Back to development

So development has been going pretty well this month, while we’ve hit a few snags we’re looking forward to seeing how the mini-release will turn out! With that in mind I thought that I’d talk about what’s currently on my table of things.

First off, I’m working on the enemies for Larelle’s love quest, and I’m having fun with giving the boss a bit of extra thought into it. While the most recent bonus boss took quite a bit of fine-tuning until I was happy with it, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a lot of fun developing a sort of AI for a quest boss, so I’m hoping you all have fun with it too!

On a more code side of things, my first priority is to add something special for Larelle’s accessory from her love quest. This accessory is going to be designed to get at the heart of a lot of the difficulties people seem to run into with her, and I’m hoping that it’ll be well received but we’ll see, after all I do want there to be a bit of a surprise to it still. Beyond that I’m hoping to change up the rain system again. I’m sure there are people out there that might remember that the rain used to appear more smoothly when you entered/left a screen, and you also might not understand why we moved to a system that is a bit choppier. The reason for this is that the original system stood a greater chance of slowing down computers and all so we moved to the current system to try to reduce that, however as a result the change in rain had to help ‘before’ or ‘after’ a screen transition because of how RPG maker works, but I’ve thought up a way to change the system that should allow us to have it happen while the screen is black like it used to and even reduce how the computer usage even further. I know that RPG maker games typically aren’t exactly computer killers, but I don’t want people using especially old computers to run into the issues where the screen basically freezes everytime it rains, so the original rain system is not satisfactory to me, but this new one should hopefully be a further improvement in all directions.

Next up, we’ve taken a second look at the relationship achievements, getting in the ones we were missing, renaming a few, and might even be changing how they’re earned, so this might also be a good time to add in that progress tracker and the ‘Taste the Rainbow’ achievements that have been on my docket for awhile now. In regards to bug fixes, I’ve gotten a few reports from people who understand the madness behind my scripts in regards to the furniture system, some about some of the rooms other about some of the pieces of furniture specifically. This won’t undo anything you’ve done in your current game and you’ll be just fine continuing with that, there will come a time in the future that you might want to remove your furniture and put it back down in order to get more of an effect out of it. I’ll keep you all posted on the progress of that!

That’s about all for now, while I’m hoping to have time for some other sizable project next month, I also want to leave some room so that if I need to the rain system can be pushed back some.

Harem Collector v0.36 Public Release!

You can find the download in the usual place but if our website is too scary and/or pink feel free to get it from GameJolt or!

Changes in this version:

-Orange Kid now has a special quest for you when her affection rating pass 100 points! This quest, Magnum Opus, comes with a new full artwork sex scene, an optional text-only sex scene, a host of treasures, and one of the most powerful “Love” bonuses in the game! Don’t miss it!
-The Southport Manor is now available, and within it you can get access to a new early game quest, A New Girl Like Clockwork. This is one of the most unique “dungeons” we’ve put together to date, and completing it unlocks a new harem girl: Pandora, the clockwork maid!
-Hour of the Beasts, Beyond Good and Devil, and Finishing Unfinished Business now drop armor pieces for Yamamaya, Therese and Elaiya respectively.
-“Gilded Bondage”, Orange Kid’s latest scene, has been added to the random sex scene list. Due to a quirk in the current design, she’s currently set to unlock on any quest that generates a random scene from the list, with a priority above all other non-manor-specific sex scenes but below threesomes.
-Elf Impregnation Day now has text, and is currently the longest sex scene in the game, comprising four separate vignettes with dozens of lines of dialogue each.
-Nerys, Alina and Clementine have been spotted actually wearing swimwear at the beach while on vacation!
-More mysterious notes have been sighted adorning abandoned spaces in the Middle Kingdom. It’s now possible to collect the whole set, if you dare….
-All towns now have a small bit of introductory text, telling you a bit of what the Hero knows about the area.
-Nicholas will now appreciate quests that he gives you a lot more!
-The furniture menu will now display what room each part of the furniture is in while placing it.
-Decorating with rugs now causes your harem girls to become happier, as they look at enough plain yellow wooden slats as it is, thank you very much.
-Your horses have been consolidated into a single beast, and you no longer have to guess which horse does what.
-The new company logo now appears on startup.
-Fixed literally hundreds of bugs.

Backer crunch

(Hey, this is like from a week ago, I wanted to promoted the daily streams but Conash works hard so I held onto it, and now you get to read it because I forgot to do a blog yesterday. Yay!)

Hey everyone, it’s the last Wednesday of the month so we’ve just got to finish a few things with the backer release and we’ll get it out to you guys when we can! The past few days have been pretty hectic for NoMoshing and I as more things keep popping up just as soon as we think we can see the end, but we’re both pretty happy with what we’ve got done. I’d also like to take a moment to thank our volunteers for all the testing that they did, it really helped us out a lot to be able to get such in-depth feedback so quickly to help make the game work so smoothly so thanks both of you for all your hard work! Now, since NoMoshing’s been getting in a massive amount of dailogue (including several sex scenes) in these past few days, I thought that I’d take a moment to talk about the various things I’ve been up to since my last post from a week ago.

First off, I managed to get in a couple of the stuff that I talked about awhile back. The Furniture system will now have the green/red squares show numbers on them so that you know what ‘room’ you’re looking at, while it’s certainly not perfect I’d rather give you guys tools that help you a bit with it than not at all. On top of that I’ve managed to extensively fix it so that furniture like the Holy Diver will no longer cause bugs, you can view them in the menu and remove them safely now, but keep in mind that if it was bugged before the person who was bugged with it won’t be displayed in the menu as loving/liking/hating the furniture as appropriate even though they do, the display refused to cooperate on that front but if you remove it and put it back it will work as intended! I’ve also managed to add it so that putting carpets into your various houses will now give a small happiness bonus to everyone in that house (party members always choose the house with the highest ‘house’ bonus) so between that and another house bonus that we’ve added to the game I hope that the happiness system will be a bit easier to approach for the characters who only have a few pieces of furniture they like. I also managed to fix the bug that came about in the 0.35 release that stopped the autosave feature from working, I’m hoping this fix sticks but I thought the last one was going to as well so we’ll see…

Next up is something that has been on the docket, but long since forgotten about, since before I was on the staff. See with the addition of the Southport house we realized that we needed to put in horses for Southport and into other places to get to Southport, which would have been a lot of busy work… So now we’ve managed to get it so that there is a singular horse per house that will be able to handle all the fast travel needs as it was honestly less busy work than the alternative thanks to the magic of me not being limited to RPG Maker’s eventing system. We might be making a few changes to the horse stuff down the line, but with this change it’ll be far easier to accomplish universally so look forward to us taking advantage of having a more streamlined fast travel process! On a similar note, I’m sure that a few of you have probably noticed that several quests still teleport players to the old Northmarket manor, well a big reason that those teleports haven’t been fixed is because that running the proper checks for teleports, finding the right block of teleports to copy, and all of that just takes awhile so I decided to also make a more streamline (on our end at least) version of the entire thing for teleporting to the houses that handles all of that busy work, so while for now it’ll probably just be for the Southport quests since they need to be changed anyways, look forward to having a lot of those wrong teleports get dealt with in future releases!

That’s about all that I’ve actually gotten done so far so I think I’ll leave it at that. I’ve still got several things to finish up before I can handle over the game to NoMoshing to add in his final touches but yeah, hope you’re all looking forward to the new quests and functionality!

General Art-Type Update

So with the passing of September, another harem girl’s solo scenes will be finished. Orange Kid, lovely curls and all, has been thoroughly defiled for your pleasure and can safely be put away until we need her for a threesome or something.

As for what’s on now? We’re getting the first sex scene for the new character of Pandora, the bright-coloured clockwork robot maid who will be taking care of your Southport digs for you.

Like Natya before her, we’re just doing a single scene to get her introduced, and will be giving her the full harem girl treatment at a later time. Possibly soon after Therese, if she happens to win next year’s Iron Waifu. I mean, stranger things have happened, and I think she has the personality and cute design to help her go the distance.

As for what’s next, Larelle will be the focus of our art development for the next four months, so I hope you like tsundere albinos in gothic lolita dresses. As for keep track on what we’re doing with regard to hentai scenes, we have a relevant thread on the Bad Kitty Games forums! (Warning, spoilers)

We’re also pushing out some progress on the sprite art front. Finally we’re addressing some of the stand-in character sprites and getting some beachwear versions of various characters so the vacation content is a tiny bit more robust.

So, look forward to the next public update! New sprites, a new harem girl, all sorta of exciting stuff are coming your way!

Southport Manor

So, we’ve had significant slowdown on Orange Kid’s quest. Nothing major, just the usual distractions, depression and bullshit. It’ll absolutely be done for the next public release- have no fear of that- but it probably won’t be in a working state for the mini-release next week. I won’t say anything’s for certain though- we’ve done more work with less time when pressed in the past, so it’s entirely possible that we’ll bang it it out in the next week or so.

What is coming along rather nicely is the Southport player manor. The maps needed only a little touching up, and while we will have a hanging quest until Pandora gets formally introduced next month, I expect that players next week will be able to move in and enjoy the new surroundings, while it might take us a little more time to get all the Southport-based quests to drop players off there.

That’s basically all that’s going on for now. Sorry for the short post, but I won’t be able to get caught up still here and typing. See you later!

Harem Collector v0.35 Public Release

Download Here

Here’s what new this time:
-There is a new quest in the Elf Village that starts when all the previous quests in that chain are finished. If you’ve played the mini-release version, this quest can now be completed!
-The quest that Gargan gives you at “Trust” affection level, “Blow Job”, can now be completed!
-Yamamaya’s Sex A La Carte art has been updated!
-There are a few new banters featuring Larelle and various other party members!
-Among other bug fixes, saving during the manor assault has been changed. Now instead of saving before it starts, a save point has been added to the manor for the duration of the quest. If your save file is stuck at the start of the manor assault with a black screen, please email it to so that it can be fixed and sent back.

Please enjoy!

Orange Kid, Pandora, Motivation

Aw, man, I’ve felt such a writer’s block over the last few days. Well, here goes.

Orange Kid’s solo stuff is coming along, with her Love Quest happening this month. Still at the concept stage at this point, but we should have it done for the backer mini-release, even if the art/sex scene comes a little bit later. Also on deck for this month is the Orange Kid wallpaper… which also means that Alina’s wallpaper if going to become publicly available! So, look forward to that!

The following month will be the intro scene for Pandora, so unlocking the Southport manor and getting everything placed within it will be a significant chunk of content for the next release, though it’s a secondary priority to Orange Kid’s LQ.

Following that… We’re going to try to move into the next leg of the “Harem Drama” plotline, and it should be a doozy. Both in terms of work and in entertainment value.

I’ve felt really motivated lately to get work done on HC, and ironically enough it came in the form of someone being critical of the game. Someone somewhere said, “this game is dead, don’t fund it, it’s a failure”, and I was able to successfully transmute the resulting outrage into energy that I poured into Harem Collector. This isn’t an invitation for additional abuse, by the way- I’m more just commenting on the funny way things work sometimes.

By the way, thank you very much to all our supporters on Patreon. July 2018 was our strongest month ever, and because of that I can get an additional image done this month and can serious look at doing seven images a month permanently. Your continued support and patronage is very appreciated, and I hope you’ll continue enjoying the benefits as we go forward!

Update on Mind Control Situation

Hey everyone. The game dev gnomes are hard at work getting a testable version of the dungeon for “Blow Job” up and running- you may recognize that as being the quest that unlocks when you get Gargan up to “Trust” rating- so while that’s going on I figured I’d update you all on how the Mind Control content situation is going.

Last we left off, Patrons of Harem Collector’s development have decided to have the harshest mind control content removed from the game. Since then, the determination was that the replacement scene (more on that in a second) would be from the “Others” group- not a new harem girl, old harem girl, anything like that.

Now, after having a sober second look at the schedule, it looks like we’re only to be able to squeeze in an additional month of work, with the rest of the time saved going towards moving up Iron Waifu 2019 (whoever that ends up being) into a reasonable time frame.

I may post a third poll to do with what scene it should be in particular, but as of right now what I’m looking at is:

A Private Drink (featuring Shally)
Getting What You Wish For (featuring the Genie)
Not So Chaste After All (featuring Mitzi)
Poor Maid (featuring Evanie’s Maid)
Set Fire to the Rain (featuring the River Nymph)
Spreading the Space-Time Continuum (the schoolgirl + succubus orgy from “Sacrifices for Algernon”)
The Wolf Below Us (featuring the werewolf girl from All’s Were That Ends Were)

The question I have right now is, is it worth making another poll, or should I just dictate it?
Decisions, decisions.

Well, I’ve got to get back to the code mines, I’ll see you all again next week for the backer release and all!

HC – MC = ?

So, last month supporters of the Bad Kitty Games Patreon voted overwhelmingly to have the “collar right away and reduce them to mindless drones” option removed for Therese, Larelle and Yeon in Harem Collector. We’re going to be removing the option, maybe before the backer release of v0.35, maybe the following release.

As of today, there’s a new poll available for Patrons concerning what to do with the free time in our h-scene schedule. We don’t have a ton of extra time, after allowing for the delay, but I’d like to hear what patrons would be most interested in seeing, if you don’t mind!

Other than that, I’m pretty pleased with how the backer mini-release came together at the end, all things considered. Hopefully we can keep the momentum going for the lest of the update cycle.

That all I think to address for now, so see you next week!