Wiki updates needed

From Bad Kitty Games Wiki
Revision as of 08:59, 30 October 2019 by RomeoPapa (talk | contribs)
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Hey, this is where I'm going to put up various changes/edits that are needed to help get the wiki up to date. This is both to serve as a list for myself as well as an opportunity for others who wish to earn the secrets wiki code should they want it, please note however that if you don't have a wiki account or a way for me to get ahold of you I will be unable to give you the code even if you earned it, sorry! As well if you do good work and stick around long enough I'll do what I can to see about making you a moderator to help keep this place up and running.

Critical updates need

We are still missing alot of images moved from the old wiki to the new one. If anyone has any knowledge of how this can be automated please let us know.

== Regular updates

Big Updates

  • Put together a new optimized guide based on the current version of the game
  • Update the missables page
  • Make new poll to garner more Interest in Wiki development and Updating.

Small Updates