creating Mood: Changeling: the Lost
This one can apply to any game in the New World of Darkness, but I picked Changeling specifically because I think it’s the best of the bunch. Basically, games need more than mechanics and a story- you need to pay attention to the mood of your games, and how your game makes the player feel. The oppression and hostility of Silent Hill, the decadence and madness of Bioshock, and the rustic comfort and relaxing atmosphere of Harvest Moon aren’t accidental- they’re build into the very foundation of each game’s design and mechanics. While the substance of the NWoD is generally mediocre to weak, the setting and tone of the game is what you need to exploit to make your games great. Changeling really reflects this- you play a person who was kidnapped by the Fair Folk and escaped, only to find that you have been replaced by a fake in real life. You can choose to try to return to the life you had, but you’ve been fundamentally changed by your experiences, and have carried some of that fae magic with you to the real world. Denying what happened to you causes you to lose Clarity and slowly become incapable of differentiating between fantasy and reality… but so does enveloping yourself entirely in the realm of the supernatural. And this causes a simple truth to emerge- you can never really escape your past, and you have to carry it with you wherever you go, in a delicate balancing act where you cannot ignore it completely nor can you allow yourself to obsess over it.

Let Gameplay Tell Your Story: Legend of the Five Rings
Pretty much any version of L5R works here, save one (explained below). L5R is a game about a fantasy version of Samurai Japan, mixed liberally with other Asian influences, and originally based on a CCG. Despite it’s origins, L5R is an excellent game with an interesting setting, but it’s true strength is in the craft of the mechanics. There are really only five character classes: bushi (fighters), shugenja (clerics/wizards), shinobi (ninja), courtiers (politicians) and monks. There are also eight clans, which occupy roughly the same role as “races” in other RPGs. But not every clan can use every class- the Lion Clan does not have any use for shinobi or monks, and instead has not one but two variations on the bushi class to choose from. Only the Phoenix Clan and Dragon Clan make any use of monks at all, but meanwhile the Crab Clan and the Scorpion Clan are the only ones to makes widespread use of shinobi. Also, while the clans themselves are balanced in general, the individual classes are not. Consider what this says about each clan- the Lion disdain both monks and shinobi, and their two bushi classes are easily two of the best in the game. Yet the Crab have a bushi school that easily competes with the Lion, and yet they make use of shinobi as well. The Scorpion have a bushi class, and while it lacks in power in a straight-up fight, it is very good at using all those little obscure rules that many people gloss over in the rulebook- stuff like disarms, called shots, and feints. However, the Scorpion shinobi class is hands-down the best shinobi in the game, while the Crab shinobi school is better at being the “skill rogue” for a party of bushi. The Lion, Crab and Scorpion shugenja are all focused on doing one thing well- Buffing, undead/demon hunting, and illusion magic respectively- none can equal the Phoenix shugenja for sheer versatility. Without me telling you anything about the history or behaviour of these clans within the setting itself, you can paint a mental picture of what each clan might be like and how they regard each other.
Similarly, the rules themselves tell you about parts of the setting. The dice mechanics don’t technically have an upper ceiling- as long as you keep rolling tens, you can “explode” your dice to higher and higher numbers- allowing for every character to occasionally have a moment of enlightenment, cutting down a difficult opponent in a single perfect stroke (or what have you). You can use your honour rating to get a bonus at any die roll in the game, therefore honourable characters tend to just be better than everyone else. Because your level is not determined by your total experience points, but how you spent those experience points, it tends to favour well-balanced characters over highly-specialized ones- a character who is a good warrior (weapon skill of choice) but also comports themselves well in society (with a decent Courtier skill) and spends their spare time studying calligraphy (Calligraphy skill) is going to understand the higher secrets of their fighting style better than a brute who does nothing but focus on fighting. It’s a very elegant system.

How to be Sexy Without Being Stupid: Exalted Second Edition
This one is mainly for H-Games. Every H-Game has to decide where on the spectrum of “porn vs plot” they are- something like a Meet-n-Fuck game is going to be the gaming equivalent of “pizza boy with extra sausage” type porno movies, without challenge, meaning or emotional content at all. Which is fine, sometimes that’s exactly what you need, and for some people, that’s all they want. But people like us (assuming you’re a fan of Harem Collector) usually need something more, an intellectual or emotional engagement that you can’t get from just porn, which is why we turn to more complex H-Games.
Exalted is a great example of a setting that was created to be sexy without being as in-your-face with it as, say, FATAL. While it’s not primarily intended to be used for erotic role-play, it also doesn’t deny sex in the same way that many other games do. There is a slave trade in the setting, and yes, some slaves are trained specifically for the bedroom. A sorcerer is perfectly capable of summoning up a succubus or a nymph for a *ahem* magical evening. Many of the supernatural powers characters receive can be used for erotic mind control purposes. Reincarnation romance is not only possible, but started out as default- they recently instituted a change saying your soul-bound partner need not necessarily have been a romantic one (allowing to, for example, have a reincarnation rivalry or friendship). At the same time, these elements are just that- elements of a greater whole that help inform the game without making the game just about fucking. It’s perfectly possible to play a celibate hero- indeed, it’s one of the few games out there that treats celibacy as one of a number of heroic traits, being informed by similar tales in Buddhist myth and Christian martyrdom.

Whoa this ended up being a long one- I’ve been writing for two and half hours at this point. I’d better cut it short. Anyway, these are just my recommendations for games- sites like have tons of different games for you to try, many of which have free “quickstarts” which contain a brief on the rules, some pre-made characters and a sample adventure for you to try, so if you’ve never played tabletop RPGs before and are looking to try, I’d start there.

She Ain’t Messin’ With No Broke Elves

So, if you’ve followed along with the various rants, lore books and whatnot concerning races and species in Harem Collector, you’ve probably surmised I have a more than passing interesting in evolution and biology. Especially cool weird stuff like cordyceps mushrooms, the ploidy and reproduction of worker ants, and theoretical technically-asexual semi-parasitic clone aliens.

Elves present an interesting challenge, because they’re supposed to be an older, more evolved race. So, I have to hook up some futurist prediction evolution shenanigans. Awesome.

Elves were the first sentient species to form civilization in the world of Harem Collector. When humans, orcs, dwarves and whatnot were still banging stones together to make funny sparks, elves had already discovered advanced magic and formed a world-spanning civilization.

This has to do with the particulars of the Elf genetic code. Because they can live for centuries and only reproduce a handful of times, Elf-genes are particularly prone to mutation and differentiation. This is why, in a handful of generations less than a millennium after the fall of Elven civilization, isolated pockets of Elves have differentiated into the various subspecies- aquatic, high, wood, dark, blood, etc.

This genetic advantage lead to the Elven race to evolve in infrequent leaps rather than at a steady pace. This, combined with the treasure trove of experience held by their long-lived elders, caused the Elves to advance rapidly ahead of other species. But, as stories involving Elves often go, they became victims of their own success.

Eventually, having become masters of their terrestrial domain, Elves began to evolve again to better suit their circumstances. That is, since natural selection was no longer a factor, social constructs began to take the place of the usual evolutionary pressures.

Female elves began to have less and less interest in the aspects of male elves that would help in a natural selection situation- things like physique, prowess, and personalities compatible with caring for young- stopped being the qualifiers for elven attraction. Instead, qualities associated with social advancement- the ability to attain money and political power- took their place. And the same time, male elves stopped seeking things like a healthy physique and healthier sexual appetite as desirable qualities in their mates, and instead looked for other qualities- emotional support, the ability to keep a home, and acceptance and support of the male’s hobbies.

In short, female elves had evolved to become coldly ambitious gold diggers and male elves had evolved to become emotionally needy manchildren. Rampant xenophobia meant that no Elves were mating with other compatible species to help genetically mix things up, either. And this is totally not meant to reflect the social realities of any IRL cultures at all, whatsoever.

You might begin to see the problem here. Certainly, both sides of the Elven species had unreasonably high standards for the other, but that’s only half the problem. Even for Elven couples that did end up together, the desire for actual sex had been bred out of the species. The raw, primitive desire to stuff parts of one partner’s anatomy into the other partner’s anatomy was gone, replaced by a set of calculated social variables.

This lead Elven society to grind to a halt, and eventually fragment and fall apart. Elves now live much as the other races do, but in isolated communities flung far apart from one another. The species, never really numerous, simply began to die out. The isolated pockets of Elfdom straggle on, usually because clan elders force enough Elf couples to bump uglies long enough to produce offspring, much like modern zoo do with pandas. But the Elfs are a species on the way out, a process accelerated by the fact that not many young Elf men have the power and money Elf women have been bred to expect.

If only there was some rich, powerful, and virile young Hero come to pull the Elven species out of this genetic, extinction-bound tail spin. Oh well, only time will tell.

Picking Up the Pieces

So, good news! Nekochan has been given the all-clear to go back to work and do more stuff around the house. She no longer requires constant care, although there are some restrictions on the physical activities she can do (thank god for hentai) and she does have a “trauma cataract” that will be removed in a few months when she’s 100% recovered from the retinal rupture surgery.

I’m hoping there will only be the three week delay on Harem Collector, but at this point I’m not putting my chips down. I don’t know when the next release will be, but I’m going to make sure there is a nice, big, meaty chunk of content for everyone to sink their teeth into. I’m talking new characters, new quests, new investments, new towns, LOTS of new hentai, the works.

As always, I’ll keep everyone posted here, and I’ll start tweetering again as soon as I have a full workday to tweet about. Adios!

What the Hell Happened

(As dictated to NoMoshing by Nekochan)

Warning: Lots of delicious Eye Scream to follow.

So, a couple Thursdays ago was your average game night for us. Game proceeded as usual with the normal Vampire-related happenings. Everything was fine.

After game, NoMoshing started playing around with a recent acquisition of ours- a replica Assassin’s Creed hidden blade. This replica has a button which causes the blade to spring out, collapses back in on itself like a stage blade, and has a handy switch for locking the blade closed for safety. So, after NoMoshing was done mock-assassinating all the other players at our tabletop session, he turn to face me sitting on the couch. The intent was to jab in my direction as if the blade was going to pop out, while the blade remained locked closed, for NoMoshing to make me flinch and tease me afterward. NoMoshing believed the blade was locked, however, it was not [Or else the cheap locking mechanism simply didn’t work- NM].

The blade hit me in the left corner of my right eye. At first we thought that the blade simply hit me in the tear duct, as that was the only place I could feel it, and I was simply stunned. One of the remaining vampire players grabbed me a bag of frozen peas to put on the wound, and after holding it to my face for a few seconds and not feeling much pain, I pulled it away assuming no major damage had been done. However, the frozen bag of peas was now covered in blood. At that point, everyone kind of freaked out and an ambulance was summoned.

I was whisked off to the hospital while everyone else followed in their respective vehicles. While in the ambulance I asked the paramedics if I was their weird call for the night, and the paramedics said yes, but the night was still young.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I was triaged relatively quickly, but vision in my right eye was deteriorating. I was able to see a doctor who, after speaking with an ophthalmologist by phone, confirmed that there was so much blood in my actual eyeball it was impossible to diagnose me. The recommendation was to go home, stay upright as much as possible, and see the ophthalmologist the following afternoon.

When we finally got to see the ophthalmologist, we were initially relieved because vision in my right eye had improved. However, the doctor had so much trouble getting a pressure reading from my eye that I had to be dosed with Ativan and held down by NoMoshing before I stopped flinching long enough for the reading to happen. The specialist then informed me that my eyeball pressure was so low I had probably suffered a retinal rupture and needed to go into surgery immediately. After he confirmed that I wasn’t going to be awake for the surgery, I told the doctor he was welcome to whatever he needed so long as I was drugged unconscious.

Within the next couple hours, I was prepped for surgery and stoned out of my mind. I don’t remember much from here, but I am told the surgery was a success. The doctor told NoMoshing that there was a four-millimeter stab wound in my eye- it doesn’t sound very big, but when you consider the size of the eye that’s actually pretty huge. Another smaller cut had to be made so the surgeon could remove some of the blood in my pupil. Also, the larger wound cut across part of my iris, and I am told I now have an “eye freckle”- part of the iris broke free and is visible in the white of the eye. For would be, if I wasn’t constantly bloodshot.

NoMoshing was then provided with the list of fun things I am not allowed to do during recovery, which includes (but is not limited to):
-Standing for long periods of time
-Lying down (I continue to sleep upright, supported by a tower of pillows)
-Sneezing or coughing (You don’t know what you’re missing until it’s gone, trust me)
-Blowing my nose
-Making any facial expression that scrunches up my eyes
-Bending at the waist or lifting things, for example like you’d need to do to change a DVD or video game
-Leaving the apartment unless I’m being driven somewhere

I can read, but I can’t tilt my face downward so all books need to be held upright in front of me. I can play video games or surf the interwebs if it wasn’t for the fact that one of my five eyedrops leaves me so sensitive to light I can’t do it for more than a few minutes at a time. Recovery is sloooow, but I have NoMoshing on hand to take care of me. Thank you for all your well-wishes, I really appreciate them.

[Quick update from me- I haven’t had much time to work on the game, but in the next release you will be able to find and explore Shally’s apartment. -NM]