Art Acceleration

Starting this week, we’re adding a new funding option for those who want to support development of the game and are frustrated with the large backlog of old or unfinished sex scenes. You will now be able to directly fund art assets for sex scenes in the backlog, accelerating art assets to be worked on alongside the usual art schedule. This allows fans of particular characters to invest directly in getting art for their preferred scenes done first.

There are a few stipulations:
-Payments are processed via Paypal. While payments are processed through the Bad Kitty Games Paypal account, all payment go 100% into the new artwork- BKG does not take a “cut”.
-The cost of a sex scene is generally $70 per image. We will not accept payment for a sex scene piecemeal, however we are willing to accept payments from multiple individuals if a coalition forms to pay for one of these sex scenes.
-The other major factor is SacB0y’s schedule. We will fit in the accelerated sex scene art as soon as possible, but this isn’t the only game that SacB0y is working on, and if this program proves popular, SacB0y may simply end up worked to capacity.
-After payment is received in full, work will generally begin on the following month, and take 3-4 weeks, although there may be delays that you will informed of up front.
-For now, only scenes with existing 3DCG are being pre-assessed. If you’d like to accelerate any other scenes, by all means ask, and I can provide you with an answer.

You can find the pre-assessed prices and other details here.

Harem Collector v0.31.8 Change Notes

Get the newest version here!

New in this version:

-New quest! Make sure you’ve finished up all quests that deal with Eastfort then walk on over to see the next Kellos Invasion quest!
-Redone artwork for Alina’s pretty much everything, ‘Claiming your property’, ‘Salty Dessert’, Vacation, and ‘Sex a la Carte’ sex menu scenes all are updated with brand-new art!
-New happiness and furniture systems!
-New sprites and faces for the Hero!

Right so let’s talk happiness

So, in the last blog post I talked about the happiness system, and some of you seem to have some reservations about the system. As such I’d like to take a moment and open the floor to some discussion about the matter, here I’ll be very open and express my full sentiments on the matter.

So let’s start with one of the concerns I’ve been getting, which is about gifting. Gifting will NOT be going away, it will stay very much a part of HC. The new system is honestly meant in many ways to improve upon and allow for alternatives to gifting. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ve had many days in HC where I forgot to give Randi some pearls, or decided that Renfeld was just too out of the way to give a monster fang to and I didn’t really NEED to raise her affection to the max, so there would be some in-game days that I simply wouldn’t give out all the gifts to people. When this was coupled with some complaints that we’d get from people who seemed to think of gifting as a chore more than anything, NoMoshing came to the conclusion that the gifting system just wasn’t doing what he wanted. The initial design for gifting was inspired by Dragon Age: Origins, where you’d enjoy giving your characters gifts rather than feel like you had to slog through 30 minutes of chores before you could get to the ‘real’ game. That said, we didn’t want to outright remove gifting because that’s a big part of the game. Instead, we changed it so that instead of gifts giving affection directly, they instead earn you some ‘affection per day’ for a few days. This serves to make it so that you can get the max ‘gifting affection’ by only hopping over to Eastfort say once every 3 days instead of every day so those who forget to give gifts or just want to get to the rest of the game sooner aren’t as hard pressed to do it. That said, gifting is still a major part of the affection system and if you don’t mind the daily grind, you can continue to run around playing Santa and should be just fine. The point of these changes is so that later in the game, as you have more furniture, as you’ve made more choices, as you have more girls than you can count on your fingers and toes, that you have more options than, “Gifting’ or “Nothing”.

This does however bring me to another point about the gifting system that I know won’t be popular with a lot of you. Maximum ‘gift’ affection per day has been reduced. Gifts were always intended to only give +2 affection per day instead of +3, however with how few days were in the game originally this would have made it impossible to get the freedom to actually get to new relationship bonuses for a lot of the girls, let alone their love quests. That said, the game has come a long way since then, so when the affection system was already looking to be changed, now seemed an appropriate time to go ahead an reduce that. I thought that just having a max of +2 per day didn’t really fit in with one of the ideas that the game has a lot of depth for min-maxers while still being pretty simple and easy to play through for more casual players intentionally, which is why I put together a complicated system that’s meant to take place behind the scenes that allows players who work for it to be able to achieve up to +4 affection per day with any given girl. The idea though is that in practice the average character will only be getting +2~+3, but if you really want to spoil your absolute favorite girl, the intention is for you to be able to do just that. If you guys don’t feel that this is an acceptable trade off, feel free to share your opinions on the matter.

Now, this is a part that I glossed over before, but there will also be possible to lose affection per day, this was brought on due to several requests for it. Originally the only way to lose affection was during the Manor Assault if you praised someone who didn’t fight then everyone else there would lose one affection point (though you weren’t when/if this happened), now just as you can get up to +4 affection per day, you can also go as low as -4 affection per day. The addition of this consequence is something that can help make your choices feel more impactful as if the ‘worst’ that you can do is no change that can cheapen your actions. That said, I still wanted to make sure that the game didn’t punish you for not understanding it’s systems right away, so I’ll be upfront in saying that while you can go into the negatives for happiness and affection per day, the system is very generous. For example, the best gifts will give you +4 happiness while the worst gifts will give -2 happiness, this is reflected in just about every aspect of happiness. Something else to help is that you can never go below the ‘minimum’ for any given relationship stage. If you got Larelle out of the dungeon but hate her and have her at -4 affection per day she’ll never go below 21 affection and end up ‘back’ in the dungeon. Perhaps this fails to deal with the problem of having ‘cheap’ choices if the system is biased to head positive, but I at least thought it’d be a good way to add some consequence to the system without making it so that players can get stuck at -1 affection per day their entire playthrough on their waifu just because they made some mistakes.

Another thing that we did get some complaints about is the new visual display. We now have a rather Harvest Moon-esque heart meter instead of flat out telling you the affection values. If I’m being frank, while I do enjoy the look of it, the min-maxer in me doesn’t like that we’re taking away some direct numerical feedback to the players. This has been a point of disagreement a few times between me and NoMoshing where he doesn’t really like giving you guys direct numbers (after all, when you open an animal guide or something in real life it doesn’t tell you that bears have an attack stat of 54 or whatever) and instead prefers more visual or abstract feedback, whereas I’m usually pushing for more and more detailed information getting back to the player which can cause information overload for many. An instance of what I mean by abstract feedback can be seen with the ‘mood’ indicator that tells you if a character is ‘Very Happy’, ‘Happy’, ‘Unhappy’, or ‘Very Unhappy’, see this is how the game gives you feedback of the affection per day that you’re getting, there was some back and forth between me and NoMoshing on what was the best way to do this, and we eventually agreed that this was acceptable as while you can’t really tell if you’re getting +4 or +3 per day from this alone, you do know the difference between +3 and +1. For the most part this happiness indicator serves to give you a general idea as to where you stand and does have enough nuance that you can notice some significant changes to it, but it’s also abstract enough that it’s not full on immersion breaking.

Sorry for the massive wall of text, but I wanted to make sure that I explained things as clearly and thoroughly as it looks like this will need to be. If you have any comments, concerns, or criticisms please feel free to share them.

I did it!

Hey everyone, I’m here to give you all a run-down of some of the new stuff that’ll be in the upcoming release, of which I only finished my contribution to like 5 hours before this so yay for finishing by the deadline!

First of all, before I go into my typical scripting rant, I’d like to take a brief moment to highlight that the new quest for this release is going to be a big one that’s going to throw the story for a bit of a loop! I’m personally really looking forward to seeing how you all react! Also free e-cookie to the first person to guess which one enemy in the new quest that I designed (NoMoshing handled the others since I had a lot on my plate as is)!

Now let’s get into what I’ve been working on for this release, the happiness system. I won’t get super into details about the numbers of this system (though I might try to set aside from time to do just that on the wiki after the public release) but this system is in general designed to change the existing affection system. See one of the big issues with the existing affection system is that it basically requires that you play Santa to your entire harem every day, and while that might not be too bad with 3-5 girls, when you get above 20 I imagine it’s quite tedious for a lot of you, as such the new system is supposed to, by the end of the game at least, make gifting entirely optional, as you can instead rely on stuff like the furniture system or various character interactions instead to grant you a passive amount of affection per girl daily. Gifts themselves are also a bit less tedious as if you give a girl their favorite gift a certain number of days in a row you’ll reach the max ‘gift happiness’, and from there it’ll take a few days for the gift happiness counter to decrease enough to decrease the amount of affection per day.

Now, as I said I don’t want to go into the exact details here but I will give you all a general hint, there’s more or less 3 happiness counters that are all recorded separately, they are affected by different things and they each have a maximum affection per day that they can give you. The system is designed so that there’s certainly a lot of options and can be difficult to get the ‘maximum’ affection per day on every character at once, but if you’re just playing casually you should be able to stay in the positive happiness values on everyone just fine. I even made sure that ALL love quests were still obtainable with the new system, of which Therese may give some players some trouble as you can’t rely only on gifts for her but even that should help be mitigated with time. Do keep in mind though that you will need to talk to various characters to increase their relationship level, you can’t just leave them in the dungeon waiting until they get to 101 affection I’m sorry to say!

Another thing that this new system will bring is overhauling the relationship meter. Instead of just telling you the value of the affection there will be a meter that fills up for each relationship level showing you your progress. It is designed to update at even 1 point increments though you may not always notice it, we’re happy with the sprites that Kumiho provided for the affection meter! You will also be getting some feedback about the affection per day a character is earning, but it’s not going to be quite as straight-forward, after all I don’t know about you but when I look at someone I have a hard time saying that they’re at +2 affection happiness or +1 affection happiness! You know, whoever designed real life should probably ask me to update the GUI, it’s so hard to understand your stats at any given moment!

That’s more or less it. With the completion of this I probably won’t be doing a lot of big scripting projects for HC at this point. There’s still several scripting things I’d like to do, bugs that need to be fixed, and enemies AI that I can fine-tune, but honestly at this point I’m probably mostly going to be focusing on the next big project and laying out the groundwork for that… Anyways that’s all from me! Hope you guys enjoy this update!

Coasting to the Finish

Things are a little behind right now, so we’ll probably not be able to kick off testing week until Friday. There are a few reasons why, such as last week’s embarrassing display (Ugh…), but I won’t get into those. My obligations are clearing up and I should be able to cross the finish line a little late but otherwise with plenty of time to spare. Thanks, as usual, for your patience.

One of the things that has been distracting me is a Warhammer 40k miniature painting contest that I’m entering this Friday. I know, I know, that’s a really silly thing to lose work time on, but in my defense I was the one who pushed my FLGS to run it, so I felt obligated to enter. I made a pretty ambitious model (A T’au Empire Commander in Enforcer armor, standing victoriously with one leg up on top of a dead Plague Marine, I even used the “missile in flight” bits from a couple of Devastator boxes to make it look like he was in the middle of firing his missile pod… and now I’ve gone cross-eyed) and it was just a beast to paint in terms of sheer work. I’ve probably clocked close to 15 hours on it. Way more work than I signed up for, in any case. Nekochan is also entering, so wish us luck!

Here is a really shitty pic of our two entries. Nekochan’s Tech-Priest Dominus is there on the left.

Anyway, I better get back to work. See you all next week for the Backer release!


Hit the depression wall pretty hard this week, so please adjust your expectations for the release accordingly. I hate doing this sort of thing, I feel like a fucking cartoon character every time I have to do it.

In exchange for this lackluster blog post, I invite you to enjoy this preview CG from the new update.

Finally, A Break

Whew. For once, there’s not a lot to write about. No drama, no problems, also not a lot of exciting new stuff to talk about. Alina’s solo H-scenes are almost done, which is pretty exciting- looking forward to doing new characters.
One thing I’m excited about for next month is doing the Silvayuco art. You see, we currently have it in the budget to do six images or face sets a month. Silvayuco is going to need four, maybe five images, so I have a little bit of wiggle room for fitting in other things. I could get a head start on doing some of Yamamaya’s single-image scenes (the vacation might do nicely), or I could get out some NPC face sets. The magic school students in particular stick out like a sore thumb.
I know this month we’re already soliciting opinions in the poll of the month, but I wouldn’t mind hearing from you guys in the comments or the blog post thread about what you’d like to seem happen in December!
Until then, see you later!

The Patreon Situation

First off, the story so far: Earlier this week Patreon suddenly changed it’s Terms of Service with regard to erotic/pornographic content, and that same day took down a number of campaign pages, including several H-game developers’ pages. Some of those pages have been restored after the creators of those pages made changes to how their projects are advertised, others remain in limbo. You can find more details on the relevant Lewdgamer article.

There is a lot of speculation on why exactly these changes are happening now. While I have my own suspicions as to why, the fact of the matter is I don’t know anything for certain, and I have no desire to call attention to Bad Kitty Games’ potential violations of the new terms of service by asking for clarification.

It is also true is that, as it stands, Harem Collector is in violation of the new terms of service. Harem Collector depicts sexual violence and incest, two subjects specifically pointed out in ToS.

However, it is not so simple in practice. It seems that at least part of Patreon’s new terms of service is a “save your ass” move meant to appease some group or legal entity, as multiple Patreon pages have been reinstated so long as Patreon itself does not host or directly link to the content identified as objectionable. These are projects that, by any reasonable measure, flagrantly stand in violation of the new ToS, but have been reapproved after removing particular posts, links, and images.

This kind of “don’t ask, don’t tell”-style content policing personally leaves me feeling very uncomfortable. If it were as simple as having to pack up and find a new service, then fine. Don’t get me wrong, it would suck, but tough cookies. Freedom of expression also means that Patreon has the freedom to choose what kind of content they condone through their service, and I don’t blame them for wanting to maintain a welcoming, family-friendly image. But for the life of our crowdfunding efforts to hinge on the opinion of Patreon’s moderators…. I don’t like it.

For now, we are going to continue operating via Patreon. our campaign has yet to come under review, and our specific posting practices should keep us safe for the foreseeable future. You can rest assured, however, that over the next few weeks Nekochan, Conash and I will be reviewing our options, to make sure that an “escape plan” is prepared in case the worst should come to pass. As always, you can follow this space for any updates, and you can speak to Conash or myself directly via the Bad Kitty Games Discord Channel.

As always, thank you very much for your support and good wishes.
Your brother-in-arms,

Pulling Art

As of next update, we’re going to be pulling GusBus’ enemy artwork from the game.
This isn’t an easy decision. It’s always disappointing to spend money on something and then have to remove it, but after experiencing a few Let’s Plays of Harem Collector where people commented negatively on the mixed art styles, I think it’s necessary. Having universal RPG Maker default battlers is better than having a mix.
That’s not to say that GusBus’ designs won’t be back, however. While there are other art priorities right now, when we do get around to do enemy battlers, some of GusBus’ work (especially the slimes and Glitterfang, maybe also the humanoids is it all gels together) will be re-implemented.
That’s basically it for today. Please remember that the next public Devstream is on the 29th, and I hope to see you all there!

Easy Topic Week… I Mean, Next Update Plans

So it’s the Wednesday after update day… and that means I’m going to talk about what I hope to get done for the next update!

So obviously the customizatible manor stuff didn’t roll out last week as intended it still needs more work, and it’s being worked on as I write this. Basically, what’s going on is that the affection system and the furniture customization system are a little too intricately linked to release one half without the other, instead of two discreet releases they have to come out at the same time. So, we’re still working on that.

As usual, there will be at least one new quest- this time we’re advancing the Kellos Invasion arc and introducing the last of the Five Generals who will appear in Harem Collector. As usual, I will attempt to get a second quest done when I’m not working on the affection/manor revamp or this other thing, but as usual I make no promises.

Since SacB0y was running behind last month (because, y’know, last month was just hell for people in a certain area of the world), there will be a lot of new sex scene stuff in the next update. Salty Dessert, Claiming your Property, Discovering Doggystyle and Alina’s Sex a la Carte will all be finished for the end of November- that’s every Alina scene that isn’t a threesome or moresome all for your viewing pleasure next month. Alina fans, rejoice!

So yeah, there’s good stuff coming. Thanks for your support, and happy fapping!