So, good news! Nekochan has been given the all-clear to go back to work and do more stuff around the house. She no longer requires constant care, although there are some restrictions on the physical activities she can do (thank god for hentai) and she does have a “trauma cataract” that will be removed in a few months when she’s 100% recovered from the retinal rupture surgery.
I’m hoping there will only be the three week delay on Harem Collector, but at this point I’m not putting my chips down. I don’t know when the next release will be, but I’m going to make sure there is a nice, big, meaty chunk of content for everyone to sink their teeth into. I’m talking new characters, new quests, new investments, new towns, LOTS of new hentai, the works.
As always, I’ll keep everyone posted here, and I’ll start tweetering again as soon as I have a full workday to tweet about. Adios!
Good to hear about all the new content planned for the update, but even better to hear that everything seems to have turned out just about as well as it could have with Nekochan!
Looking forward to the update, whenever it gets done.
Congratulations on the recovery. I’m glad for you guys that everything is working out. At the risk of sounding cliche and repeating things you’ve already heard, just take it easy and focus on getting well. Both of you. I know she was the one injured, but you were hurt to. It was just all mental. If you look at things in a simple world, some things are just more important. I hope you both are back to your normal selves in record time.
Eye removal surgery is best left to professionals 🙂
I take all this to mean there are updates coming soon.
thats gud to hear that Nekochan is doing better… i know it scary it is when it comes to the eyes.. i had a retina detachment operation a yr ago n had another 1 this year to replace the lens from the other operation i had.. wa scared n worried about my eye >.<.. cant wait for the update 😀
Holy crap that is good news. Best to both of you during Neko-san’s recovery. Also, I think that NoMoshing needs to have a name change to NoMoshingPlayingWithBladesOrAnythingElseDangerousEverPlease. NMSPWBOAEDEP for short, of course.
Seriously, my thoughts are with you (which is worth exactly squat but is the best I can do). If you need further support please let the blog know – I would love to help if I can.
I had never read your bloggings before (I know, self flaggelation to begin shortly). I came by to see what was up with dev, and suddenly feel a bit (LOT) small for my want of updates. Pleased to hear that all will be well. Nomoshing please Neko give an extra pillow and cookie from another concerned fan. I would say let the light shine on the path to recovery, but only if Neko can have a veil. May it all pass as comfortably as possible, it will take as long as it takes.