July 2015 Public Release

Download can be found in the usual place.

Changes in this version
-New quest! Check out your desk in the Northmarket manor or speak to Shally to proceed.
-We heard you liked quests, so we put a quest in your quest so you can quest while you quest. (translation: new miniquest in the new quest)
-Elaiya’s Love Quest, Finishing Unfinished Business, has been extended. If you haven’t played it yet, check it out!
-New music from the game’s new composer, PeaSea.
-Hall Monitor from Hell has been fixed and should now be complete-able.
-Many of the earlier quests have had their XP rewards rebalanced.
-Sibling Rivalry, the custom backer scene from last month, can now be added to the list of random sex scenes with the code “JuFJrY1”

Unfortunately, house stuff raised it’s ugly head once more so I wasn’t able to work as much as I wanted since the backer update, so there are not many changes since the backer version- the weapon upgrade from the new quest is now in, and there’s a new piece of music, that’s about it. Things are definitely settling down though- only a little bit of work left, waiting on a few specialists in particular- so I’m going to try to do the Wednesday updates right at midnight EST again.

Fortunately, a couple of days ago it was too hot to work in my office (A/C was off because of reno guys running in and out all day), so I spent the day chilling out at a coffee shop, and got all the planning done for the next update. SO that’s something, right?

Backer Release, Finally

Hey there everyone! It’s finally here!

If you’re a Patreon backer, the post with the latest version is already on the Patreon page.

If you’re a Paypal backer from 2014 or earlier, I’m struggling with my email server at the moment- the anti-spam policy is being hyperactive. I’ll get the emails out ASAP, for now if you’re listed as a backer in the official forum there is a link there.

The extra backer present I’m hoping to have ready for this weekend or Monday, just wanted to take a little more time on that.

As for news… even though it’s not affecting devtime right now, the renos on the house should be finished up by Friday, which’ll be a load off my mind. Then I can actually, you know, unpack stuff and make this place a little like a for-reals, grown up home.

Anyway, please keep in mind sometimes that I miss my email notifications for this blog, and don’t approve comments until awhile after. I mention this now because this time it happens to be a comment critical of how I run things, and I just want to make it clear that I’m not trying to censor anyone.

Sorry for the late arrival on the release this month, and here’s hoping the next release will go a lot smoother!

Summers are Bad, Yo

So, summers apparently suck for HC.

Second summer in a row where Real Life butted it’s ugly, ugly head into my development cycle in a big way. At least it won’t be as awful as last summer’s accident- our roof has been gutted and replaced, the leaky wall has been repaired. and the testers are busy hunting for bugs like a hungry primate. Now if only I had a functional kitchen….

No matter. Just rest assured- the update is on the way!

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

So my house is still a mess, but at least now I have an office. Sort of. Most of my desk is still our “kitchen” (kettle, toaster, coffee maker), I can’t find my mic or my production notebooks, but at least I have my work PC and the internet. And that’s not nothing.

I’m hoping to start testing week next Wednesday. I just want a bit of time to put a little more work into HC- make it somewhat worth the wait- and finish putting together a little something extra for backers.

Been playing Slave Maker 3 in my *ahem* personal time lately. Damn did that game ever get complex. The evil NoMoshing inside of me takes particularly perverse glee in making slaves who hate me bear my children… it’s probably a good thing I’m not a parent in real life. Especially since I make hentai for a living. Can you imagine that career day?

Anyway, I’m going to get back to work. Now that I have my shit together, I’m all fired up! So expect the fresh updates for The Last Sovereign and Project: Starship to be on the site today or tomorrow, depending on when I feel like a break from game dev. Until then, see your later and happy fapping!

Minor Delay

Okay, so now it’s time for things you no doubt hate- delaying the next release and me talking about more house stuff.

The next release will be delayed by a week. This has nothing to do with content or the amount of work I have left to do- I’m pretty pleased with everything that’s going in the next release thus far. No, this has to with testing week. You see, for a indeterminate amount of time during testing week, I will be without internet because of the move. Basically, there was a huge delay in getting some renovations done to the new place so Neko and I are forced to move into a construction zone, and it will be highly unpleasant, and even if we get internet set up in a timely manner I might not have somewhere private to work until the 30th or so when the contractors are done. Normally, I would be totally fine working at a coffee shop all day or something, but I also don’t want to get kicked out if I have to do anything with the H-scenes or have to access the BKG website. Especially in my new neighborhood where nobody knows how much of a weirdo pervert I am.

Anyway, because it would pointless to run a testing week where I cannot receive the tester’s feedback and upload new version of the game, I’m pushing back the release by the week. Take comfort in the fact that I am not playing catch-up, and I will endeavor to cram as much new content as possible into that extra week. Sorry for the trouble, and happy fapping!

404- Post not Found

Sorry, but I’m really busy with new-house-stuff this week, and I wasn’t able to really sit down and work on stuff. Work continues, nonetheless- I tried a new build of the game using altered stat values, but that didn’t work out. I have yet to figure out the relative value HP should have to attack power, and RPG Maker really isn’t helpful in this regard- you literally have to keep experimenting until you find what works.

More importantly, the helper elves indentured servants other staff are still hard at work. Pea Sea is working on the new world map tune, Gurotaku is making CGs to go with new “collar immediately” options with Therese and Yeon, and I get to see the battler sprite person’s concept sketches for Glitterfangs and the Kellos soldiers tomorrow. At which time I should probably figure out what she wants to be credited as.

Anyway, that’s all for now!

Day Late But Not A Dollar Short

Sorry for the late post. I completely forgot, distracted by a bit of drama having to do with the move. Protip: If you buy a house, you can save yourself a lot of hassle by not buying a former rental property.

So last weekend Nekochan and I attended an anime convention, and I put my “professional name” on my badge in hopes of seeing if I got recognized by a fan. I was- but I didn’t expect said fan to be a girl I knew from high school who had no idea I am working on an h-game. Weird.

Anyway, I’ve been busy splitting my attention between packing and working on HC. I’m hoping to have two full-sized quests in the next release, now that I have a better idea of the demands on my time this month. The first will be a Kellos Invasion-related quest that you’ll get from Shally. For the second quest, either something related to the Demon Cult or Save the Elves plotlines- probably Demon Cult because I don’t know if I’ll have time for creating and introducing an entirely new character (which the Elves demand). So if anyone has a preference for either “Sacrifices for Algernon” or “Cannibal Corps.” please let me know in the comments!

May 2015 Public Release

Get it here!

Changes in this version:
-New full-size quest, “Hall Monitor from Hell” now available at the Southport guild if you’ve completed Scholastic Excellence and received your Journeyman Guild Card.
-Gargan’s first relationship reward quest, “My Little Chimera” is now fully implemented.
-New harem girl and party member, with a new sex scene.
-Random daily quest has been revamped.
-Two bonus scenes can be unlocked via code. Use the code “Rule63” to unlock the sex scene from the April Fool’s version and the code “JuFJrY” to unlocked a special custom Patreon backer scene starring Raina and Gargan.
-In replay scenes the Hero is now referred to as “Master” as opposed to “Ferdinand”.
-Yamamaya is now immune to a bunch of status effects (mostly mind-related ones) while raging.
-Non-magical enemies are now immune to Mana Shock. Constructs, plants, spirits and undead are now immune to Bleed. Spirits and Illusions are now immune to Sticky Acid and Burning Pitch. Sorry Bronwyn.
-On that note, the same goes for the party- Hero, Elaiya, Bronwyn, Raina and Gargan are now immune to Mana Shock in case I every want to make an enemy that has it.
-Meline no longer learns Lightning prayers and Chimei no longer learns Poison evocations.

If you already have the backer release, the new sex scene is now fully implemented, plus several bugs have been fixed.

May Backer Release Update

The new content for the backer release should be ready by later today. I just have a little bit of polish to add, and it’ll be ready to go. Even the truncated testing week doesn’t seem to be a problem, as there weren’t all that many bugs. Maybe I’m finally starting to get good at this?

One wrinkle- Last night I had a brainwave regarding one sex scene, so I’ve asked Gurotaku for some image edits that should make the scene more unique and interesting. You’ll still be able to unlock the scene for the replay menu and get the satisfaction rewards, though.

I’m also meeting with a potential monster artist later today, which is great! So I’d better get going on delivering that polish. See you next week for the public release.

One of Those Days

I had spent the last couple days stressing about the tester release, basically sweating bullets because pretty much everything seemed delayed. It was only this morning, when I sat down to write a blog explaining why everything was delayed, that I released I was getting ahead of myself- Testing Week starts NEXT Wednesday, and I actually have a full other work week with which to finish polishing everything up.

That’s not to say that everything is necessarily peachy keen. I think we’ll be able to pull everything off on time for the May release, but I am very frequently wrong about these things. Now that the Patreon is up, releasing on time is a pretty high priority for us here at Bad Kitty Games.

Part of the problem, I think, is our late start. While that April Fool’s version of the game was a lot of fun, I think it was a poor use of my already limited work-hours. Oh well. By the way, there will a code that will unlock the April Fool’s sex scene in the next version, in case you wanted to keep access to it.

Also in the next update will be the first custom sex scene from a Patreon backer, which is pretty exciting. Plus, a new harem girl, as promised. It’s going to be a smaller update overall than last one though, but I hope the new content (brand new character, the daily quest revamp, one full-size quest and one mini-quest) satisfies.

Now, I’m back to work. Only two weeks until the backer update, so if you want in on that please hit up the Bad Kitty Games Patreon before the end of the month!