There aren’t any! Shortest blog entry ever.
Okay, I guess I should explain.
This weekend Nekochan and I are going out of town for awhile. Then, when we get back, we’ll be taking control of our new house, overseeing renovations, and the finally moving by the end of June. Exciting stuff, but I don’t know how much this is going to affect my ability to work day-to-day.
Basically, I’m not making promises I might not be able to keep.
This doesn’t mean that no work will be done- I’ve already put together the extended dungeon for Finishing Unfinished Business, plus I already have music to put in from the new composer- it’s just that I can’t predict with any confidence what I’ll be able to get.
Anyway, that’s it for now. I have a vacation to pack for.
‘Overseeing renovations’ you say…?
NoMoshing is dead, long life to NoMoshing! 😀
Seriously, I hope you had a better time with those ‘renovations’ that I did last time, because it took me a good solid YEAR to finish them in my case, haha!
You remember that phrase from that Tom Hanks’ old movie…? “Two weeks…” 😀
D-don’t say that! Two weeks was what we were actually quoted! D=
Happy holidays! And the best of the luck with the new house. Personally, I hate both renovations and moves. I hope that you find a new nice and shiny table 😉
I like your game :3
I played the HC, about 1 year ago, and it’s not important any way -_-
can I ask you a favor 😀
it could be awesome if you change the item dev, in chest outside the mansion to clock system ?
so the game will automatic change the day refer the time playing or something, not just the quest or side quest.
that just my opinion !, it’s not very important any way :v
I wait for Jully, good luck !
Hey, I’m currently playing Harem Collector and I’ve I’m on the quest ‘Looking for a Cure’. I’ve interacted with every object in the room and I understand the trio hint but I have no idea how to apply this hint to anything?? Also I dont know what to do with the MIntue hand..
See this message on the wiki.
I hope it helps.