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Item Location Cost Catagory Description
Lo-Potion 150 Potion - Recovery Recovers 33% of your Health.
Mid-Potion 400 Potion - Recovery Recovers 66% of your Health
Hi-Potion 950 Potion - Recovery Recovers 100% of your Health
Red Ether 300 Potion - Recovery Recovers 33% of your Mana.
Blue Ether 700 Potion - Recovery Recovers 66% of your Mana.
Purple Ether 1800 Potion - Recovery Recovers 100% of your Mana.
Reinvigoration Potion 250 Potion - Recovery Recovers ally form death.
Resurrection Potion 1250 Potion - Recovery Recovers ally form death and restores half Health
Elixir 1000 Potion - Recovery Restores all Health and Mana.
Cleanser 30 Potion - Recovery Purifies the body. (Poison, Paralysis, Stun, Burned, Zombied, Blind, Bleed, Burning Pitch, Nausea)
Dispeller 90 Potion - Recovery Purifies the mind. (Deafened, Sleep, Hallucinating, Daze, Charmed, Lightning Rod)
Sobering Drink 250 Potion - Recovery Unwholesome looking drink to sober you up. (Drunk)
Exorciser 120 Potion - Recovery Purifies the soul. (Censured, Cursed, Possession)
Essential Salts Potion - Recovery Recovers ally from death and restores all health.
Botthe O' Nanites Potion - Recovery Some kind of robot thing that heals you.
Potion of Resist Acid 100 Potion- Buff A bitter potion that prevents acid damage.
Potion of Resist Cold 100 Potion- Buff A spicy potion that prevents cold damage.
Potion of Resist Fire 100 Potion- Buff A minty potion that prevents fire damage.
Potion of Resist Lightning 100 Potion- Buff A bland potion that prevents lightning damage.
Potion of Resist Necrotic 100 Potion- Buff A dim potion that prevents necrotic damage.
Potion of Resist Poison 100 Potion- Buff A sour potion that prevents poison damage.
Potion of Resist Psychic 100 Potion- Buff A stinky potion that prevents psychic damage.
Potion of Resist Radiant 100 Potion- Buff A bright potion that prevents radiant damage.
Potion of Resist Sonic 100 Potion- Buff A dry potion that prevents sonic damage.
Potion of Resist Energy 250 Potion- Buff Prevents fire, lightning and sonic damage.
Potion of Resist Void Potion- Buff Prevents cold, psychic and radiant damage.
Potion of Resist All Potion- Buff A potion that resists all elements.
Potion of Greyskull 75 Potion- Buff By the potion of Greyskull! (ATK up - 5 turns)
Potion of Barkskin 75 Potion- Buff A herbal concoction that toughens your DEF. (DEF up - 5 turns)
Potion of Supercharge 75 Potion- Buff High-powered electrolyte salts that boost MAT. (MAT up - 5 turns)
Potion of Warding 75 Potion- Buff Holy ointments that deflect magic and raise MDF. (MDF up - 5 turns)
Potion of Celerity 75 Potion- Buff Fun fact: actually contains celery. And raises AGL. (AGI up - 5 turns)
Happy Fortune Tea 75 Potion- Buff Cheap tourist tea for visitors to the far west. (LUK up - 5 Turns)
Potion of Brutality 200 Potion- Buff A potent brew that makes your attacks stun enemies.
Contact Poison 200 Potion- Buff A deadly poison that can be spread on your weapon.
Alchemist's Fire 200 Potion- Buff Oil that ignites your weapon.
Oil of Instability 200 Potion- Buff Try rubbing it on a weapon. Don't ask why.
Bottle of Instant Frost 200 Potion- Buff Smoky liquid that chills your weapon.
Anointing Oil 200 Potion- Buff Apply to weapons, put holy holes in enemies.
Manhunter Poison 200 Potion- Buff Poison that is extremely dangerous to humans.
Caustic Oil 200 Potion- Buff An acidic enhancement for your weapons.
Sparking Oil 200 Potion- Buff An electric enhancement for your weapons.
Resonant Oil 200 Potion- Buff A sonic enhancement for your weapons.
Cursed Oil 200 Potion- Buff Don't spill it!
Stallone's Vital Vitamin Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Health +50.
Steward's Powerful Powder Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Mana +10.
Jackson's Sweet-ass Unguent Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Attack +3.
Willis' Distilled Tonic Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Defense +3.
McKellen's Potent Potable Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Magic +3.
Downey's Complex Paste Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Resist +3.
Li's Enhancing Elixir Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increases Agility +3.
Chan's Hyperreactive Pill Potion- Stat Up Action hero supplement that increase Luck +3.
Potion of the Dark Beast Potion- Stat Up It appears to be full of crimson liquid. (HP +100, ATK +4, DEF +4.)
Potion of the Dark Mage Potion- Stat Up It appears to be full of dark purple liquid. (MP +100, Magic +4, Resist +4.)
Potion of the Dark Wanderer Potion- Stat Up It appears to be full of ochre liquid. (HP +80, MP +60, Luck +6, Agility +6.)
Potion of the Dark Cataphract Potion- Stat Up It appears to be full of deep green liquid. (HP +100, Defense +4, Resist +4)
Beef Jerky 100 Food Item Delicious beefy jerky. (250 HP)
Orcish Jerky 80 Food Item Eating this might be a mistake. (250 HP, 25% Chance of Nausea)
Wedge of Cheese 60 Food Item Why does every cheese look like Swiss? (150 HP)
Jar of Honey 100 Food Item A jar of delicious golden honey. (TP 25%, Sugar Rush)
Sticky Bun 20 Food Item One of Meline's famous sticky buns. (50 HP)
Meat Bun 50 Food Item Bun baked with delicious mystery meat. (100 HP)
Sister's Love Lunch Food Item My weird sister's home-made lunch. (100 HP)
Sketchy Sausage 5 Food Item Heavily spiced, mildly gross sausage. (35 HP, 25% chance og Nausea)
Tasty Sausage 10 Food Item 100% guaranteed rat-meat free! ( 35 HP)
Blueberries 5 Food Item Delicious, sweet blueberries. (2% HP)
Apple 15 Food Item A crunchy yet sour apple. (3% +10 HP)
Mushroom 50 Food Item A mildly suspicious looking mushroom. (Hallucinating)
Mental Floss Food Item It's like candy floss, only made of dreams. (50% chance of: Psychic Resistance, Daze, Mana Regen)
Iron Ration 125 Food Item Dried fruit that's meant to last for a long time. (300 HP)
Magic Mushroom 100 Food Item One of the fabled mushrooms of enlightenment. (MP 150, 50% chance of Hallucinating)
Meat-on-a-Stick 40 Food Item Suspicious and heavily seasoned kabobs. (75 HP)
Omelette Rice 120 Food Item Comes with a big heart inscribed in ketchup. (11% +150 HP, 10% Tå
Fried Fish 40 Food Item A pan-friend whole fish. (25 HP, 10 MP)
Boiled Egg 10 Food Item A boiled egg. What? You wanted something else? (2% +5 HP)
Bag o' Clams 95 Food Item A bag of delicious(?) baked clams. (50 HP, 50 MP, 33% chance of Nausea)
Jar of Yeast Paste Food Item It's marma-licious! Which means disgusting. (6% +80 HP, DEF up - 5 Turns)
Wyvern Jerky Food Item Jerky from a poisonous animal. (Gargan: ATK +1, DEF +1, AGI+1, Poisoned)
Waybread 250 Food Item Wrapped in leaves for freshness. (300 HP, Cures: Poison, Paralysis, Stun, Burned, Zombied, Blind, Bleed, Burning Pitch, Censured, Cursed, Possession.)
Meline's Waybread 150 Food Item Meline's attempt at copying Elven bread. (150 HP, Cures: Poison, Paralysis, Stun, Burned, Zombied, Blind, Bleed, Burning Pitch.)
Elderberry Pie 85 Food Item Smells like your mother's. (20% HP)
Plain Ol' Brew 25 Brew Item A regular-ish brew. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 50% chance of Health Regen)
Suspicious Brew 10 Brew Item It's disturbingly cloudy, and bizarrely syrupy. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 30% chance of Blind)
Tin Dog Brew 50 Brew Item Tin Dog Tavern's famous bitter brew. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, Health Regen)
Power Brew 50 Brew Item This brew is favoured by soldiers. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 50% TP)
Small Cider 25 Brew Item "Small" refers to the alcohol content. Seriously. (66% chance of Drunk, Anti-parasite, 10% TP)
Brandy 150 Brew Item Guaranteed to get you drunk in a classy way. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, Poison Resistance, Cures: Resist down.)
Appletini 60 Brew Item The least manly drink of all. (75% chance of Drunk, Anti-parasite, Health Regen)
Enhanced Brew 75 Brew Item Magically carbonated beverage. (Drunk, Anti-parasite)
Cryobrew 95 Brew Item This brew is suffused with ice magic. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, Cold Resistance, 33% TP)
Tequila Loverise 75 Brew Item The secret ingredient is love. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 15% TP)
Fauster's Brew Brew Item Fauster's, it's Auslander for brew. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, Poison Resistance, Cures: Poison)
Cheap Wine 60 Brew Item Guaranteed to get you drunk in a classy way. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 50% chance of Blind, Resist up - 4 turns)
Rum 150 Brew Item Guaranteed to get you drunk in a piratey way. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, Thunder Resistance, Cures: Defense down)
Blue Ribbon Brew 10 Brew Item A dirt-cheap brew. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 20% chance of Nausea)
Troll's Sweat Brew 20 Brew Item The bottle has an inch of sediment on the bottom. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 40% chance of Paralysis)
Orcish Moonshine 15 Brew Item This may or may not be fermented meat. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 50% chance of Nausea, 12% TP)
Fairy Wine 650 Brew Item Takes on a fairytale adventure. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, 50% chance of Hallucinating, Luck up - 4 turns)
Expensive Wine 1200 Brew Item Guaranteed to get you drunk in a *very* classy way. (Drunk, Anti-parasite, Resist up - 4 turns)
Hurricane Rum 350 Brew Item Dark, syrupy cane sugar rum. (Drunk, Fire Resistance, 50% chance of Sugar Rush, 50% chance of Momentum Regen, Cures: Burning Pitch, Anti-parasite)
Slime Fluid Reagent Slime Fluid (Acid Resistance, 50% chance of Nausea)
Forkroot Reagent A small flower with anti-magic properties. (Deafened, Mana Regen)
Eldritch Vapors Reagent Bizarre magic gas that explodes when ignited. (20% chance of Daze)
Kingsfoil Reagent It's a weed. (Sleep, Cures: Poison, Paralysis, Nausea, Burned, Blind)
Asphodol Reagent Dried lilies believed to be connected to the dead. (Recovers ally from death, 1% HP)
Quartz Crystals Reagent Chunks of shiny purple and pink quartz. (Stun, 80% chance of Health Regen)


Item Location Cost Catagory Description
Acid Arrow Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with an acid spell. (One enemy: Defense down - 3 turns, Acid DOT, Acid Element)
Slime Wave Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent acid spell. (All enemies: Defense down - 3 turns, Acid DOT, Acid Element)
Frost Ray Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a cold spell. (One enemy: Agi down - 3 turn, Cold Element)
Blizzard Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent cold spell. (All enemies: Agi down - 3 turn, Cold Element)
Burning Hands Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a fire spell. (One enemy: Panic, 40% chance of Burned, Fire Element)
Fireball Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent fire spell. (All enemies: Panic, 40% chance of Burned, Fire Element)
Lightning Bolt Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a lightning spell. (One enemy: -5% MP, Lightning Element)
Flash Storm Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent lightning spell. (One enemy: -5% MP, Lightning Element)
Dark Bolt Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a necrotic spell. (One enemy: Atk down - 3 turn, Necrotic Element)
Murder of Crows Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent necrotic spell. (All enemies: Resist down - 6 turns, Necrotic Element)
Venom Fang Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a poison spell. (One enemy: 40% chance of poison, Venom Element)
Contamination Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent poison spell. (All enemies: 40% chance of poison, Venom Element)
Mind Glare Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a psychic spell. (One enemy: 20% chance of Hallucinating, Psychic Element)
Psychic Noise Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent psychic spell. (All enemies: 20% chance of Hallucinating, Psychic Element)
Magic Missile Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a force spell. (One enemy: 30% chance of Knockdown, Force Element)
Force Barrage Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a potent force spell. (All enemies: 30% chance of Knockdown, Force Element)
Stormroar Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a sonic spell. (One enemy: 40% chance of Deafened, Sonic Element)
Sonic Boom Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with a sonic spell. (All enemies: 40% chance of Deafened, Sonic Element)
Healing Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with an healing prayer. (All allies)
Flesh to Goo Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll that literally liquifies flesh. (One enemy: 80% chance of Insta-kill)
Sleep Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll of Elven poetry. (2 Random enemies: 80% chance of sleep)
Exorcism Charm Combat Item - Spell Scroll An Elven charm inscribed to dispel demons. (One enemy: only against Demons, 50% chance of Bane)
Censure Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll of heavy-handed paladin bullshit. (All enemies, Censures)
Lesser Quickness Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll that makes one person act faster. (One ally: Quickness)
Greater Quickness Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll that makes your party act faster. (All allies: Quickness)
Treasure Finding Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll that helps you hunt treasure. (Double item drop, Double Sil drop)
Fortitude Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll that protects you against instant death. (One ally)
Max Healing Combat Item - Spell Scroll A scroll inscribed with an healing prayer. (All allies)