Welcome to 2017!

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday!

I suppose I should do the traditional thing and go over my plans for the year, right?

For development on the game, finding new hentai artists and bringing you more awesome CGs is top priority. We’re also going to make a big push to go back to the “one quest per month” schedule, so that every update has two strong pieces of content for player to explore. We’ve also already set up a better method of sorting out and fixing bugs which is much more efficient than the previous process, so expect to have a more stable experience playing HC in 2017.

We are also currently in the process of adding some fun new features. The Satisfaction menu is getting a revamp (there’s a forum thread if you want to give us your two cents on the matter), the achievements menu is finally getting a fix, and we’re adding a character/magical item/enemy encyclopedia so you can keep track of various bits of lore and useful info during your playthrough.

As for community events, there are a few things coming up there as well.

First of all, we have a fanart contest going on right now! Please consider entering if you’re a fan of Harem Collector and have any talent at drawing.

We also want to do something for the first release anniversary this February, but I’m not sure what we’re going to do yet, so please stay tuned.

Then, this May the Iron Waifu tournament is coming back! We had a lot of fun running this last year, and in 2017 is going to make a return. Vote for your favourite character, and the best girl will receive a dedicated update in September 2017!

I hope all that excites your interest (heh) and Bad Kitty Games to continue to receive your support and interest for another year!

The Shake-Up

So, we’ve had a bit of a staff shake-up recently, so I figured I’d walk you guys through it.

First of all, DrawingNeko has decided to take a full-time job offer elsewhere and will no longer be able to work on Harem Collector. She’s just finishing up the last of the work that was assigned to her and then she’s off. We here at Bad Kitty Games wish her the best of luck with her future endeavors.

Secondly, GusBus wants to apologize profusely to all Harem Collector fans about her lack of progress on enemy sprites. A lot of things have happened in her personal life, but she’s managed to bounce back and is ready to focus on the game again. As part of her new commitment, she will be temporarily be taking on the task of doing new hentai CG. If she finds that making new CG works for her, and all you HC fans approve of her work, then she may become part of a permanent HCG team.

Speaking of which, I am be looking to bring on some new team members, in the form of at least two additional artists, a hentai artist and a pixel artist/animator. Between working on the game and doing stuff for the holidays, I’m a little too busy to focus on this until the new year, but if you know a friend or are fans of an artist you think will be an asset to the BKG team, by all means please let me know. There is even now a forum thread to share your favourite h-artists with the rest of the HC community, so please make use of it!

That’s all for now. I have a lot of work to get done this month, so I’m going to get right back into it.

Summertime Curse

So, the usual summertime curse is in full swing.

Late last week my internet started cutting out randomly. Three services calls Friday night, exchanging the modem Saturday morning, and then another service call Sunday… it’s been a nightmare. On top of this, I’ve been avoiding having to work directly on HC for fear of having a syncing issue like I did last summer, and losing a bunch of work. And then today, the service provider did some more stuff remotely and then refused to send a tech. So frustrating.

Hopefully things work now, but I lost a whole bunch of time. I wasn’t lazy during this whole experience (my paperwork is all filed, I’m caught up on art assets, and the office almost looks clean) but I lost a bunch of time. Because of this, I’m pushing back the mini-release a week. Other than an incomplete dungeon, the only significant change in the game right now is the addition of an options menu, and it just doesn’t feel right to post a mini-release under those circumstances.

Please remember! Tomorrow is the start of the Halloween Pin-up Poll! So please remember to log on to the Bad Kitty Games forum to cast your vote on who will be featured in this year’s art! The poll should be up around midnight tonight.


Hey, sorry about the late blog post this week. I was in a pretty deep funk this week, and Wednesday was absolutely a nadir. I was feeling so shitty that morning, there was nothing to do but just wait for it to pass. Fortunately, one of the advantages of dysthymia over regular ol’ depression is that you can just huddle up and wait for it to pass. It only takes a few days, although this week was the worst it’s been for awhile.

I think it had properly started on Sunday, which is why I was so grumpy and ornery during the backer devstream. So, sorry for that.

One good thing about this is that I’m getting caught up on chores. Simple tasks help me get through these things, so when I get depressed things tend to get clean, which helps alleviate the gloomy atmosphere, and feeling that I’ve accomplished something helps me deal. The garden is weeded, the floors are clean, the expenses are filed, and the bathroom is spotless.

Anyway, not looking for a hugbox or anything, just being real about why I’ve been incommunicado all week.

The Search is on!

Oh man it’s been busy lately….

Nekochan and I were at BBQs all last weekend, and I was pretty hung over on Sunday. Nothing like a national holiday for poisoning yourself, setting fire to things, and playing with explosives! Still, got to see some old friends, and I earned four badges on Untappd.

There is, of course, doing “payroll” and paying bills and whatnot. Thanks for your support, Patrons! I guess I must be growing up, because I get a strange sense of satisfaction from being responsible with payroll and taking care of bills. It’s like, “Alright, successfully adulted for another month!”

I’m also thinking about rejiggering the Patreon tiers again. The lower tiers (ie, all but three of the Patrons) won’t change at all, but since nobody’s interested in the higher tiers it’s time for a change. The major draws (Nekochan’s artwork, free merch) aren’t working out, but I have no idea what else could work for a monthly reward. Custom sex scenes and the like are fine, but I can’t be repeating them every month. If anybody wants to share ideas that other successful Patreon campaigns use, or even if you have your own ideas, please feel free to share. Of course, all promised patron rewards will be honoured up until the change.

I’ve also started actively searching for hentai artists to contribute to the game. If you know anyone who does hentai art by commission (or you do hentai art yourself) please let me know! Hopefully soon we’ll be able to get the HCGs back on track!

Iron Waifu, Devstream Schedule, FAQ, Vacation Report

So, lots of stuff wrapped up/happened this week. Here’s the rundown:

First, there is now a version 3 that fixes many of the bugs and problems that folks were complaining about last week. IF you’re having trouble with the current release, please be sure to upgrade. (okay, version 4 for you fussy types that demand things like “defeating enemies should give you exp”)

Second of all, the first ever winner of the Iron Waifu Grand Tournament is… Therese! After a month of voting, the people have spoken and the number one harem girl is none other than the first party member you receive in HC. Expect the September update to be Therese-themed, featuring her love quest, a more in-depth examination of the Paladin Orders, and some other stuff I’ll come up with later. I’m also swearing off other “popularity contest” polls from now on, so hopefully I don’t end up in a pinch for topics.

In case you didn’t catch it elsewhere, the backer Devstream will be June 11th from 4-6 EDT, and the public Devstream will be June 25th from 4-6 EDT. I don’t know what topics will be explored, but odds are good that the June 11th stream will involve at least some dungeon design. As always, bring your questions for the Q&A period of each stream, Backers get spoilers but the public does not.

There is now an FAQ for questions I’m tired of answering or that I think people would want for easy reference, which you can access without a BKG forums account. Also, on the blog, I’ve changed to manually approving every comment because I’m not receiving email notification of auto-approved comments anymore and probably missing a lot of stuff. I’ll do my best to check for new comments daily!

I had a pretty good vacation last weekend, where Nekochan and I left to attend an anime convention being held in our area. We had a lot of fun- I picked up some semi-rare games (Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth for Xbox, Faxanadu complete-in-box for NES, Nekochan got Trails in the Sky Premium Edition for PSP), placed second in a Tanto Cuore tournament, tried some interesting new indy games (would absolutely recommend checking out Chronoclysm), got my ass handed to me in a Pokemon event….

It’s weird how taking days off because I’m stressed doesn’t help me relax nearly as much as a planned vacation, especially one as physically demanding as attending a crowded convention in the middle of a heat wave. I even got heat exhaustion one day, almost threw up in the charity silent auction room, and had to take the rest of that day off. But ever since getting home, I feel totally refreshed and have been getting a lot done on the game.

Funny story, when Nekochan first got the TitS Premium Edition box, she rattled it to make sure that the pin that comes with it was still in there. However, when we finally sat down and she had an opportunity to pull the game apart and have a look at everything, it turned out the pin was missing- that rattle was a disc-only copy of PSP Generation of Chaos stuffed into the same box. We kind of strugged it off- the value of GoC is enough to offset the loss from having an incomplete TitS- but it was just kind of funny that the original seller and the used games reseller never bothered to check what was in the box.

Would you guys be interested in hearing about my game collection on a slow news week? I’ve got nearly 500 games, including some pretty rare ones. I’m pretty proud of my collection. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Until next week, take it easy and happy fapping!

Backer Devstream and Iron Waifu!

So if you’re a Backer, the Backer Devstream is this Sunday! The secret private devstream link is on the Patreon page, the special backer’s subforum on the BKG site, and if you’re an old-timey Paypal backer, you’ll be finding it in your inbox. Eventually. Dreamhost only lets me send 100 emails per hour as an anti-spam measure, and there’s nearly 400 of you guys, so it’ll take awhile.

Also, even if you’re not a backer please take the time to check out the Bad Kitty Games forum this month as we’re doing something of a character popularity contest. I know that I do a lot of character polls whenever I can’t think of a more interesting things to poll about, but this month it’s serious- a single-elimination tournament featuring almost all of the female characters in the game to determine who will crowned the IRON WAIFU. Whichever character wins will receive a special themed update later this summer, with featured quests, redesigns, extra sex scenes, and a whole lot more being possible.

Anyway, as always thanks for your attention and May the Fourth be with you!

Lazy Day

Jeez I’m feeling lazy today. I’m actually getting into gardening of all things- now that I live in a place that I can actually take responsibility for I’m surprisingly invested in how it looks and the general quality of the environment. The tenants of the previous owner obviously did not give a shit, as the deck was rotting in a bunch of places, the paints was stripped, the siding was damaged, etc. Besides, cleaning up the backyard will prevent that whole “spider-haunted jungle” thing I spoke about last summer. Thus, much of my spare time has gone into weeding, removing creeping, trimming bushes and trees, and other such things.
On top of that, there’s also game development and taxes! So I’m having a bit of a lazy morning, but I’ll hunker down and get some game dev done this afternoon.
As for updates: Things are proceeding smoothly. I’ve had a small speed bump because I had to redo enemy encounters in the newest quest twice, the first time because I accidentally mistook the quest-specific enemies for the recurring enemies, the second because I messed up the chase script. But things are looking good, and the quest is almost 100% done and finishing the arena battles shouldn’t take long after that. I’ll probably be done all this with plenty of time to spare, but May promises to be a busy month. I’ll probably spend the rest of the time doing something time-intensive but not demanding in terms of milestones, like chat dialogues or putting more on demand sex scenes in the replay menu.

I’m still figuring out the devstream details, but the May release schedule is:
Backer Release- May 18th
Public Release- May 25th

So, look forward to it!

Edit: Was able to confirm devstream details!

Backer Devstream: May 8th, 12-2pm EDT
Public Devstream: May 21st, 12-2pm EDT

Clean Bill of Health!

Sorry for the late blog post, but yesterday I finally had that diagnostic procedure I had mentioned way back in December. And it turns out, I’m in the clear- no cancer, no internal bleeding. Almost all my symptoms were due to the sleep apnea, except for some that require a few lifestyle changes. In general, though, I’m perfectly fine.

I’m going to take today and tomorrow to recover from the procedure, because there are some lingering aftereffects. However, I’m back to full-time work Monday for sure, feeling great and better than ever!

As for how development is going- doing the chat options is taking longer than expected, so it might be a case like the sex on demand menus that I only revamp one or two characters per update. As I said before, it’s a lot of writing, and while I have no problem coming up with things for the different characters to say the sheer volume is a bit hefty. Expect at minimum for next update that Elaiya, Florine, and one other character (I’m thinking Meline) will have the fully implemented new chat features.

That hasn’t been the only thing I’m working on. The Giant’s Path will respawn enemies daily, and I’ve added a new enemy type to break up the monotony of all those bears in the cave system. GusBus provided me with some more battlers, and there will be new music from PeaSea for both the manor invasion and It’s Pronounced “Sabotage”.

Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like I will have to do a partial rebuild of Hour of the Beasts. Hopefully that won’t take more than a day or two.

Anyway, thank you all for your patience, have a great week and happy fapping!

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

So my house is still a mess, but at least now I have an office. Sort of. Most of my desk is still our “kitchen” (kettle, toaster, coffee maker), I can’t find my mic or my production notebooks, but at least I have my work PC and the internet. And that’s not nothing.

I’m hoping to start testing week next Wednesday. I just want a bit of time to put a little more work into HC- make it somewhat worth the wait- and finish putting together a little something extra for backers.

Been playing Slave Maker 3 in my *ahem* personal time lately. Damn did that game ever get complex. The evil NoMoshing inside of me takes particularly perverse glee in making slaves who hate me bear my children… it’s probably a good thing I’m not a parent in real life. Especially since I make hentai for a living. Can you imagine that career day?

Anyway, I’m going to get back to work. Now that I have my shit together, I’m all fired up! So expect the fresh updates for The Last Sovereign and Project: Starship to be on the site today or tomorrow, depending on when I feel like a break from game dev. Until then, see your later and happy fapping!