Harem Collector December Public Release!

Get it here!

December 2015 Changes:

-One new quest, check it out at the Westcastle Adventurer’s Guild after completing Hall Monitor from Hell.
-Speaking of which, Hall Monitor from Hell is probably fixed this time, as long as you have a save before encountering Alina and Yeon.
-If you had a problem before with the Guild rewards from Hall Monitor from Hell and Sacrifice for Algernon interacting weird, a Guild Auditor now appears in front of the Northmarket Manor to help you with that.
-Once the new quest is completed, the Golden Tomb becomes a revisitable dungeon!
-New Phantom Knight mode for the Hero, available after the new quest!
-Bronwyn has a face again!
-Alchemy is now available! Talk to Orange Kid to try it out!
-On-demand sex menu is now available for Elaiya!
-A few other new things that I can’t remember because I can’t find my notebook!

What’s Going On

So here’s what’s going on with the next release of Harem Collector.

There will be a release in earl-to-mid December. I’m going to shoot for December 9th for backers and 16th for the public, but I make no promises. This version will contain at least the Phantom Knight quest, the alchemy system implementation, and a few other things. If I can get all the things done and there are no problems, it might be the complete release with Diadira included.

If not, I’ll do a second release, late December to early January, with just Diadira and her recruitment quest.

If it makes sense to do this going forward, I might just end up releasing new versions one quest at a time if there’s a positive response to this. If you have comments on that, please let me know!

Update, Update, Update

TL;DR Things aren’t bad, but there will still be a delay.

So, update on things going on with me: My basement was cleaned up last Friday, and things on that end were taking care of with incredible celerity. One of the benefits of home ownership: When you have a problem “ASAP” actually means “as soon as possible” and not “when the landlord has time to do it and there isn’t a hockey game on”. It didn’t end up taking much of my time, only two or three days at worst. As for the medical thing, turns out what I was expecting to be the actual thing was only a orientation/consultation session. The actual procedure will be happening in mid-to-late January. In the best case scenario, they’ll conduct the surgery for what they think my problem is right then and there, as it’s a fairly simple procedure, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to properly work after that.

However, there will still be a delay. I’ll update the homepage when I have a better idea of when things will go down, but this is definitely a case of nobody on the team is firing on all cylinders except Music Guy PeaSea. Gurotaku, Kakurine, and Gusbus have all had their own delays this month. Gurotaku is getting his ass kicked at work, and Kakurine had a death in the family, so please send them your good wishes. It’s not all doom and gloom, though- Gusbus is delayed because her boyfriend took a vacation from his job overseas and they’ve been getting reacquainted.

So it seems to me that the best thing to do is to put off the public release by a little bit, let everyone catch up (and give PeaSea extra time for more awesome music), and time the new public release to coincide with the rollout of the new Bad Kitty Games website! Plus, given the amount of new mechanics, new scenes, new harem girls and all that will be in the next release, I think a little delay to make all aspects of the game as great as possible will be well worth it to you guys.

Until next time!

I Tried To Plan Better, I Swear

So, the next release might be delayed. I’m getting really tired of saying that, but it’s part of the risk when there’s only one developer on a project. When life hands me lemons, everything else needs to stop and wait while I put the lemons in the fridge. Or something. Maybe eat them- that would certainly match my current mood.

Okay, so next week I’m losing anywhere from 1-3 work days due to a diagnostic medical procedure I’m undergoing. I don’t want to share the details, but I’ll let you all know of course if anything catastrophic occurs. I knew about this happening for quite awhile, and I was prepared to deal with it and keep development going around it.

Then, last week, the sewer in my house backed up and flooded part of our basement. Other than our Christmas and Halloween decor getting drenched in awful shit water, Nekochan and I have to deal with the smell and filth until the insurance guy gets here to take their accounting, as well as the sick cat (who bravely used her litter box despite it being on the edge of Shit Water Lake and subsequently contracted a furrier, more adorable version of Montezuma’s Revenge) and soon having a couple walls in our basement being torn up and replaced. On top of that, sometime in the next couple of weeks our water will be shut off for a day while the sewer pipe leading from our house to the main gets repaired.

So in the two weeks leading up to testing week I will have maybe six days free, period, between the medical stuff, cleaning up, dealing with the insurance guy, and abandoning the house while the toilets are unusable. If I am very, very lucky, some of this will happen concurrently, freeing up some more time, but at the moment things are not looking good.

Phantom Knight Power Makeup!

This week I started working on adding the ghost harem girl to the game. Working name so far is Ulania, and she was once a warrior in whatever civilization left all those ruins and lost cities lying around. Bound in place for centuries, the Hero is busy doing adventurer things when boy meets ghost and boy figures out how to take advantage of an ancient geas in order to stick his penis inside said ghost. I don’t want to give any more spoilers, but I think recruiting her will be a fun quest.

The important thing is that recruiting Ulania to your harem allows the Hero to switch between his Warlord class and the Phantom Knight class. So what is Phantom Knight class? I’m glad you asked, theoretical strawman-type player.

Phantom Knight is intended to swap the Hero from a support role to a more defensive, tanking role. He gets a bonus to Defense and Resist at the cost of Agility and Luck (and thus, evasion, hit rate and critical chance). More importantly, the Hero’s skills all switch around to suit his new role. Backers can find the details in the backer forum, but there is more of an emphasis on Resist and managing spell damage than any of the other tank-type characters.

I really can’t think of anything else to add, so I’ll leave it there. More details are available on the Bad Kitty Games forum if you’re a backer, and I hope everyone enjoys this new mechanic when it comes out in the December release!

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Release….

First off, despite what the title may imply, the release will be along later today- just have to polish things up a bit first, it should be along later this afternoon or at the latest this evening. Second, sorry I didn’t do this post last night, I just plain forgot.

Anyway, I use cloud storage so that 1) I can work on Harem Collector from anywhere, and 2) so that I don’t lose everything if one of my computers happens to fail. A while ago I discovered that my laptop and my work PC weren’t syncing up properly, and I ended up losing a couple of sex scenes, some enemy behaviour, and the entire back half of the “Cannibal Corps” quest. Which was kind of a problem… with the help and patience of the testing team, we’ve managed to pull everything together, but it has lead to a pretty big change.

I originally had two ideas for Cannibal Corps. One idea was very plot-relevant, but in terms of the style of the dungeon and the enemies you face would have been very similar to several other quests. The other idea involved a dungeon that is (I hope) unique and funny, but wasn’t very relevant to the plot, and had kind of a limp ending where the important stuff happened off-screen.

While I went with the second idea initially, while I was re-finishing the quest over the weekend, I wanted to do something more. It also didn’t feel right dropping the big reveal for the Demon Cult questline and then not doing anything with it for months while I get the rest of the questlines caught up. So, despite having a dungeon and a boss and all that stuff, Cannibal Corps isn’t actually over this update. You’ll have a (hopefully) fun little dungeon, and the chance to advance a day, but that’s only the first half of the quest. There will be a second dungeon, with the big plot bombs, when I’m ready to go on with the next bit of the Demon Cult questline.

Anyway, just thought you all deserve to know what’s going on with that one quest! I’d better get to polishing, so thanks as always and happy fapping!

She Slimed Me

Not a long post I’m afraid. Due to a Dropbox-related incident, I’ve lost a ton of work hours. And now I have to figure out how to fix it if I ever want to use my laptop for gamedev again….

Anyway, Gusbus dropped whole pile of slime on me today, so here’s a preview of some of the new enemy battlers that will be in the next update.

The new Virulent Green Slime is just happy to see you:
green slime large

The new Quivering Jelly offers some insight into why those caves are always so well-lit:
orange slime large

The new Clockwork Slime just realized how ridiculous his mere existence is:
silver slime large

Anyway, that’s all for now. There’s a lot to do in the next week, so I’d ought to get right to it!

What’s a Paladin?

It may surprise you to hear this, but I like playing paladins and good clerics on the few occasions I do get a chance to play D&D (or Pathfinder, I suppose). Part of it is that I don’t really mind being healer/buffer and letting everyone else do the damage. There are a few people in my regular tabletop RPing group who feel the need to be the high-damage powerhouses, so I don’t mind them taking all the attention in combat. Besides, if that subconsciously primes the GM to think that I deserve more “spotlight” outside of combat, all the better. But the other part is that I really don’t like playing the bad guy. My perverse fantasies aside, at the RPG table I prefer to be the paragon. Even in games like Vampire or Dark Heresy where you’re not really a “good guy”, I prefer characters who aspire to some kind of higher ideal.

The reason why I’m telling you all this is because when it comes to paladins, I know my shit. And I care about what being a paladin means.

So, what does it mean for Harem Collector?

There are four orders of paladins in the HC world, each devoted to being an exemplar of a single Angel’s virtues. Rather than priests, who are there to tend to the faithful, convert others, and protect individual communities, the paladins are meant to lead by example. They are not always successful in this, of course- those wacky paladins sure do make a big deal out of falling from grace- but their primary duty, even before the smiting of evil and whatnot, is to guide others by doing.

The largest order devotes themselves to the Angel of Law and Justice. As they serve the only male Angel, the order itself has a disproportionate number of men in it. This leads to rumours that the Law and Justice paladins are more than a little sex-deprived and repressed. At least that’s the stereotype, unless the paladin in question is a confirmed bachelor. Which does happen- more than a few paladins of this order joined for the opportunity to meet other men in a cloistered setting. More than a few of the female paladins of this order joined for the yaoi. Sex lives of the faithful aside, they mostly go about serving Angelic justice and enforcing Angelic law, which often takes the form of vigilantism, kangaroo courts, and trial by popular opinion. Hey, nobody said that being a paladin made you perfect.

The next largest order serves the Angel of Light and Mercy, who are basically classic paladins straight out of a PHB. Therese’s order is the one most often found joining adventuring parties and actually being active in the world- as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, this order means “Light” in the “taken into dark places” sense of the word. They take it upon themselves to protect the common folk, heal the sick, and generally be all-around good people. However, they are badly decentralized- they rarely gather in force and when they do in tends to be whoever happens to be at the order hall that week.

Third largest is the Order of Loyalty and Service. These are the least paladin-like paladins- because they usually end up swearing to some individual or organization that they find worthy, they often don’t end up out in the world, smiting evil and kissing babies. However, their oaths are no absolute- loyalty is a two-way street and someone who begins to act in an unworthy manner will find their paladin buddies deserting them. There are plenty of folktales involving a paladin of this order discovering that their “master” is corrupt somehow and betraying them, only to turn themselves in to their own order out of shame for such abject betrayal.

The smallest order is the one who follows the Angel of Peace and Comfort. The rare few individuals who find themselves dedicated to the least popular Angel become expert undead hunters, to grant the final peace and comfort of the grave to the unquiet dead. This is the only order not to have a tower at the Middle Kingdom citadel outside Westcastle, as the local paladins of this Order are too few to make much of a political impact. Luckily, their buddies at the Order of Light and Mercy are happy to provide space, as the two orders tend to get along famously.

It’s popularly thought that paladins must be celibate, but this is not the case. Of these orders, only the Order of Loyalty and Service demands celibacy, preaching that in order to devote themselves fully they cannot dilute their attention with lovers. Promiscuity is frowned upon, however, and marriage is rare. Masturbation is thought to be selfish- which is why a certain someone decided to go into hiding to cleanse herself of impure thoughts- and making use of prostitutes is strictly forbidden.

So why Therese keeps her powers after she is captured should be clear. She’s not actually breaking any of the rules of her order, as long as she still attempts to be an example to her peers. And by serving the Hero and exerting what little influence she can gain over him, well, that could be interpreted as taking a candle into a dark place as well. Maybe one day, she can goad him into being a Hero in a less ironic way.

Lowercase, the Divine, and You

Because of an extended conversation that look place on the HC forum, I’m taking it upon myself to clear up a bit of game lore that some people have been getting wrong.

In Harem Collector, there are the Angels who are the subject of worship, and the Demons who are normally reviled but are also (occasionally) worshiped. These beings are widely known- the various churches spread the teachings of the Seven Angels, while the Tarnished Grimoire is a not-uncommon scholarly text defining the personalities of the Seven Demons. The Angels and Demons are somewhat oppositional- just as there is an Angel of Love and Passion so too there is a Demon of Lust and Envy- this doesn’t constitute a perfect 1:1 match. Because Angels are associated with virtue, and Demons are associated with sins that pervert specific virtues, some of them correspond with one another.

Muddying the issue somewhat is the existence of angels and demons. You see, the Angels and Demons are each served by what is called a “servitor race” of weaker beings created in their image. These servitors are frequently confused and conflated with capital-A Angels and capital-D Demons by humans who are ignorant of the difference. These servants have three properties in common: they are totally subservient to the Angel or Demon that they serve, they posses a similar appearance and powers of their master, and they are easily controlled by human magic. While they are generally more powerful than humans, it is well within a group of humans’ ability to destroy one of these lesser servants. The Servitor Archons, Guardian Fiends, Guardian Seraphs, miscellaneous Imps, and Marel the Brute are all examples of these lesser angels and demons.

So, in essence, it works like this:
The Seven Angels > lesser angels > humans < lesser demons < The Seven Demons The Angels and Demons have a few other things in common. They both are capable of granting powers to humanity, known as Prayers and Rites respectively. The different powers have slightly different properties- the two sets of beings have a preference for different elements, and while Prayers are fairly straightforward, Rites are much more powerful but come with some kind of extra cost. Angels and Demons can grant or take away their powers at will, and can also use their servants as intermediaries to do this. And now, for some heresy. Prayers and Rites are far from the only powers humans are capable of obtaining. While Evocations are poorly understood, they still undeniably exist and nobody knows precisely what power source they come from. Arcane magic is also available to anyone willing to put in the work to learn it. Some scholars theorize that these abilities are granted by their own pantheon of Seven Whatevers, but these individuals are usually shouted down because arcane magic is clearly different from divine and infernal magic. Some church scholars are surprised to note that the Angels don't seem all that interested in opposing the Demons in any way, despite what their followers say. Then they do conflict, it's often incidental- minions of the Angel of Law and Justice clashing with minions of the Demon of Cruelty and Hate, for example- but there is no specific enmity there. The only reason why demon cults are illegal in the Middle Kingdom at all is because they tend to disturb the peace, cause all sorts of trouble for the nobility and disrupt trade. Anyway, just some food for thought (and some assumptions pointed) for those interested in HC lore.

Goals for October Release

Since things are finally relaxing at home, things are looking up in terms of gamedev. I was able to put in some solid work so far this week, and hopefully I’ll be able to fulfill my plans for the game.

Things I’ve already done:
-Added a half dozen new banters
-Added new mind control scenes for Therese and Yeon
-Added new Trophy Traders for each major city
-Made the Abandoned Fort re-visitable, allowing players to grind a few more slimes per day (or not)
-Made the face set for a new harem girl
-Added a new hovel to the Northmarket Slums with some minor plot significance

Things on their way:
-Finally have a sprite artist on board, so expect a lot of sprites that were unfinished or whatever to start appearing.
-New backer custom scene for next release, which happens to also include something you guys have been demanding for awhile.
-New town music courtesy of PeaSea
-More revised battlers

Things I want for next release:
-Beach vacation quest
-Sacrifices for Algernon quest (continuation of the Demon Cult arc)
-New quest for the Save the Elves arc.
-New harem girl + sex scene
-At least two more random sex scenes
-Make more revistable dungeons (there’s a relevant thread on the forums, if you’re interested in a more in-depth discussion on that)
-More on demand scenes, banters, etc.
-Be able to spend more time promoting the game and getting back on track with Patreon rewards/goals.

Anyway, that’s all for now! Have fun and happy fapping!