Let's play Harem Collector. Magic Edition.
Seil is one the testers that helps the team to shape Harem Collector (he recently has joined this wiki). The comments that he shares at times contain insights as the different possibilities that the free from game structure offers. For those interested in seeing the original forum thread please click here.Also, you could check the growing list of playthroughs Beyond this all words (not section titles as found in the table of contents) are that of Seil unless indicated otherwise.
March 2015 Version 3 Playthrough
Day 1
Since i've been given an approval by NoMosh to start my own LP, here it is. It will be different from NoMosh's LP in many ways, but hopefully it will be as entertaining. So, let's start with a name for our Hero. I am terrible at giving my characters names, so i'd go with this.
After the party, our hero wakes up in a sewer and his money is gone, his sword is gone and overall it's quite a shitty way to wake up after a party. He heroically kills a rat with his new rusty sword, gets paid for it ridiculous amount of money and as such our story starts.
After meeting the estate broker and learning about his gambling problems we go to the slums. There we talked to Shally, visited Meline at the bakery, grabbed some stashed porn and sister's lunch, met Therese and finally it's time to start our first real dungeon.
I like this moment. As a veteran MGS player, it gets me every time.
After finishing the very first dungeon, here's the defining moment in the HC history.
If she stayed for a bit, the game would have been really really short. Or maybe really different. With the hero ending up in jail with possible jail break later or something. Or he could have ended up just as a dead body in a ditch.
Anyway. New day starts. We get a bunch of quests and here we discover this.
Before it was patched, it was possible to use the shop to completely ignore Felix, which led to some game breaking things later in the game.
Btw, as you can see here, Felix's level is hardcoded at 2. Prior to adjusted exp curve in previous versions you could only learn this via aforementioned exploit. =)
So. Let's get things moving. We visit the bank and take 10000 sil loan. With that we can do some amazing things. For example we can buy a shovel and do some digging. And then we can do some investing. After doing all availiable investments that have 10% return rate and digging some things out and doing some purchasing it looks like this.
And that's it for today. Tomorrow our duo will finally do some adventuring. I heard the view at Giant's Pass is quite nice.
Day 2
Let's continue. As i stated in the previous post we're going to the Giant's Pass to do some poaching. Namely bears.
But here's a curious chest. It's locked and it triggers a mini-sidequest where we need to find 4 keys. Completing the quest is rather easy and the reward is more than adequate. But, back to the bears.
They are not hard at all and each bear gives you 30 exp and also drops a bearskin.
Which can be sold for a really nice sum if you know the guy.
While we were exploring the Giant's Pass we found 3 of 4 keys needed and from the notes we learned, that an ogre killed the guy, who had the last key, so we're going to get that.
Here's the ogre in question. With only 2 people and at level 4/3 it's a pretty challenging fight. Well, at least, in theory. In practice...
Yeah, Magic Missle is awesome. The ogre only got a few attacks in and spent most of the fight sitting down on his ass on the ground. We clear the ogre's lair and find the last key needed to open that chest.
Here's our reward. More than adequate indeed.
Back to mansion to rest and heal and it's time to do some quests. As we probably should have done from the start. =)
Anyway. At the guild we get our squire card from Raina, chat with Kyrie for a bit and there's only one quest we could take at the moment. Something about orcs kidnapping women. The reward is decent and the guy we need to talk to is just south of the guild building. He also mentioned that his niece was kidnapped too. To find the orc encampment we need to find an orc who actually knows where it is. Iirc, last time we visited Bitch's Six Tit there was an orc. Also thanks to our investment, the tavern is totally renovated and is called Pink Banana now. Orc we need to talk to is still there. After a short discussion on orcs' biology and reproduction we finally learn the location of the orc's encampment. It's nothing special, orcs are quite weak and after a short while we're challenged by an orc chieftan. The fight is quite simple and Orc Chieftan summons some more orcs as his hp is depleted, but that's more or less it.
After his defeat we rescued the girl and ran back to the guild, got paid for the job well done and paid off part of our loan with the money we made. Roughly 3000 sil still remains, but with that 5% interest per day the sooner we pay that off the better. That was a long day and we finally go to sleep. Later that night...
Oh... Well... Uh... I completely forgot, that i invested in this guy too. Turns out, our hero is quite twisted... Twisted enough to be a firestarter... Anyway. It's 10 satistfaction just for 400 sil. Money definitely well spent.
It's a new day and first thing we do is run to our new store. At the basic level store sells some potions, but more importantly now we can sell all the junk we found during our adventures.
That's 6 rubies we dug out in Lumberhill plus things from the chest in Giant's Pass, plus some assorted junk.
Well, it was quite a lot of running and killing, so i guess, i'll stop here.
Day 3
Do you believe in magic..? I just discovered a wonderful thing. Alt+PrtScr. So... That pile of sil we got from selling a bunch of random junk should not go to waste.
With that we are no longer in debt and also slavers are going to get us a new harem girl in three days.
After depositing the rest of our money into bank we visit the church to learn that Therese is under house or should i say church arrest. And the reason for that is that our hero is just too sexy. =) On our way to Tin Dog we run into a crying boy, who is actually a blacksmith. Or so he says. But he won't do any smithing unless we help him. At Tin Dog we see some unknown girl (with a unique portrait, so she must be important) talking to Shally. After she leaves we learn the girl's name - Elaiya (also she's is my favourite character) and that the girl is apparently a bounty hunter. Also Shally is willing to pay us if we're are going to play a role of a bodyguard for Elaiya. We accept and then run after her. There was a Strange Note on the outer wall of the fort. They are important, but the sorta quest associated with them is not implemented yet.
Oh, don't worry, it's not Erubetie, so you're safe. It's kind of funny, how our accomplished 1st level (it's just a gameplay mechanics, honest) adventurer have never seen a slime before, since they are really a common type of enemy every self-respecting adventurer meets during their travels. And yet here our hero is really surprised to see them.
Anyway... The dungeon is straightforward and is full of slimes, but they are really weak and pretty much die in one hit. A bit further we see Elaiya and some guy surrounded by slimes. His name is Godfrey by the way.
And now onto a boss fight. As you can see Elaiya is heavily wounded. So unless you heal her quickly there's a good chance that she will die. Her Stealth skill helps her to stay alive, since enemies target her less often. It's not hard at all, since slimes die rather quickly and Godfrey can't do much by himself.
Also, here's a fun fact. Elaiya doesn't have an uncollared portrait, so that kind of raises some questions about her life before she met our hero. Joking aside, that's obviously not the case, but it felt to funny to pass up.
After that the hero takes Elaiya to Tin Dog, Shally pays us 1000 sil, the hero collars and has sex with Elaiya (also i am probably biased, but both her sex scenes are really good and Catharsis in particular is my favorite scene in the game). That leads to us getting another girl into our harem.
And that finishes the current day. The next day is going to be another long one since i'll be sorta sequence breaking (as far as you could in this game) again. I'll post the second part a bit later, to keep the total length of the post manageable.
Day 4
Here's the promised part 2. Also it's rather long. Wall of text incoming.
It's a new day. Also i completely forgot about very important thing. Spending our hard earned satisfaction points.
Amazing Old Man is... amazing. He crafts you bombs, gives you a one-shot item that destroys most of the bosses, gives you a crafting component for one of your slaves, also gives you a multi-round stun item and other awesome things. And all in all he's a total badass. Also i got the hero to learn Encourage, since as this LP progresses, he will be shifting more and more into a support role fighter. This LP has Magic Edition in its name for a reason.
After that we head to the bank to help the smith with his problem. Initially he does not want to do anything with us, but...
After totally passing a diplomacy check we learn that now we need to collect some payments.
First guy is in Eastfort. He doesn't have any money, but he's giving us his only possession - this girl. Her default name is Doll, but this time her name will be...
I think it fits her. She is an amazing tank, she doesn't die, she can heal allies via regeneration spell and is rather cute too (that's always a plus). The next guy is Borgen and he is an actor in the theater in Westcastle.
After watching what is essentially a huge shout out to Psychonauts we finally meet the actor, get paid and leave. Last guy will be a lot more problematic.
Some things to know about Elvo. He's an illusionist. He's kind of a douche. And collecting money is going to be a pain.
A bit on the dungeon. It has a lot of ambushes, bookshelves (and they are terrible) you can loot, and some other nifty stuff. On our way we looted anything not nailed down, played some piano, killed a hapless imp and took all his stuff. Also there was an elixir hidden in a clock. Just like in FF VI.
After all the shit (it was kind of cool too) we had to go through, here's the actual boss fight. Jellyfish acts as a tank, Fairy heals and Elvo casts Mind Glare. It's the first rather hard fight and while you have low chance of actually dieing, all 3 enemies have quite a bit of hp.
Now we have all 3 payments, or rather 2 payments and Elli. And with that done we go to... Northmarket Adventurer's Guild. There are 2 new quests waiting for us. Undead Attacking Remote Village and Package Needs Delivery. We're going to tackle the Undead one. Because pay is really good, it has zombies in it (and a hot albino necromancer girl for our harem). So we deposit all the money we made so far into bank and go to Lumberhill.
I love the music in Lumberhill during this quest. Free blessing you get specifically for this quest is so broken you can pretty much faceroll the whole thing. First part - zombie assault consists of running from right to left and vice versa really fast killing 2-4 zombies here and then running back.
After all zombies are (re)dead we attempt to go back to church to report our success. And we're treated to some dancing zombies and "a real thriller" zombie bard. The fight is similar to the orc at the start of the game, but the bard makes it a bit more challenging. He gives other zombies various buffs and summons more at certain % of his hp depleted as well.
After the fight Felix gets a new glove and we learn that some lumberjacks and a village girl dissapeared. So we going to save them.
In that order. It's good the hero got his priorities straight. Onto the forest we go.
Ugh. Fuck these guys. If it wasn't for the blessing they can completely wreck your party at challenge level with their multi-hit- highly-damaging stunning attack.
But with blessing active they don't even have a chance to act.
My memory is a scary thing. I actually remembered the exact spot of the buried Dark Seed in the forest and the whole puzzle solution inside the mausoleum.
And so that was the Day the Earth stood still... for we are about to get a hot albino necromancer for our harem. Sort of. Not without a fight of course.
And this is a first legitimately hard fight (without blessing). Meatshield zombies use Cover, and both Spectre and Larelle bombard you with dangerous spells. Larelle has a spell that damages everyone and due to its necrotic nature lowers attack of the whole party. All in all quite a dangerous combination.
After the fight we're presented with a choice of collaring her here and now or putting her into dungeon until she submits. Collaring her on the spot, leads to Larelle joining the harem immediately, but the downside is that there will be no character interactions with her whatsoever. So no relationship bonuses, no love quest, and no dialogue. Plus you're missing an opportunity to sexually torture her in the dungeon. So the choice is rather obvious. Also Larelle gets raped either way.
And that's it for today. Sorry for any mistakes/typos i might have missed while proofreading, but it's almost 2 am and i need sleep. Badly.
Day 5
Today is my day off and since i don't have anything planned in particular, i am going to... uh... I dunno... I am going to continue this LP.
This update won't have much action just a lot of running around and such. So. It's a new day. Since we got Larelle in a dungeon, it's a good idea to visit her to see how she is doing in her new accomodations. Also it's a good idea to upgrade the dungeon, so we can show her the error of her ways faster. Also more options. it's always fun.
Turns out she's doing just fine. That attitude is not helping, but that can be fixed with time. Also we have a kitchen in the manor, but no cook, there's a place where we can get a decent cook and so we going to get her...
Except not. Because it rains. Oh, well. Uh... Still need to collect our reward from the church in Lumberhill, visit Raina to get our reward for completing the quest and there are some other things that can be done during the rainy weather, but they can wait, because i am not as awesome as NoMosh.
On the other hand we can meet her. While we can't just fuck her yet, it starts a new quest, and it's kind of nice to have it unlocked.
Also running around the kingdom collecting various things. Found some porn. Got some satisfaction from it.
You, fool, that was the best part!
Nah, it's just Dogs Playing Poker. Nothing to see here, move along.
Also i completely forgot about it and bumped into Bronwyn's introduction event. Violence is the best solution, as they say. Also we just murdered some militia men. There are some quite interesting reactions to that, but due to me not having all party members required and inability to see more than three reactions at the same time i just loaded one of my older saves. It has no impact on the gameplay, but still interesting nevertheless. Here they are.
Also there's a response from Chimei, but it's along the lines "Are we doing the right thing?"
So, after all this running it's time to deliver our collected payments to the bank. They don't want Elli as a payment, so we go to the blacksmith and tell him about it. Also our manor has a smithy, so he can work there. Should have done so from the start, but wouldn't have gotten Elli otherwise, so it all works out.
That's pretty much my thoughts too.
It's a new day. Not much to do aside from gifting your slaves.
Felix thinks that cake is delicious. And that the hero is actually less of an asshat because of that. And so he learned new stuff.
Namely Casters' Spark. It's 2 letters away from Master Spark. If that was the case, then Felix would have been my favourite character hands down. Anyway... Casters' Spark Is a group spell that boosts magic attack by 100%. We don't have any mages aside from Felix to use it effectively, but this will be fixed soon. Well, there's Larelle, but she doesn't want to come out of the dungeon yet.
So going to get that cook i mentioned before.
Meet our new cook. She's a girl from the farm we're going to invest right about now. It's kind of a steal. We're getting a decent return rate from our investment that increases in the future and we get our cook. I am not sure who was on cooking duty before, but now we're going to eat proper meals.
New day.
Guess what? Felix mastered his first attack spell. Way to go, kid. Now he's got his hands on the Necronomicon and he's going to learn things mankind was not meant to know... I am kind of concerned about his sanity, but i think he's going to be okay.
Also slavers finally delivered our prize.
Except for them it doesn't work exactly as planned. She beats up slavers and is about to break free, the hero uses this as an opportunity to persuade her to join the harem. Again it's a win-win situation. The slavers don't have to deal with an unruly slave, we get our personal catgirl for our harem. Also they're paying us 500 sil a day for all the trouble. Yamamaya is a berserker. She is the main physical attacker of the group. She hits really hard, but has some issues with accuracy. Sadly i won't be using her much in this LP, but she will have her moment to shine in the future.
And one more day passed.
Well that's awesome. Except our hero have no better use for it, than sell it for quite a bit of money. Go figure.
Also i finally got fed up with all the junk lying around in our mansion and decided to fix that.
Here's our fix. We got maids and now every spot in out manor is squeaky clean.
I think it's a good place to stop for now. And see you after dinner, i guess.
Day 6
Moving on. So, last time we got ninja awesome stonemason maids. It's time for that event. Also since we don't have Meline with us, who wants her brother to dress like a guy from harlequin novel cover, the scene is different.
There's a sound of door opening.
Yeah, about that. As it turns out it's the church. And they want to take everything from us. Unfortunately for them, that's not gonna happen. We have the manor full of badasses. Maids included. Especially the maids. They are just polite enough to let their master shine. I really like the event. It shows that despite their differences all residents of the manor can work together as a team. Also Larelle is chilling in her cell pretty comfortable as ever.
I am not a shining beacon of morals and righteousness, but I am not a huge fan of gang-rape. And that scene with Elli is just horrible. Not in the sense that it's badly written, on the contrary, it's written really well, it's just the stuff in the scene really rubs me the wrong way. So we rescued her.
Anyway, we're continuing fending off the church and kicking ass. Some people don't need to be rescued. Some do and sometimes it depends on whom you have recruited up to that point. Amazing Old Man simply tosses a bomb at the invaders. He is also nice enough to give us some extra bombs afterwards.
Yamamaya is being her usual boisterous self.
Anyway we made it to the chapel and there we fight Therese. Therese uses Cover and protects battle sisters preventing us from killing them, while they cast various buffs and heals. After the fight we finally make Therese's dreams a reality and that wraps up Manor Invasion event. Oh, right. Now we can praise some slaves for their hard work. Praising someone raises their affection by 5 and if other slaves feel that the person didn't deserve the praise they lose 1 affection point. I went with Elaiya/Yama, since both of them really helped. Also there's the option of selling 2 captured battle maids to the slavers or releasing them back to church. I have no idea if there are repercursions for selling the nuns, so i sent them back to church. And so Larelle now have a cell-mate in the dungeon. I have no idea what they do while the hero is away doing things, but i am guessing that paladin and necromancer has a lot of things to discuss. Philosophy, religion, their new sexy master, those kind of things.
Anyway. It's a start for a brand new day. Since Therese was kind enough to deliver us some prayer books it's time to recruit someone, who can actually benefit from them. While baking is a good work, adventuring with her brother is definitely better. So we're going to recruit Meline. She is waiting at the bakery.
Well, having sex with you sister behind the counter sounds like a really nice idea. And that's that.
During the night Angel of Love and Passion bestows her glittery angelic powers to Meline. So Meline is an Invoker now and she can do various things, but she's the best suited to take on undead, mages and especially undead mages. =)
It's the new day and i am at a bit of loss what to do. There are so many things availible...
Oh, right. Let's do that... It's a simple filler quest, where you are carrying a suspiciously ticking box from Northmarket to Eastfort while being ambushed by clockwork nerds.
Near the Eastfort there's a boss battle, and while you can't have sex with clockwork scorpion, it's still pretty badass. And it's useful for, you know, manor security or something. Again the hero is not thinking practically. A pity. It's like a guard dog that you don't need to feed, plus you have Eliaya if the scorpion needs maintenace, since she's good with mechanisms. And i have no idea what she's doing with all those clockwork dildos we're giving her, but i bet, she's secretly building a clockwork dick monstrosity in her hidden underground lair. Anyway, with clockwork scropion reduced to a pile of scrap metal, we deliver our package and grab another elixir from one of the clocks. And that wraps this quest up. After that hero decides to have some sex with twins to relieve stress.
New day.
Felix learned another spell.
And here's another exciting thing waiting for us.
I apologize for this long strip of image, but Larelle is my second favourite character and i was kind of compelled to post her joining dialogue in its entirety.
Anyway, with this our magical team is complete and it's time to teach our mages some new tricks. Meline is already learning cure spell from Basic Prayers Book. Larelle will start studying Magical Handbook and we also picked Energy Principals for Felix.
Next we're going to find a missing priest. Aparently he went to Huntervale and never returned. So, we entered Huntervale, suddenly it got dark. The guy at the entrance refuses to let us in, so we need to find another way to enter. So let's just... Hop over the fence. And we're in. From the looks of it the village has some terrible secret with there being lots of blood everywhere. Either they're cannibals or werewolves. Maybe something else, but my bet is on one of these.
Well what do you know. They are werewolves. Also we're about to be sacrificed to some dark god so the villagers can break the lycanthropy curse.
Pro tip: don't trust guarding dangerous prisoners to a little kid. Also werewolves suck. Not as bad as vampires, but close. Those silverpelt assholes spamming Eerie Howl can go die in a fire. Also this was the first dungeon my party ran out of magic points. So it's time to learn Blazing Aura later, i guess.
And here's the boss encounter. Wolfpack boss if you would. As usual i prioritize targets in order of the most dangerous/annoying to the least dangerous/annoying. And so we won with Larelle landing finishing blow with her dagger, doing 77 points worth of damage to Howlpack Alpha. =) As it turns out, it was all for nothing, since noone really wanted to be cured from lycanthropy. Well noone died either. So All's Were That Ends Were indeed. And with that we get letter from a priest, get back to the church and receive our reward at adventurer's guild. Also during the night Meline instructed Larelle on finer points of sucking master's cock. And that's it for this update.
Day 7
New day starts.
Yeah, that's all what's left of our hard earned cash after withdrawing 60000 sil from the bank.
I have no idea, what she is saying, but my guess is that she's not too thrilled by our hero.
If you treat people around you well, they'll help you with killing other people. Hm... There must be some deeper meaning here somewhere.
Visited Amazing Old Man, have no idea about what he is saying, but hey, more bombs.
I have a sneaking suspicion, that's the only phrase kellosian soldiers speak, since pretty much every soldier in the camp knows this phrase a not much else. Or, i dunno, hearing this might be turning Evanie on.
Btw, i kind of grew bored of Face Evil, plus i don't think that Evanie is evil, per se. So, if i had to pick a boss music for her it would probably be this. I suggest you'd listen to it, since it's quite awesome.
And here's her boss fight. Basically she knows how to swing a sword and nothing else. Still, kinda cute. After our victory we reach the enemy camp and proceed to slaughter everything that moves. And if something doesn't move, then we move it and then slaughter it. Well, with the exception of that maid, of course.
Burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the unclean. Well, joking aside, it's one of her better attack spells.
After clearing out the enemy camp, we save Kyrie's party and that ends the day. During the night Meline gave our her a footjob and it was awesome.
Next day. We went to Eastfort to collect money at the guild and while heading back to manor...
There was an ambush. Some kid wants something from us. Oh, yeah, he just wants to tell us how awesome we are and wants an autograph. I am honored.
And here's the invitation to the celebration of our promotion. I hope this party ends better than the last.
And that's it for now.
Day 8
I hope that prank was okay and not just stupid.
Anyway. Here's the second part of today's update.
This is a party to celebrate our guild rank promotion. In our travels around the Middle Kingdom the hero collected quite a bit of girls for our harem, had some great sex with them and overall it was quite fun. It's a nice milestone. The event itself varies greatly on who is part of the harem. There are various conversations between harem girls and the hero too. And it's kind of nice to see what each person has to say.
And that's 100% true.
Also the hero finally gets the chance to have sex with Raina. The fact that she looks like Mami Tomoe in not yet properly colored CG, amuses me to no end.
And so it's a new day. Nothing really happened aside from Yamamaya nearly raping the hero in totally awesome and equally amusing way.
Another day. Meline learned Cure Light Wounds. Picked Chiken Soup Book for her. According to the description it's a Glurgey book of "inspirational" anecdotes. How this teaches Meline Cleanse Body spell is beyond me, but that's what it does.
By the way, Therese finally decided that warm and comfortable bed is better than the cold floor in the dungeon and joined the harem. Yaaaay.
Also, tsundere paladins are the best paladins.
There's one quest that has been waiting for a long time for its special guest. Yep. It's Virgin Gynocides.Some girls in Westcastle went missing. All the clues lead to the theater. Also we meet Gargan there (he is Raina's brother and sort of a rival to the hero). Also there is some interesting interactions between Raina and Gargan too. She's the main reason i held off doing this quest for so long. He's on a quest too and his quest involves demon worshipping cult. Also the 2 are connected. So we join forces and prepare to storm the castle... I mean theater.
Which i'll be doing tomorrow, since i am kind of sleepy as it is.
Day 9
Welcome back.
So, last time we left preparing to infiltrate the cult, that is apparently behind the girls' disappearances.
Also here's "the special" part of dialogue if you have Raina with you. It's quite interesting and fleshes out siblings' characterisation.
We enter the theater and attack the cultists at the entrance. Then we put on their robes and with this our masterful disguise is complete.
This guy helpfully informs us about possible dangers. We go there to peek at them for um... educational purposes of tentacle sex for a bit, but turns out these guys just hate voyeurs. Oh, well.
If you're doing the quest at the recommended level the encounter is quite nasty. The cultists can buff attack and defence of each other and the tentacle monster has a party hitting magic attack that lowers magic defence, and it pretty much the only ability it uses. And the debuffing part of the attack means that the next one will hit harder.
At the theater stage we can meet Borgen and chat with him for a bit. You might remember him as a guy we went to collect the payment way back at the start of the game. Turns out he's the cult leader. What a twist. Also under the stage you can learn that they summoned a demon and the demon now demands virgins and that's the reason why all these girls started disappearing.
It's probably a reference to something, but i have no idea to what. Also at props storage we meet Mickele again. While walking on catwalks, we dropped a sandbag on Borgen's head and took all his stuff. It was an accident, honest.
It all goes smoothly until we get caught and things go really downhill from there. The scene is quite a bit long so i'll post it as a separate link at the end of the post. Short version, Gargan is a virgin, Borgen transforms him into a girl. Demon appears, rapes Gargan, then while everyone was distracted watching the scene the hero cuts off demon's dick and after a conversation the party minus Gargan fights the demon.
He attacks 2 times per turn and hits like a truck or two. Also starts healing himself when he's low on health. After the victory we report it to the authorities, Gargan is still in coma and is put into one of the rooms in the living quarters. And that ends the day.
Through hours of study, Larelle learned... Magic Missile! Through hours of study, Felix learned... Smouldering Ash!
Here's a little bit of info on game mechanics concerning this moment. The Quest for a Cure starts after you finish Virgin Gynocides quest and recruit Raina, but since Virgin Gynocides quest isn't technically complete until it is reported to the guild, Quest for a Cure won't start at all no matter how much time passes.
P.S. Here's what happens after the party gets caught in it's entirety. Part 1 is before Borgen casts the spell, part 2 is after the rape is abruptly interrupted by the hero.
Part 1
Part 2
P.P.S. It was one hell of a day at work and i am really really tired, so that's it for today.
Day 10
Guess what time is it? Update time.
So, last time we uncovered a cult Gargan got turned into a girl and all that. And since we need to pass time somehow, i thought it would be great to finally meet those racist pricks. Since our hero now speak elvish the guards let us in.
As we are discussing current situation, Bronwyn walks in and she's... ahem mildly surprised to see the hero. From the looks of things the elves have problems with the slavers and since our hero does business with them on regular basis he decides to go and talk to them to sort things out. Considering how often diplomacy works in Middle Kingdom things could only go well.
And knowing how our hero normally operates, there's only one possible type of payment. =) So we form a party and go. In the forest we see some slavers and a clown beating up an elf to get the location of the village out of him. And from the looks of it they have gone rogue. We quickly run to them and that's his reaction.
Have i mentioned i hate clowns? And this one is as annoying as the rest of them. Anyway, the fight starts, we beat them up, clown runs to the next group of slavers, continue till they are all dead. Also it's possible to catch the clown early.
That will teach him. Also since the clown is dead the normal dialogue is replaced with one-liners of various levels of funny. After killing all the slavers we find missing elves in the tent. Bronwyn unties them and...
Is quite happy. Do they worship a Curry God too? I approve. And so we return to the elder and report our success. And then hero predictably asks for Bronwyn to be his reward.
And that's the elder's answer. That's kind of cold. I am not sure how long elves live in HC verse, but 20 years is still quite a long time. And that wraps the quest up. Also Bronwyn sex scene is quite nice. And while Bronwyn doesn't like the hero yet, euphoria as a side effect of pleasing her master due to the slave collar is a thing. So everyone is happy.
Day 11
It's a new day, pleasing sound of the rain is interrupted by Raina who wakes us up. And that starts the Quest for a Cure quest. The longest and hardest quest yet. Yaaaay.
The group disscusses various types of magic and how they can uncurse Gargan. Nothing seems to work, until the wishing the curse away is mentioned. And so the group comes to a conclusion that they need to find a genie. Larelle mentions that Count Corgan, who lives in Westcastle's noble district, like totally has a magic lamp. So that's our next destination. Also, fence jumping will be involved.
On our way to Westcastle we visit one of the farms and this thing was there.
The thing is dead and the world is a better place. Made it to Westcastle without additional interruptions. So after jumping the fence, we ended up at the graveyard. It's huge, filled with gravestones and crypts. There are some wandering gravediggers and each one holds a key to a crypt. Crypts are filled with goodies and some are guarded by zombies. So we finally made it to the manor and it's guarded by some dudes.
Who are actually werewolves. Hm... Vampire manor is guarded by werewolves. And they say those two are mortal enemies... They are all dangerous, but in different ways. Beta builds up momentum and then rages, alpha can use shockwave and it's a group attack, that has a chance to lower agaility and silence characters it hits. After our victory we enter the building.
And turns out it's not an actual manor yet, but its cellar. And it's full of dangerous random fights. If RNG hates you the dolls will keep spamming Cover and erethist will bombard you with dangerous attacks like Grenado. Also she knows Magic Missile, which can stun in addition damage it inflicts and dolls also have a stunning move, plus a rather damaging attack as well and all that damage can can add up really fast.
While trying to go up the stairs we ah... meet this guy. And compared to the encounters at the cellar, he is mostly harmless. Well for a party of mages at least. If you have mainly physical oriented party, he has a really high evasion, which is partially counterably by tossing at him bags of flour, that can be found in the dungeon. Anyway his invisible ass is dead. All that's left is 3 minibosses, 1 boss and the Count. Three minibosses groups all has a vampire suckling in them and 2 other enemies accompanying him.
Here's the most dangerous of the 3 in my opinion. Dem dogs are vicious. We beat all 3 of them, and find out the the stairs leading to the second floor are blocked by some kind of forcefield, so we need to find another solution.
Here's the hint to the puzzle of the room. To progress we need to set hands of the clock to the specific time. In real life you could just spin the hands until you hear a click, but in the game the time is needed to be set manually and that's where i got stuck during my first time running the dungeon. Answer is 03:33 and by looking at the room you can see that all objects on the tables are arranged in the groups of three. Anyway, moving on.
That's our soon to be harem girl. For now we just lock her up in one of the rooms here.
Here's our boss. Has really high physical defence. Hits hard. Can stare at you menacingly, which stuns one character for multiple rounds.
Really weak to magic. Dead. Next.
And next is the Count.
Here's what happens if you have Larelle with you:
And that's how it ends. The hero and the count have a threesome with Larelle. Then the hero kills the count after the count passes out after a premature ejaculation. And then Larelle gives the hero a really good blowjob. And they lived happily ever after. The End.
Day 12
Wish i could buy a pair of maids for the price of a bottle of good wine. Trip to the store to buy food for a week and cleaning my flat took quite a bit of time.
Anyway. Welcome back. Walls of text incoming. No fights, just lots and lots of running around.
Last time we acquired a manor in Westcastle in a totally legal and professional way. Previous owner gave us ownership of the manor willingly and no killing of previous owner took place. And that's what happened, yep. Well, it's time to inspect our new digs. After setting the time at 03:33 at another clock, we hear a strange noise nearby, and turns out it's another secret passage.
Inside we found our prize and it's time to cure Gargan. The hero rubs the lamp and genie comes out. Turns out a genie is a girl and not some legless muscular blue dude. Also she's practically naked and i am trying to keep this LP safe for work so no picture of her unfortunately. And so the hero gets his 3 wishes. Here they are. "I wish that you would have sex with me" "I wish to have superhuman stamina and sexual prowess" "And i guess the last wish will be to cure Gargan's curse" And so after awesome genie sex... Satifaction up! +5 The genie says that the hero could have wished for genie to be his slave instead of having sex with her just once. Satisfaction down! -2 And with that she's gone.
Gargan is cured of the curse. Well, partially. He um... She... Actually, she looks like a girl, sounds like a girl and you can have sex with her as a girl too. So i'll be going to refer to her as such in the future. Anyway, Gargan is not in coma anymore.
So Raina and Gargan discuss the current situation and the hero walks in.
Angry Mod Voice detected. So, while Gargan was unconscious the hero put a collar on her. And is about to have some rough sex with her.
And that's Raina's reaction. Oh, Raina. Not only you are not saving Gargan from the borderline rape, but you find the whole situation arousing enough, that you seek privacy of your bunk to relieve yourself. Jayne would be proud.
Also here's the full conversation for the curious:
And with that Gargan joins the party. Plus she gives us 3 brand new quests when joining (which are not implemented yet).
And it's a good time to get us our personal enchanter. We head to Southport University and find Ino there. She's talking to some guy about passing very important exam. And hero sees an opportunity there to get her for his harem. Felix objects, but the hero explains that he's not going to touch her until she's at least eighteen.
Purely out of goodness of out heart. So to help Ino pass exam we going to help her cheat via telepathic spell by running around the university grounds and finding answers for her. There are 8 questions total and for each question answered you get 2 bonus relationship points to Ino's starting relationship value.
(Un)fortunately she gets caught and is expelled from the university and the hero is quick to invite her to live in the manor.
And with that we got a cute little enchanter for our harem. Basically she works like Kevin only for more magical oriented members of our adventuring party. And the day ends.
New day.
Of course. Also due to us doing her quest perfectly, her starting relationship is at 77. And her 81 bonus is super sweet if you hold off doing any enchanting before you get it.
Running to Westcastle is kind of a long walk, so we're going to setup a portal network by converting our unused shed to the stables. Don't let the appearances fool you. These things may look like horses, sound like horses and feel like horses, but they are definitely portals.
Then we went to Eastfort and bought a condo, in case we need a place to rest there sometime. There's supposed to be a live in house keeper but she's not at the entrance to greet us. So we're left to investigate the house on our own. And from the sounds we hear on the second floor, our housekeeper is in the bedroom. So we caught her masturbating and after slapping a collar on her she continues to do it even faster. Also various members of the harem will comment on it, but my personal favourite is those two.
Well, that's a fact. =)
And so another day passes.
Through hours of study, Meline learned... Cleanse Body! Through hours of study, Felix learned... Hoarfrost!
Also Raina thinks that cake is delicious too and from the looks of it, she is kind of considering wearing a slave collar sometime in the future. Satisfaction up! +5
Meanwhile, Penelope baked us a cake and now we have a neverending supply of 6 pieces of cake a day. Sweet.
Anyway, Ino's 81 relationship bonus is this. So she gives you one for free, and gives you one more for every enchanting she performs.
And the thing is, that each piece of it sells for quite a bit of sil.
Also thought that expanding Flo's growing shop empire would be nice. Bought a store in Eastfort and got an attractive milf shopkeeper as a result. She has two kids and the hero is decent enough to let them live in the condo we bought earlier, so again it works. And it's quite interesting, how the hero changes little by little as the game progresses. He's still a self-centered asshat but at least he cares about people he adds to his harem, to put up with inconveniences like the kids. Also his intellect improves. Looks like it's not just a statistic at the status screen. =) And so another day passed.
I think it's a good place to stop for now. Until some time later today.
Day 13
Another non-action update. It will mainly involve non-dungeon part of Family Matters quest. I just felt like posting it in its entirety, because, imo, it's that good. Plus it's kind of important too.
So. It's a start of a new (rainy) day.
Through hours of study, Larelle learned... Smouldering Ash!
Other exciting news is that Yama wants us to enter the tournament. I heard the first place prize is quite a lot of money. So we're going to do that in the near future.
But that's not all. More exciting news is that, originally the hero and Meline lived in the Northmarket slums and that's the house she's talking about.
Will definitely do. So we go to the house. It's an old decrepit shack, but what's important, is all the memories of living there.
Way way back when we were collecting money from Elvo, the hero had the chance to show his mad skillz as a pianist and that's the reason why. Also we take the piano with us. Yup, an entire piano.
Some more exposition between the two.
In the next part of the house there's a sex scene in the mom's office. It's quite interesting. But, yeah. Doing it on the wooden floor in the old house is rather uncomfortable and is bound to involve some splinters.
And she used to read some really interesting books there. It's a book. No, it THE book. The book that teaches Chain Lighting and Hyde Formula. Ironically it's a spell book and not a prayer book, so Meline can't gain anything from it and Chicken Soup Book has identical stats anyway. Wish i could tear it in half, so that Felix would have the part that teaches Hyde Formula and Larelle would have the part that teaches Chain Lighting, but priorities, priorities... Now Larelle is one happy necromancer who now can also zap enemies in addition to all other spells she already knows.
Okay, continuing with the house.
And there are two rooms left. Dialogue in Mom's room is quite long:
And the last room is a storage room, which contains just 2 chests.
It's Meline's unique accessory. +10 magic, +25 resist, +10 luck. In other words, really fucking good.
And the second chest contains a map to the actual dungeon of the quest plus the item needed to enter said dungeon. It's one of the quests that their dad was working on, but never finished for some reason. And that's it for the old house.
Also before doing anything we need to get Renfeld out of the the room, we locked her in before. I am kind of worried about her and hope she's okay.
Oh... That complicates things a bit. Fortunately even if it rains and slave market is closed, the guy who provides us with extra collars is there. What a diligent worker he is. Soaking in all this rain the whole day... Anyway, we need to find a willing orc this time. Btw, i totally forgot to include Slave Hunt Part I in my updates, sorry. Because of our murder of the orcs at the very start of the game, now they live in a creepy cave instead of having a camp in the open. Also there's considerably less of them this time. The orc we need is the blind orc further in the cave. The hero convinces him to sign a contract quite easily. With that out of the way we now have 5 extra collars. And turns out Renfeld is just fine. Hero even fed her some of his cum to keep her healthy. And that ends the day.
And also it's the end of this update for today.
Day 14
Welcome back. It's time for the Love Quest Bonanza Part 1.
Rise and shine, it's a new day.
We wake up in Westcastle Manor and are greeted by our new cute-and-psycho slave. I dunno, something about her makes her so adorable, despite all her creepy. I am not sure if there's a term for that, but i like her a lot. Apparently she likes monster zoobies. Who would have guessed...
Back at the manor Elaiya wants us to help her with her personal quest. And since we agreed to help her, when we first got her into our harem, we of course going to do it.
Also had another threesome with maids and that actually ended the day.
New day.
Since Yamamaya asked first, we going to do her quest first too. So, let's go and win that tournament.
First we're going to fight a qualifier round. The guy asks for 20k sil as an entrance fee, and since that's a bit too much for my tastes, we bet hero's ass instead. So let's give him an ass kicking he won't forget.
He hits relatively hard, and knows a weak cure spell. That's pretty much it.
And so ass kicking was delivered.
Meet Lola and her partner Brandt. They are reigning champions for the past seven years.
Also Lola is kind of a bitch who desperately needs a lesson in humility. So main competition is going to be between them and us. With the pleasantries (read mutual insults) exchanged, it's time for the first round. Lola and Brandt go first and we can chat for a bit with other contestants. And then it's time for our first round too.
So... Dogs. Actually their poisonous bite is a lot worse than their bark, but aside from that, they're not too dangerous. It's the first round after all. And so we won.
Lola taunts us again and it's time for the round two. Lola and Brandt go in first. After chatting with remaining people there, it's time for our fight.
It's casts spells and has a silence spell of its own, which is kind of pointless, since neither Yamamaya nor the hero use spells. Well, technically Yama's rages are spells, but the momentum cost is so high, they are impractical at best. And it drops Crow Totem. Which according to the description, Yamamaya made out of stormcrow's feathers. So it drops it before Yamamaya made it. Well, it's not as bad as mindflyers carrying the corpses of other mindflyers in their pockets, that you can steal from them, but that's RPGs for you. :D That's Yama's unique accessory by the way. +10 attack, +25 agility. Kinda nice and makes her one of the fastest fighters in our harem. Looks like Lola and Brandt are not at the hall when we return. So we are going to look for them. And we found them...
Shocking news! The secret of their success is revealed. They are going to cheat and poison us, so they can win and there's nothing we can do about it. And it's time for round three.
M-m-m... Tentacle monsters. Seeing them slowly wrapping their slimy tentacles all over Yama's body immobilizing her... Removing her clothes... Inserting their tentacles into her mouth, pussy and ass... M-m-m... I'll be in my bunk. Ahem... Back to the fight. They can stare at you and that's it. And so we won.
And we weren't poisoned, so maybe Lola decided to fight fair after all? And from the looks it's only four of us left. It's time for the finals. And they are letting us to go in first.
I dunno, looks a lot like a behemoth to me.
Warning, rant incoming.
I have a few choice words for this fight. In short, it sucks. Long explanation. At the start of round 3 the hero will be put to sleep without any means to wake him up. So it's Yama alone against Baloth. It hits relatively hard. It knows Regeneration spell. Maybe i was unlucky , but once i spent like 20 lo-potions and ~10 mid-potions in the fight due to Baloth spamming Regeneration constantly and due to it being % based healing it was healing it for quite a lot. Yes, Shockwave can silence it, but it doesn't have 100% chance of inflicting silence, also due to Yama having low accuracy in general, it's even worse. Regeneration lasts for like 5 combat rounds or so, even if you managed to silence it, the silence effect lasts only several rounds as well, so the beast can simply recast Regeneration when silence effect wears off. So between wasting turns chugging down potions and Yama missing frequently and needing to heal again, coupled with Shockwave's low damage that fight can take like 15 minutes, before the beast is finally slain, if you are unlucky.
Anyway, the fight is won. We tell officials about the poison and instead of punishing Lola and Brandt for their cheating, the tournament director is actually hiring them as Co-ordinators of Special Events, since that stunt with poison dart was really exciting for the spectators and brought quite a lot of money. Oh, well. We still get our 50k prize money as a reward and leave and then take out our frustrations on Alina.
End of the Love Quest Bonanza Part 1.
Day 15
The Love Quest Bonanza. Part 2.
Last time we participated in a beast fighting tournament and returned from Westcastle quite a bit richer. It's time to finish dad's quest.
Actually if you know where the entrance is located you can visit it earlier, but that green force field won't let you in. Now the force field and the King Statuette start resonating and with a cool sound effect the forcefield disappears. And so we're in. As the named suggests the Buried City is a ruin of some unnamed city. It's one of my favourite dungeons so far. It's filled with all kinds of treasures and lizards who guard them and it has a lot of puzzles too.
Combat encounters are designed in such a way, that you are fightiing a lot of enemies, usually groups of 3-5 at once, and the newly acquired Chain Lightning spell makes short work of them. Provided, you brought a caster who can use it, of course.
The goal is to collect 7 statuettes so we can open a big door to the treasure vault. One of statuettes was in dad's chest, so that leaves 6 more to find in the city itself.
This is the room with one of the statuettes and the chest is locked by a password. Password is written on the wall, unfortunately in the language we don't understand. Fortunately we looted a Scroll of Translation from a corpse of some adventurer, who was less lucky than us. The inscription on the wall talks about seven angels names and one of them is Tipareth and that's the word we need to open the chest.
Received Angel Statuette
This room gave me a lot of trouble the first time i did it. You need to light the torches in a certain shape and the hint given is a) hard to see, b) doesn't look like a hint at all. Basically you need to light the torches in a Star of David shape so the lit torches are points of the star.
Received Demon Statuette
In this room you need to mix 2 of the colored rocks in the room to freeze the water so you can open chest. Various combinations produce all kind of different results. One combination makes us fight some slimes. I haven't tested it enough, but apparently you can do so indefinitely. So you can grind to your hearts content. Gummies+Crystal is the correct combination.
Received Person Statuette
Oh, right.
Received Automaton Statuette =)
This room doesn't have a puzzle and 4 kobolds are simply waiting for us so they can ambush us and then another group of 4 comes from the back after we defeat the first group. That's it.
Received Dragon Statuette
This room requires us to water some plants. Unfortunately we don't have a suitable container to carry water and drinking one of the potions we carry, and using an empty bottle as a container simply won't do. Fortunately there's an empty clay pot sitting in one of the rooms, and that solves the problem. So we scoop some creepy alchemy water from the alchemy lab and water the plants. That does the trick.
Tree Statuette was found
There's a mirror in the Mirror Room and as you can see the mirror is broken.
There are 3 glass shard fragments scattered through out the dungeon and when you have all 3, they automatically float to the mirror and the mirror is fixed.
Then we can use fixed mirror to teleport to... um... somewhere...
There we find a fairy and if we want her statuette, we have to answer her riddle correctly.
And that's our options. There's a bit of quite humorous dialogue if you pick the first one.
Also that's obviously a wrong answer. And the fairy refuses to let us answer again for free and asks 300 sil for another try. The correct answer is Yardstick, by the way.
So we can pay her (not an option), leave (also not an option) and attack her. And since being insulted by a stupid fairy is bad, we're going to squash her.
And so we easily did. Actually not. Contrary to what you might expect, she's a Bonus Boss with a double capital B. And as such, she is harder than the actual boss of the Buried City by a fairy margin. Ahem.
Fairy Statuette was found
So we have all 7 statuettes needed and when all are placed on corresponding pedestals, the big stone doors are finally open.
We are going to be rich.
After we defeat the guardian of the treasure of course. It might look intimidating, but unfortunately for the big red lizard simple cast of Scintillating Shards almost completely shuts it down. Well, it can still attack, but most attacks will simply miss.
Also really really weak to ice. So Felix was a MVP for this battle. As with a lot of bosses, if you defeat them, their lair starts collapsing. And this one is no exception.
So no time to grab that treasure as our party hastily runs to the exit. The party runs out of the collapsing city and while we didn't find Dad and couldn't grab the treasure, it was still quite fun.
It happened exactly like that, yes.
And so Meline and the hero go back to the manor only to meet the Angel of Love and Passion there. And she reveals that she gave the power of Invoker to Meline as a means to spy and control the hero through her. That doesn't really sit well with either of them and they decide to restrain and sandwich the angel.
And so they did.
End of the Love Quest Bonanza Part 2.
Day 16
Love Quest Bonanza. Part 3.
Dad's quest was awesome. Moving on.
New day.
Through hours of study Larelle learned... Hyde Formula! Today our hero spent the whole day by going to a pikunikku with Chimei. The end.
Another rainy day, which is perfect for the quest we're going to do.
Weird, we went there yesterday and he was there. Anyway, it's her love quest. So, we'll do it a bit later.
Because we still need to Finish Unfinished Business... It's a lot darker, than most of the things in the game, by the way.
We go to the Tin Dog and Shally says that she has info on two guys Elaiya was looking for. Their last known location was in a bandit fort near the Wheatfield.
And that's the place.
Unfortunately the door is locked and i highly doubt that simply knocking on the door will get us inside. So the hero has a brilliant idea to simply blow it up. So we need a big-ass bomb to knock down a big-ass riveted steel door. There are some options. AOM if you still have him, or one of Fruit Kids. So, we're going to visit Apple Kid for this one.
Also it's kind of interesting, that when the hero describes the bomb he needs, he says that it should be "big enough to knock down big-ass, steel riveted door", when addressing AOM, but "big enough to knock down a huge, steel riveted door", when adressing either of the Fruit Kids. Not swearing in front of potential girls he could fuck, maybe? Also both AOM and Apple Kid give the bomb without a question, while Orange Kid is reluctant to give hero the bomb, because she's concerned that it's dangerous and only gives the bomb, when hero threatens her with rape. Anyway, got the bomb we need. Back to the fort we go.
So, while the hero sets up the bomb, he questions Elaiya on who the guys in the fort are. They are two members of Elaiya's husband adventuring party. And that one day when she was working at Tin Dog as a waitress, she was told by one of the guys that her husband was killed in some ruins they were exploring, and when she returned home her son and his babysitter were murdered by those two guys. And she's been searching for them for two years. So, bomb is set and it makes a huge hole in the wall. Also it's loud enough to make everyone temporary deaf, which in gameplay translates to everyone being silenced. It's magic.
So we enter the fort and start delivering punctured lungs to everyone inside. With free samples even. Also things are quite strange. There are sound of battle and from the looks of it the bandits are actually running from something.
And then we discover that all remaining bandits were murdered by someone, but there's one survivor...
And here's the tragic truth behind it all...
After that Elaiya leaves the party and runs off further into the fort. We go past all the slaughter further into the fort as well and at the stairs we're switched to Elaiya's POV.
The boss fight. The only fight i feel Face Evil theme really *really* fits. It's more of a puzzle fight, than a straight up fight. Everett is programmed in a such way, that his attacks deal roughly 40% of Elaiya's max hp. So, you can try to fight him normally wasting lots and lots of med to hi potions, or you can fight him the intended way by using Stealth and then using it again, when it wears off. That causes Everett to look for Elayia instead of attacking her and that's how you defeat him.
Those are his drops. Everett's cloak is Elaiya's unique accessory. +25 defence, +10 resist, +10 agility.
With that the quest is complete.
And later at night happens my favourite sex scene in the game.
End of Part 3.
Day 17
Bonanza Quest Part 4 Love.
Shrooms. Tripping balls. FOR the insidE. Elaiya something. Something. Something IS Dead. No. Not her. Husband. Quest of LoVE. Asked Penelope. Dad. Gone. Gonna find daaaad.
Farm. Boorny. Lookie. Note! From SHROOMS! They liek abducted dad.
Meet gOOd Poeple.
You said it. Basically it's a dungeon that changes drastically depending on if the hero is under the effect of mushrooms or not. Mycons can inflict it with their normal attacks, or you can feed some mushrooms to the hero manually.
Still cute. Will get you someday.
Yes you are. Shrooms are good for you.
I am not really sure, it's kind of creepy, but hey.
Well, in the loosest of terms...
You're missing a note here...
That's very mean of you box... But i'll get you someday too.
In a sense. Hey, NoMosh!
I blame Money Making Game. MMG for short. Which really stands for My Money... Gone..?
No argument here.
Who is this Lopez guy anyway?
Well, it's a quest. Had to be done.
I regret nothing.
Burn the witch! A CAKE IS ALIVE!
Heeeeeey. EEEEEEND.
Day 18
Welcome back.
Last time we did all four availible love quests back to back. And it was awesome. Character development and such. Well. Except for that last part. Still awesome, though.
And a new day starts. While doing my usual rounds of gifting my slaves i noticed that Renfeld was at 79 relationship mark and that means it's time for one of the more hilarious relationship bonuses in the game. Here it is in all its entire awesomeness.
I have no idea what CNC is and google isn't helping, so if anyone could enlighten me, that would be great.
So, what to do... Oh... Right i have this quest...
They're paying awfully a lot for just moving some boxes. Wonder what the catch is. So, we talked to the ship's captain, who sent us to talk to the first mate. Talked to the first mate. And here's the catch: the ship was transporting some animals from Ausland for the university. And turns out the animals escaped and now the whole ship is crawling with them. Considering the place those animals come from, that only means one thing. They are heavily underpaying us for this job. Time to deal with those cuddly (and extremely lethal) balls of fur. =)
It's kind of funny how the first encounter is the hardest. There's 5 of them and they will tear unprepared party to shreds. Also this dungeon is absolute nightmare for full physical party. Cuddykins know Counter skill and it makes all physical attacks automatically miss and their attacker gets face full of scratchy death instead.
Most of the animals on the ship are poisonous and the dogs can even poison the entire party at once via Cleave attack. Fortunately there's quite a lot of poison-curing booze inside the ship in case you have no way to deal with the poison, but the downside is, that it's the booze and the character drinking it will obvliously get drunk. And so we made it to the boss...
And it's rather underwhelming. It's alone, it doesn't hit that hard, and doesn't have large hp count either. Compared to the terrors before (espescially that first encounter) it's downright easy. And with that the quest is complete. Later that night...
Oh, man... That elusive foursome popped up. Considering the ridiculous requirements for it, and the fact, that in the current build of the game, even if you meet said requirements, it's still missable, since total number of random scenes you could have is lesser than the total pool of random scenes is, i am quite happy. Also it's quite interesting and has some funny moments too. Fun fact: I can't remember the twins' names too, and just refer to them as the Twin-with-a-pony-tail-loves-chocolate and the Twin-without-a-ponytail-loves-bears. :twisted:
So we grab our reward from the guild, sell all vendor trash we collected on the ship, put all the money on hand to the bank and then...
That means i finally have enough sil to help Clementine with her project. *fistpumpkid.jpg*
And that's it for today.
Day 19
Welcome to the endgame...
After investing in Orange Kid we head to the Ice Palace. Little backstory, since before i simply said that we unlocked the quest and that was it. On a rainy day we meet a River Nymph and the hero being true to himself wants to have sex with her immediately. River Nymph would have none of that, but she promises sex as a reward for a little quest of hers. So she sends him to the Winter Palace to kill Ice Nymph, since all that cold air coming from the palace cools off her favourite spring considerably and bathing in a freezing water is not fun. Also Winter Nymph mind controlled a lot of people and is keeping them as sex slaves. To give us a fighting chance River Nymph puts a spell on our hero, so he won't get mind controlled as soon as he enters Ice Palace. That was really nice of her. And so, we enter the palace.
And turns out the nymph is right at the entrance. So... She's dead. Quest complete, let's go and report it to the River Nymph. *RecordScratch.mp3* Well, not exactly like that. We're actually looking for the Winter Nymph, and unfortunately that was just a standard encounter. While exploring the palace we meet Mickele again. He's held captive as the nymph's sex slave. Also Winter Nymph thought that it was funny, so she didn't mind control him. He's locked in a cell, and since we have no ways of opening it, we leave him there for now. While exploring the palace we found the cell key and also found out, that Winter's Nymph chamber is locked and she demands a new slave to fuck.
And so we're going to use Mickele to get access to Winter's Nymph chamber.
Our brilliant plan goes without any trouble and it's time to kill that Nymph.
She mainly uses Hoarfrost and actually resists fire instead of being weak to it. Aside from that she's not too hard. And so our party is victorious.
Your guess is correct. That reward is the best reward after all. And so the day ends...
Through hours of study, Larelle learned... Chain Lightning! So now Felix can enjoy reading Doctor Weird too. Yaaaay. And Larelle now can start learning that Hoarfrost spell she didn't learn before, due to being too engrossed in Doctor Weird. Double Yaaaay.
It's time to start Research Materials. Not only this quest finally gets Kyrie into the harem, its overall importance to the plot is also quite high, so i felt it to be quite fitting to leave it for the last. Kyrie wants us to get into Rurapenthe Tower to get a special tome for her. And we're going to do just that.
We need to enter the tower somehow, and the guards won't simply let us in. We can try simply attacking the guards directly, which leads to a moderately difficult fight with 6 of them. Or we can do something different.
As you can see, you simply need Necronomicon for it. With that we're free to enter the tower. And i'll be doing the actual dungeon part of the tower tomorrow.
Day 20
Welcome back.
Here's the Killer's Eye alternative attempt clever ruse option.
So let's get inside the tower.
Guards let us in and things are proceeding smoothly.
Sorry, but we're on a quest. It's kind of interesting, how in Bronwyn's introduction the hero is non too happy about killing 3 militia men, but here he casually murders them left and right without any concern. Oh, well. I am hoping nothing bad will come out of this...
A bit on the dungeon itself. It has a lot of portals. Some are one-way and some work both ways. But despite all this, the dungeon is quite linnear in its progression. There's a lot of bookshelves you can loot and enemies are quite tough as well.
Here's the room that contains the greatest treasure in this tower. The catch is, you can't just open all the chests. There are some hints in the books you could read about which chests contain stuff, but i won't spoil it here. The important thing is this.
- Received Philosopher Stone*
Also one of the levers you could pull, releases these things all over the tower. They are really bad news for the magic oriented team, since with just one spell they can deplete the entire mana pool of our casters.
So we made it to the boss. There's some sort of defence system, but since when small stuff like that stopped our hero?
Sparkly Bullshit is one of the more interesting bosses in the game, and i quite like the concept and how it is executed. Shimmer acts twice per combat round attacks with various spells. Through out the fight four stones will cast various buffs on the Shimmer. One casts a shield that absorbs physical attacks, the other absorbs magical attacks, third stone buffs Shimmer's already considerable magical attack and the last gives it Regeneration. So, as you can see, destroying it, without destroying the stones first is quite a task. Also stones have sky-high agility and because of that they act first in a combat round. As the fight progresses it becomes easier. Due to the Regeneration, the stone that casts it should be broken first, then, while you are dealing with the remaining stones, regeneration buff should wear off. Or if you destroyed all the stones too quickly it's best to simply wait for the buff to wear off, since it will be negating most of the damage done to the Shimmer. Shimmer is gone, and it's time to get our just reward.
Only things don't go well. Or rather it all went according to plan. It was just not our plan, but that will be explained a bit later.
And so, our hero wakes up in a cell...
Well, at least our captors are nice enough to leave us with a decent meal. There are other things to do in the cell, which is basically inspect everything. There are some amusing bits and pieces here and there.
Finally a guard comes and it's time to see who our captors are.
Meet the queen. Also as you can see Shally and Kyrie are present too. The following scene is really really long, so here's the summary of it. We are introduced to the queen, her daughter Quinta and then the queen sends her daughter away, after which she explains what really is going on. This whole quest was a set up to get our hero into serving the queen. She's secretly ruling the Middle Kindgdom behind the scenes through a network of spies and loyal agents. She is concerned about Kellos troops on the border, and since she is quite well informed (likely through Shally), how our hero operates, he's a perfect man to do the occasional dirty work. Also she gives him a pardon for all the people he killed inside the tower if he's willing to do the aforementioned dirty work. And as a bonus, she will be giving the hero her daughter Quinta to be a part of the harem after the Kellos invasion is dealt with. And so, the hero accepts the offer (well, who wouldn't?). Also Shally will be giving us various tasks to do in the future and Kyrie will be our supervisor. With that the quest is complete and so our hero is now on Her Majesty's secret service... The day ends.
There is just one thing left to do. We are going to visit Alchemist Guild.
Long story short it ends in a tie and we get both of them to join the harem. Well, not exactly.
Okay, okay, fine. No collars this time.
And with that done, this LP now is complete... I'll post an afterword some time later today.
First, i'd like to thank NoMoshing for his continuous work on HC.
Now, here's some statistics.
Total play time from start to finish.
Dark Seeds collected: 39. I am not sure if i missed any, but that's the total number i found during this playthrough.
Final Relationship Score. Well some of them could be higher, but there's no point in gifting slaves past 100+ relationship. And of course it heavily depends on whom you got and when, but here they are.
- Alina 101.
- Apple Kid 41.
- Bronwyn 66.
- Chimei 103.
- Elaiya 101.
- Elli 106.
- Felix 101.
- Florine 101.
- Gargan 57.
- Ino 101.
- Kevin 103.
- Kyrie 104.
- Larelle 87.
- Lilac 108.
- Meline 102.
- Orange Kid 41.
- Penelope 101.
- Raina 103.
- Randi 77.
- Renfeld 91.
- Serade 74.
- Therese 70.
- Violet 101.
- Yamamaya 103.
And that's all characters availible in the current version. Getting both Chimei and Fruit Kids with maxing out relationship points with as many characters as possible was quite hard, but it was quite fun at the same time.
And here some thoughts. This LP was not planned in its entirety. The only things i really planned was the day i did Night of the Raping Dead and the day i got Meline to maximize efficiency of learning spells from books.
Also a bit on the team i picked. Felix. Haters gonna hate... Felix is really useful in general, but his Casters' Spark buff really shines when you have 2 other magic users with you. Also due to getting him at the start (not counting the introductory quest with Therese) he is very versatile. He can learn a lot of different spells, and basically can bring something useful to any fight. As of the current version he is the only character with a group heal spell. And his personality is not that annoying. He's basically reacting to the hero, like any normal sane person would. Meline. She's more situational, but her Heretical Censure and Beckon Mana spells simply shut down any mages with added bonus that all enemies affected now take more damage from magic. Also she is one of the selected few, who has access to radiant type damage and that makes her one of primary choices against undead. And so her damage output can be quite high against them. The problem is that undead are not that numerous in the game. But she can act as backup healer if you teach her Cure spell. Larelle. It's kind of hard to get her early, and at the start she's not very useful. But as she starts learning new speels her utility and damage increases, and she is very useful in the magic team as well, since she naturally learns double resist down spell and her magic is also quite high. She suffers a bit from low mana pool total but Archmage's Ring can fix that problem for her.
And all this combined you have pretty much everything covered. And Casters' Spark + Heretical Censure + Spell Penetration = Boss Killer. Also Magic Missile spam from Felix and Larelle can and will shut down most of the bosses.
I am not sure what the main goal of this LP was, but i guess it was just showing how things can be done. Plus various bits of info i guess.
So all in all it was quite fun doing the full playthrough again and if i am ever going to do another playthrough some time in the future, i'll probably use all physical oriented party just to see how things are different on the other side.