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After the orc explains red switches, kill the guard. Notice the stairs going down are unsafe, and the area to the north (where the bosses are hanging out) is currently unreachable. Power up the breaker room, by placing the purple generator on one of the platforms. Until you kill the bosses, you are going to need at least 1 purple generator in this breaker room. Ignore the prisoners for now, open the red switch, and then the yellow one. Climb down the ladder to Basement 3.
After the orc explains red switches, kill the guard. Notice the stairs going down are unsafe, and the area to the north (where the bosses are hanging out) is currently unreachable. Power up the breaker room, by placing the purple generator on one of the platforms. Until you kill the bosses, you are going to need at least 1 purple generator in this breaker room. Ignore the prisoners for now, open the red switch, and then the yellow one. Climb down the ladder to Basement 3.
I am going to assume you are in good shape, and don't need to access the save point. Kill the 2 roaming guards, and get the rope from the chest next to the blue switch/orc. Release the orc, close the switch, then kill the guard. Go to the northwest corner, and go down the ladder to basement 4. Kill the guard, grab the purple orb, and climb back up. Keep the orb in inventory, don't place it in the B3 breaker room, and don't remove the orb from B3. Climb back to B2, close the yellow and red switches behind you, and place the generator from B4 in the breaker room (note: you only need 1 generator on B2 and 1 on B3 to access the save point- if you were worried/short on time, you could have come back here as soon as you found the rope). Go to the west, flip the green switch to enter the cell block. Open the red switch to let the elf out (15+20=35, but you have two generators, producing 60). Close the red switch, and open the yellow to let the werewolf out. Close that one, and open the green switch on the empty cell (technically, you could have all 4 switches at once, 15+15+20+10=60, but I feel its a good habit to close switches you don't need..). Walk to the hole in the cell, and you'll automatically use the rope. Climb down to B3.
I am going to assume you are in good shape, and don't need to access the save point. Kill the 2 roaming guards, and get the rope from the chest next to the blue switch/orc. Release the orc, close the switch, then kill the guard. Go to the northwest corner, and go down the ladder to basement 4. Kill the guard, grab the purple orb, and climb back up. Keep the orb in inventory, don't place it in the B3 breaker room, and don't remove the orb from B3. Climb back to B2, close the yellow and red switches behind you, and place the generator from B4 in the breaker room (note: you only need 1 generator on B2 and 1 on B3 to access the save point- if you were worried/short on time, you could have come back here as soon as you found the rope). Go to the west, flip the green switch to enter the cell block. Open the red switch to let the elf out (15+20=35, but you have two generators, producing 60). Close the red switch, and open the yellow to let the werewolf out (who has unique dialogue if you don't know what werewolves are yet). Close that one, and open the green switch on the empty cell (technically, you could have all 4 switches at once, 15+15+20+10=60, but I feel its a good habit to close switches you don't need..). Walk to the hole in the cell, and you'll automatically use the rope. Climb down to B3.
Walk south, and throw the red switch if you wish to save. walk in the cell, save, exit, and close the switch. The green switch to the next room is hidden by the boxes. Face the gap in the boxes, and press space, grab the dark seed, then close the room again. Open the room with the two chests, and grab the generator from the unlocked one. Exit the room, close the switch, and climb the rope back up to B2.
Walk south, and throw the red switch if you wish to save. walk in the cell, save, exit, and close the switch. The green switch to the next room is hidden by the boxes. Face the gap in the boxes, and press space, grab the dark seed, then close the room again. Open the room with the two chests, and grab the generator from the unlocked one. Exit the room, close the switch, and climb the rope back up to B2.
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Final cutscene, where Tito promises to "safely double the elf village's population every 2 years". Whether that means all the females having twins after 1 year instead of 10, and then aging the children in 1 year to maturity, or he's blowing hot air, it still sounds impressive.
Final cutscene, where Tito promises to "safely double the elf village's population every 2 years". Whether that means all the females having twins after 1 year instead of 10, and then aging the children in 1 year to maturity, or he's blowing hot air, it still sounds impressive.
You can meet some of the rescues: in the Westcastle Outer District a dwarf will thank you, a catgirl walking randomly in the Eastford Non-Human District will give you a Hi-Potion,
You can meet some of the rescues: in the Westcastle Outer District a dwarf will thank you, a dwarf in the Southport Shipwright Academy building will give you an Expensive Wine, a catgirl walking randomly in the Eastford Non-Human District will give you a Hi-Potion, an elf girl inside the Tipsy Maiden will give you a Contamination Scroll, an elf boy in the Elf Village in the house to the southwest that gives you a Demimensch CD, an orc in the northeast of Orctown opens up a tavern and has a request you can fulfill (the elf girl in the Elf Village inside the house with the Casino ad is a rescuee who's part of this request, who's also a rescuee), a werewolf at the east part of Huntervale will give you 3 Wolfsbane Poison, and a catboy walking near the Northmarket Pawnbroker in the slums will give you +1 Fame.
=== '''Are You Afraid of the Dark?''' ===
=== '''Are You Afraid of the Dark?''' ===
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The enemies in this area are pretty though, so you might want to focus them down one by one. The Kobold Druid can heal and put your party members to sleep, so you should always focus those down first. Depending on your party setup, you'll want to kill the Skulldelver next, as they can deal a ton of psychic damage and group damage that also lowers your magic defence stats. They are resistant to melee damage but weak against cold, fire or radiant attacks. The Bonechomper Ogre deals massive physical damage and can knock down your party members, if you didn't bring heavily armoured party members, they should be next to die. Otherwise, kill the Firebelly Drake first. They deal fire damage, can hit up to three times a turn and burn your party members so healing becomes a pain. They are also weak to cold damage. Lastly, you'll run into Magma Slimes. These aren't that dangerous, but they will use Guardian to protect weak allies. If you can, try stunning or knocking them down while you kill the others first, or if you brought high group damage, kill them with aoe. They resist acid damage but are weak to cold magic.
The enemies in this area are pretty though, so you might want to focus them down one by one. The Kobold Druid can heal and put your party members to sleep, so you should always focus those down first. Depending on your party setup, you'll want to kill the Skulldelver next, as they can deal a ton of psychic damage and group damage that also lowers your magic defence stats. They are resistant to melee damage but weak against cold, fire or radiant attacks. The Bonechomper Ogre deals massive physical damage and can knock down your party members, if you didn't bring heavily armoured party members, they should be next to die. Otherwise, kill the Firebelly Drake first. They deal fire damage, can hit up to three times a turn and burn your party members so healing becomes a pain. They are also weak to cold damage. Lastly, you'll run into Magma Slimes. These aren't that dangerous, but they will use Guardian to protect weak allies. If you can, try stunning or knocking them down while you kill the others first, or if you brought high group damage, kill them with aoe. They resist acid damage but are weak to cold magic.
Be sure to get the  Elven Artifact Piece on the middle left island in the magma lake for the [[Quests|Elven Artifact Armour]].
Once you found your way across the islands with the double jump, prepare for a boss fight with a Phantom Dragon.
Once you found your way across the islands with the double jump, prepare for a boss fight with a Phantom Dragon.
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Antimbits explains that you are looking for a cave along the coast just south of here, once you in the cave you stumble upon a clown laying in a pentagram [[Characters#Other Important People|Hanelore Egaris]] walks in with her students. After the two professors talk for a bit you get bored and decide to touch the clown and accidentally releases his bindings.
Antimbits explains that you are looking for a cave along the coast just south of here, once you in the cave you stumble upon a clown laying in a pentagram [[Characters#Other Important People|Hanelore Egaris]] walks in with her students. After the two professors talk for a bit you get bored and decide to touch the clown and accidentally releases his bindings.
You are now tasked with finding the rest of Hanelore's students. They will be in the cabins (secrets in the fireplaces). Several of them will have boss fight with the clown. Make sure you explore the area, there's several chests around.
You are now tasked with finding the rest of Hanelore's students. They will be in the cabins (secrets in the fireplaces). One will contain the Pure White Silk Scrap [[Quests|(for Spirit Maiden Robes).]] Several of them will have boss fight with the clown. Make sure you explore the area, there's several chests around.
* North - Cabin 1
* North - Cabin 1
* East - Cabin 2 (save point)
* East - Cabin 2 (save point)
* West  - Cabin 3
* West  - Cabin 3
Now head back to the cave and talk to Hanelore. now she follows your party, and you can go deeper into the cave. there you find a coffin, one you interact with it a boss fight starts. once you beat it you take Antimbits back to the university a scene with Chimei starts.
Now head back to the cave and talk to Hanelore. now she follows your party, and you can go deeper into the cave. Dont't forget Iku Awiibua in top right of cave! There you find a coffin, one you interact with it a boss fight starts. once you beat it you take Antimbits back to the university a scene with Chimei starts.
=== '''The Deep End''' ===
=== '''The Deep End''' ===

Latest revision as of 12:41, 21 February 2025

Harem Collector currently has several story arcs, quests that relate to one another and have a bit of a consistent story among them. Quests that fill this role will be listed here in the order they appear for the story arc they deal with unless the quest is an Adventurer's guild quest as well.

Introduction quests

Lord of the Manor

Loan Shark's Hideout.png


  1. 100,000 Sil, But you only get to keep 50,000 sil.
  2. 1 Lo-Potion.
  3. 1 Leather Cap.
  4. 1 Potion of Excellence. Easy mode only,
  5. 1. Lo-Potion.
  6. 1 Sil.
  7. 1 Porno Mag.


  1. 3 Thug.
  2. 1 Thug & 1 Brawler.
  3. 1 Thug & 2 Brawler.
  4. 3 Thug & 2 Brawler.
  5. 2 Thug (These are optional, if you defeat the boss battle first you skip this fight).
  6. Boss battle: 1 Thug & 1 Brawler & 1 Gang Leader.

Quest Progression:

  1. Gambling Den Key, 6 Slave Collars.
  2. Completes the dungeon (Needs the Gambling Den Key).

You will automatically acquire this quest upon exiting the sewers, after talking to the Guild Alchemist and receiving your 100,000 Sil reward.

  • Head to the Estate Broker in Northmarket Wealthy District and speak to him. He will ask you to locate the loan shark that has taken his two children hostage and save them. Check the bookshelves for a hidden Porn Mag.
  • Return to Northmarket Slums, then go to the Tin Dog Tavern and talk to Shally, the bartender, about gambling dens (if you haven't spoken to her since emerging from the sewer, she will make you square up your tab, and you will have to talk to her again). She will tell you about the pub Bitch's Sixth Tit and its back room.
  • Go to the northern road and follow it until you find the path south that isn't blocked by a dwarf and a sheep. You will encounter a woman, Therese, in the process, and she will join the party[1].
  • (Optional in the wooden cottage in the north of the slums, you can find a Linen Helmet sitting on the table, which you can equip on the Hero right away).
  • When you enter the building speak to the barkeep and then the gentleman orc to gain entry to the gambling dens. The Back Room is a danger zone, so be sure to save before you go inside.
  • As you move throughout the back rooms there will be enemies you have to defeat. They are all simple and you'll receive a combat tutorial.
  • After some mob battles you can either take the to the right, which will take you to the cells; or take the left path and head straight for the Boss. If you take the right path you will fight two enemies and the captured Slaver will tell you that the key to the cell is in the Boss' room.
  • Therese will give you tips on how to beat the Boss. It's recommended that you defeat the minions before you target the Boss. After beating the Boss go to the bedroom and interact with the table for the cell key and some (6) Slave Collars (you're planning to give them back, honest!)[2]. Don't forget to check the right side of the bed for another Porn Mag.
  • Before you get to the cells Therese will leave you party. After you let the captives go, the Slaver will ask you about those inconvenient Slave Collars, but he decides not to press the issue. You will then talk to the Estate Broker's daughter, Alina, and give her a little something as a gift. 
  • You will automatically be returned to the Estate Broker's office in the Wealthy District. You will lose all the money you have(unless you have more than 900000 Sil through cheats), but you get the Manor. After the dialog, enter your manor (prior to the that you could clear Alina's equipment for extra naughtiness and a bit of money) on the north side of the area break in your new slave (+5 Satisfaction).

One Is The Loneliest Party

Abandoned Fort Int.png


  1. 1 Lo-Potion.
  2. 1 Hi-Potion.
  3. 1 Potion of Excellence. Easy mode only.
  4. 1 Porno Mag.


  1. 2 Electric Blue Slime.
  2. 2 Electric Blue Slime & 1 Virulent Green Slime.
  3. 1 Electric Blue Slime & 2 Virulent Green Slime.
  4. 1 Electric Blue Slime & 2 Virulent Green Slime.
  5. 3 Electric Blue Slime & 1 Virulent Green Slime.

Quest Progression:

  1. Boss battle: 3 Electric Blue Slime & 1 Virulent Green Slime & 1 Godfrey the Deviant.

This quest is automatically granted when you claim your manor, at the suggestion of Alina.

  • Head to the temple on the east side of the Northmarket Wealthy District and speak to the nun to learn that Therese is cloistered and unavailable. If the Manor Invasion has already happened, the Hero will realize his mistake and he will leave the church automatically.
  • Go to the Tin Dog Tavern in the Slums to run into Elaiya, who is heading off to face a wizard. Speak to Shally about her and she will contract you (for 1000 Sil) to protect her (among other things from herself).
  • Leave the Slums and head south on the map until you see a broken road heading east. Follow it to a broken tower and enter the area[3].
  • Fight your way through the tower and loot everything you can[4]. Make sure to check the book on the table just before you get to Elaiya[5].
  • Defeat Godfrey and gain Elaiya as a slave.
  • You had first taste of Shally's manipulations. It won't be the last time, that's for sure.
  • The Slime Fort is now a repeatable dungeon you can reclear each day for experience and Jars of Slime in different colors you can sell, either at any of your shops or in Southport for twice the price; Also, if you re-clear the Slime Fort at least once, you can now access the roof and find a Dark Seed in a chest on the right.

Na Na Why Don't You Get A Job

See the relevant Guild quest.

Maid to Order

  1. "Hire a maid for the manor." Walk out of the mansion, go to the slave market and buy the maids. It costs 750 Sil.

A Forge Too Far

Elvo's Manor.png

Loot: These are spots where you find Sil or items that aren't required to finish the Quest.

  1. 1 Shizuka Awiiabu.
  2. 1 Scroll of Magic Missile.
  3. 1 Scroll of Acid Arrow.
  4. 1 Mid-Potion.
  5. 1 Porno Mag.
  6. 1 Beef Jerky.
  7. 1 Plain Ol' Brew.
  8. 1 Meat Bun.
  9. 1 Cleanser.
  10. 1 Mid-Potion.
  11. 1 Porcelain Doll (If Doll is in your part you give it to her).
  12. 1 Scroll of Magic Missile.
  13. 1 Scroll of Burning Hands.
  14. 1 Appletini.
  15. 1 Potion of Excellence (Easy mode only).
  16. 1 Scroll of Mind Glare.
  17. 1 Scroll of Burning Hands.
  18. 1 Red Ether.
  19. 1 Magic School Uniform.
  20. 1 Leather Bandana.
  21. 1 Scroll of Acid Arrow.
  22. 1 Scroll of Burning Hands.
  23. 1 Scroll of Magic Missile.
  24. 1 Scroll of Mind Glare.
  25. 1 Clockworke Amusemente.
  26. 1 Porno Mag.
  27. 1 Elixir (Code: 06:10:50).

Encounters: These are fights that aren't required to finish the Quest.

  1. 2 Trapper Spider & 1 Venom Imp (Ambush as you leave the bathroom).
  2. 2 Mindbender Imp.
  3. 2 Trapper Spider & 1 Venom Imp.
  4. 1 Elvo the Illusionist (This encounter is a red herring).

Quest Progression: These are items, fights or some other kind of trigger you need to finish progress/finish the quest.

  1. 1 Abominable Ooze & 1 Mindbender Imp & 1 Venom Imp.
  2. 2 Abominable Ooze & 1 Trapper Spider & 1 Frost Imp.
  3. A small scene.
  4. 1 Abominable Ooze & 1 Trapper Spider & 1 Frost Imp.
  5. Boss battle: 1 Elvo the Illusionist & 1 Homunculus Epsilon & 1 Homunculus Beta

Misc: These are points of interest that do not fit into the other three categories.

  1. You can either choose to fight this imp, which will give you 2 Lo-Potions, 1 Potion of Resist Psychic, 1 Scroll of Burning Hands, 1 Bottled Smoke and 1 Sleep powder, but killing him will lock you out of interacting with an imp during the quest Sacrifices For Algernon. Or you can choose to buy from him: Potion pack for 600 Sil (2 Lo-Potions & 1 Potion of Resist Psychic). Combat Pack for 500 Sil (1 Scroll of Burning Hands & 1 Bottled Smake & 1 Sleep powder).
  1. "Find and hire a blacksmith to repair your blade." Go to the Northmarket Slums, proceed a bit left and up from the entrance, you will see a foreclosed forge. Talk to the smith.
  2. Go to the bank in Northmarket, talk to the loan guy[6].
  3. Go to Eastfort and collect from the slaver, he cannot pay and you repossess Doll, his last slave and bodyguard.
  4. Go to Westcastle, enter the Theater, and watch the play (costs 50 Sil to enter), afterwards you receive payment from the actor.
  5. Go to Elvo the Magnificent[7], he will fight you before agreeing to pay and his house is a full sized dungeon you cannot save in, so be prepared. Note from Dragon729: You get a chance to fight him twice so only activate the secret passage to the attic AFTER the first fight otherwise he disappears.
  6. Go to the bank, talk to loan officer.
  7. Go back to the blacksmith in the slums.
  8. Go to your mansion's forge[8] to finish the quest and have sex with Doll.

Harem Drama quests

Manor Invasion

Automatically started when you have 7 or more girls in your harem and you start a new day. Until you start a new day, you can gather as many as slaves as you like. General Notes:

  1. As of the December 2015 release, the quest won't activate if the player hasn't finished 'Na Na Why Don't You Get A Job'. If the player begins 'A Forge too Far' (by talking to the smith) they will have to finish that quest as well.
  2. After you wake up you'll find that your manor is under attack[9]. You need to collect your allies and kill the intruders. Every time you find an ally you get to reorder your party. [10]
  3. Some fights can be avoided depending on who is present (see the list below).
  4. Go through every room in the mansion until all the invaders are dead. If you defeated the boss [11] and you think you have done so already, then it means you didn't even realize that there is an extra room or more that you are missing (the mansion is HUGE). If you have invested in Apple or Orange kid, their bars will be in the foyer as usual, so grab them.
  5. Decide whether to sell the 2 captured nuns to the slavers for 15,000 Sil, or to return them to the church. Note that currently the only effect of selling the nuns into slavery is the inability to turn in the quest Can't Handle it Cove (with a reward of 12,000 sil and 3 fame, so you have to decide if you want 3,000 sil more now or 3 fame later on).
  6. When you finish, you get to praise your slaves for their efforts. Praising girls who didn't do anything will make the others unhappy due to clear favoritism, praising the same girl every time there is a special event will do the same[12], and praising everyone just devalues praising so you are limited to only 2 choices this time.
  7. All followers who do not live in Northmarket manor, Florine, and Raina will not attend the event.

Below you will find a list by room that you have to check: Master bedroom floor, cistern, dungeon, laboratory, dining room, kitchen, servant's quarters, main hall, chapel, and study (ten location's in total). The order is only relevant in function of the party members that you want to use more or less (and the XP associated to it).

  • Your Room: You started out being attacked in your bedroom with only your sister (Meline). She'll fight with you the first time but back out if her relationship is lower that Trust. You may add Yeon to the party after your first battle. Take her because she will not be in the kitchen.
  • Alina's Room: Diadira is hiding here as she's thinking that the intruders are after her. After talking to her, she joins the party.
  • Cistern: The intruders in the cistern will try to rape Doll, giving the option to intervene (fight, +2 personal happiness with Doll) or let them have her (avoid fight, Doll is not added to your list of party members).
  • Dungeon:
  • Lab: The Amazing Old Man (if you have him) will take care of the attackers in the alchemy lab.
  • Office: The knights will try to take your documents but think he is being manipulated by Kyrie and Bronwyn.
  • Dining room: A Priest thinks he can defeat Yamamaya and Gargan because he is holds the Power of justice.
  • Kitchen: Penelope will resist a priest and a knight as she became a slave willingly.
  • Servant Quarters: Chimei and Elaiya together will clear out the attackers in the slave quarters (if only one of them is present then you have to fight).
  • Chapel: fight Therese.
  • Study: Felix will be defending Larelle for the Lumberhill incident.

Honey Trapper

After your adventures with your manor being invaded, one day[13] you'll find a mysterious butler outside your Northmarket manor, talking to him will reveal the earl of Northmarket wishes to speak with you! Head to the giant mansion north of Northmarket on the world map and talk to the guy on the bridge to learn that he wishes to break off his engagement and he needs your help to do it. Before you can attend his fiance's birthday though you will need to acquire a few items to help convince all the various nobles there that you aren't just some adventurer from the slums (which you are), to do this you will need to buy three things:

  • Signet Ring - the Jewelry shop in Northmarket.
  • Fancy Dress - the seamstress in Northmarket.
  • Fancy Clothes - the men's clothes shop in Westcastle.

These will each run you 5,000 a piece... So if you're tight on funds you might want to hold off on this one. Now, while after buying these you can proceed to the ball to continue with the quest, it should be noted that there are four different endings to this quest, convincing the fiance to end the engagement, seducing her and making a scandal, enlisting some... help to seduce her in your place, and even drugging her. The latter three will all give different scenes, it's important to know now if you're going to do the last one or not as the drugs cost money. If you wish to drug her you could bring 20,000 sil on this quest to afford it from the guy selling it there... Or you could pay a visit to your friendly neighborhood drug dealer in Eastfort and get the same thing for a nice cheap 2,000 sil. Regardless once you're ready, head inside your manor and talk to the Butler now standing next to your stairs, and get ready to break off an engagement!

Currently the only notable people at the party are Doralice (the fiance), Quinta (the youngest of five princesses), Brigadine (the skill trainer in the Westcastle noble district), Nicholas' Butler, Alina, and yourself. If you have previously met with Quinta and Brigadine prior to this quest you can chat with them some but it will have no bearing on the quest. In a room above the ballroom, you can find the missable Shia Awiiabu.


Completing the quest revolves around two mechanics, how drunk Doralice is and how well you've seduced her. I'll start by detailing the social interactions and what impacts they have on how charmed she is (this is only relevant for routes 1 and 2).

  1. When 0- You will have to talk to her and introduce yourself and you'll get a natural +1. If you've got 45 or more fame you'll get an additional +1 due to how famous you are bringing you to a total of +2! There are no other options here.
  2. When 1- Without drinks you will have to go to the entrance where you began, there you'll find a girl in front of a white table with some flowers on it, talk to either the girl or the table to learn that Doralice is a riding champion. Go back to Doralice and ask her about her horse riding for +1 seduction, when she brings up dressage ask her about it for another +1 seduction to bring you to 3.
    • If Doralice has taken at least 2 glasses of wine you can ask her about her fiance for a little insight into how they're getting along as well as +1 seduction. This option will be available at 2 seduction without the need for her to be drunk but can be done now if she's had 2 glasses of wine.
    • If you ask Doralice for sex at this point she will get angry and stop talking to you for the rest of the quest, forcing you down route 3 or 4.
  3. When 2- If you ask her about her presents you will get +1 seduction for your frankness. You will alternatively be able to comment on the Earl instead of the presents, doing so will also earn +1 seduction.
    • Commenting about her beauty will ONLY earn +1 seduction if she's had 3 drinks.
  4. When 3- Here you can ask her about her friends and then sympathize with her for +1 seduction. Alternatively you can ask her about the wine and she'll mention a Vineyard, if you have invested in it (Added as of version 0.24.5) you will gain +1 seduction.
    • If you ask her about her friends then call her on her bullshit she will refuse to talk to you, forcing you down route 3 or 4.
    • If she has had 3 glasses of wine and you ask her for sex she will be upset with you and refuse to talk to you, forcing you down route 3 (route 4 is not possible at this point due to her hitting the drink maximum).
  5. When 4- At this point you can ask her to be alone to finish the quest. You can also ask about her fiance, if she has not had anything to drink she will willingly break off the engagement, if she has had something to drink she will say that she needs time to think on where the Hero will then ask her if she'd like the two of them to be alone.

In regards to getting her drunk, you can get several glasses of wine for free from the Butler behind the bar (north of the entrance, near where Alina hangs out). No matter what you do Doralice will refuse any wine you offer her, if you ask Alina why this is she'll explain that it's because you're a stranger. To get Doralice to drink you must instead head to the kitchen and talk to Nicholas' butler (near the entrance to the kitchen) and ask him to deliver the wine for you. Once Doralice has had 3 drinks she will refuse anymore offered to her.


Route 1- Diplomacy (Talk things out)

As mentioned above, to accomplish this you must get Doralice to seduction level 4 WITHOUT her drinking any wine. If she has even one glass this route will become impossible and attempting to convince her to break off the engagement will instead result in a route 2 completion. Do note that This is the only route that will not offer a sex scene.

Route 2- A Difficult Position (Seduce Doralice)

This route is very similar to the above route, except you have the option of getting Doralice drunk to open up a few possibilities (described in the bullet points) not available in the diplomacy route to make it a bit easier (as well attempting diplomacy after she's had any wine will default to this route). The sex scene here is normal compared to the others. This option gives +3 Satisfaction.

Route 3- Playing For the Other Team (Have Alina seduce Doralice) =

In this route, Alina is the one who seduces Doralice instead, you can talk to Alina and tell her to do it whenever you so choose (with some different text based on if Doralice is still willing to talk to you or not) but she will not be able to until Doralice has had 3 glasses of wine. Once you've gotten enough alcohol in Doralice tell Alina to seduce her to finish the quest. The sex scene here currently doesn't have any images and you only get +1 Satisfaction on this path.

Route 4- Bound To Disappoint (Drug Doralice)

As stated before we came to the party, if you intend to go this route make sure you either bought the drug before getting here or brought some money because, despite their wealth, Doralice doesn't have a bank in her house. If you didn't bring the drug, you're going to have to talk to the butler NEXT to the counter (not behind it) and he'll offer to sell you the Huxtable special needed for this quest. Once you've got it through either option, talk to the butler behind the counter to get a class of wine, you'll then be given the option of adding it to the wine, do so to create the fixed glass of wine. Give the 'Fixed glass of wine' to Nicholas' butler to drug Doralice (will not work if she has already had 3 regular glasses of wine), she'll fall unconscious and be taken to a servant's room as the maid standing next to where Doralice was will point out. Head to the rooms next to the kitchen and talk to the unconscious Doralice to finish this quest. The sex scene here has Doralice in bondage and gives +3 Satisfaction.

The following day, visit Nicholas at his estate and talk with him twice to add him to the list of followers.

Can't Handle It Cove

See the relevant Guild quest.

Get Dumped

  • Talk to Nicholas' butler inside Northmarket Manor after you have completed Honey Trapper.
  • Go to the earl's manor to speak to the client.
  • Enter the dump north of the Southport University District.
  • If Kyrie is in the party, she will warn you of the acid element nature of the area. She will also tell you not to let the grey and yellow slimes mix. She is referring to the Basic Grey Slime and Acid Yellow Slime enemies in the area that use a skill called Volatile Mix. This skill does aoe damage in exchange for self damage. Note that if any slime dies from using volatile mix the battle is automatically won. This is a reference to chemistry where an acid and a base make a neutral solution through a violent reaction.
  • If Yeon is in your party (without Kyrie), she will tell you about slimes and golems that act weird because of the magic in the dump and about an orb in the middle to keep mana radiation at bay.
  • (Optional): To the left you can save one of the blackmailers and push him into the sludge afterward. You can skip this by continuing to the left.
  • (Optional): Monsters for reactive agents and XP, two dark seeds and a porno mag (shovel required), and some other stuff.
  • Cross a one tile wide path between two lakes of purple sludge. Do not enter if you still want to collect some missed loot.
  • Interact with the blackmailer's corpse to get the blackmail material and to initiate the boss fight.
  • Return to Nicholas' manor to complete the quest.
  • Open the chest inside your Northmarket manor (In the study of 2F East Wing near the alchemy trash from orange and apple kid) for your rewards.

This section is for ppl that want to know the "loot-everything-way" without backtracking to much:

  • Go South and take everything (is a dead end).
  • Go left (to next map) and stay on the upside until you get to the dead end (you run in circle to the bottom and change 3 maps).
  • Go back to the Stairs, follow path, go left loot chest (and take the missable Dark Seed) and go south to next Map.
  • Explore and loot everything, exit through East-South (exit more to the south).
  • Explore and loot everything, exit through East-North (exit more east exit), get extra chest, and take other exit of previous map.
  • Pretty much follow path for 4 Maps until you get here, on the bottom/right you can see the "one tile wide path between two lakes of purple sludge" mentioning above, do not pass it now.
  • Violett Path.PNG.png
  • Go North (digging spot), go North East exit (upstairs) fight against golem and take Awiiabu on the tree.
  • Head back and go East (downstairs), take chest and head back and take now the one tile wide path).

Shipping Disaster

This quest is divided in two parts; each one uses a different character.

Part 1. The Hero

  • After receiving the news about the missing shipments, go and investigate the road between Northmarket and Westcastle.
  • Find the Green Tower. Should be pretty easy. It's a massive ruined tower in the middle of a forest just west of the road. If you stick to the road, you can see it from the world map. Overall, it's a small, straightforward dungeon, with only three rooms. The only thing that might not be obvious at first is how to move between areas (ignore the stairs, they're unusable; look on the walls for vines you can climb). Became revisitable after quest complete (1880 exp/day).
  • Once you reach the third room you'll be ambushed by a group of soldiers that want to take you prisoner. You can choose to fight, but the battle is unwinnable (killing a soldier just replaces him with an exact copy).
  • You'll get a few scenes and some exposition before continuing the quest.

Part 2. Alina.

  • Alina, Meline, and Raina suspect there's something wrong and decide to go to Westcastle to rescue the Hero. Note: it doesn't matter if Meline or Raina were with you when you were captured, they don't seem to remember what happened.
  • Meline and Raina will knock out the guard outside Doralice's Manor to allow Alina to investigate. You'll control Alina and the point is to find where the Hero is being held. Alina is not a fighter, so you'll have to find a way to sneak past the people inside (don't worry if you're caught; Alina escapes and you get another try).
    • At the entrance, go left. There's a guard patrolling around so be careful not to let him see you.
    • Go the the next room (directly above). There's an armor you can knock down to distract the guard next to the stairs. Hide next to the wall and let the guard pass, then rush to the stairs. Note: Guards have terrible field of vision, so as long as you're not standing in front of them they won't see you. Don't take too long to run, otherwise he'll turn around and spot you).
    • Go left again and find a small entrance to a bedroom (Careful, there's two guards. One patrols the main hall, the other patrols the hall that leads to the library). There's a note on a table. Find it and it will give you a clue (you need to find a book). The next room to the right has a Rubati Awiiabu, and the room to north of that has a Shimmering Fabric Piece (careful to avoid the residents of the house and the maid).
    • Make your way to the library. You can hide from the guard by standing behind the statues. Remember they don't see you unless you're in front of them. The correct bookshelf is the one furthest to the right, second row. (Note: it may not be obvious at first but each large bookshelf is actually two small bookshelves.)
    • Return to the bedroom and interact with the cabinet next to the bed.
  • At this point there's a small scene and a fight between Alina and Doralice (a cat fight rather than an actual fight). Alina has access to the Hero's inventory but she can't use anything. Just use plain attacks. It should be fairly easy.
  • Once you win the fight, Alina frees the Hero and your slaves storm the manor. There's some more story and a sex scene. Be sure to congratulate Alina, Meline and Raina in the scene afterwards.
    • After completing this quest, Florine will be found in the dungeon (torture scenes are currently not active), and Penelope runs the item shop.

Kellos Invasion quests

Ain't No Party Like a Search Party

See the relevant Guild quest.

Research Materials


To start this quest, you have to talk to Kyrie in the Eastfort Adventurer's Guild. She asks you to get a Tome from the Rurapenthe Tower.

While it's officially in Westcastle, it can only be accessed through the World Map. See the tower on the left of Westcastle[14] on the World Map? Walk in there.

  • Hint: if you found yourself blocked by a barrier, don't bother trying to deactivate it. Look for another way.
  • Hint: If you're stuck, count the number of teleporter switches and compare it to the number of teleporters. If there are more teleporters than switches, it means a switch is hidden:
* check the statue beside the crystal when you already have collected the Wand of Reality Negation from the Containment Floor.

You have two ways to enter the tower: Fight the guards or "Attempt clever ruse". If you choose the latter, you have various options:

Tower Entrance map
  • If you have the Necronomicon in inventory[15] you are granted entry.
  • If you have the Killer's Eye in inventory you are granted entry.
  • If you have the Perpetual Motion Device in inventory you are granted entry.

Fighting the guards is more difficult but also more beneficial (more experience and loot). If you used trickery just step on the teleport and go to the next floor; if you used force you need to activate the teleporter switch in the lower right corner of the map.

After using the teleporter, you appear in the second zone: the Research Floor.

Note: Letter refers to horizontal rows starting from the top, and number refers to vertical objects on a horizontal row starting from left to right.

Note: There is an item on the Research floor called the Bag of Devouring. Do NOT interact with it! It will consume all the food items in your inventory without giving your party any benefit.

Example: The Bag of Devouring (A1) is on the first bookshelf from the left on the first row from the top.

Research Floor:

* Listed Items:
    1. Bag of Devouring - A1 (Harmful, consumes all food items in inventory)
    2. Tiamat Coins - A4 (Vendor Trash)
    3. Tamamo Awiiabu - A6 (Collectable)
    4. #2 Headband - C2 (Equipment)
Research Floor map

The most relevant thing in this floor is the directories. There are five of them. They contain, among other things the location of the Philosopher's Stone. Above you would find a list of items that are mentioned in them. Be aware that not all of them are that useful... If you try to get to the right side of the area, a mage will block your advance. The force field cannot be deactivated - you have to find another way. Press the left switch to go the next zone.

Archival Floor A:

* Listed Items:
    1. Blue Lady Cigarettes - A6 (Not Loot)
    2. Burke's Opal Necklace - C2 (Not Loot)
    3. Shroud of Observation - F9 (Not Loot)
Archival Floor A map

The next room[16] has three switches. There are two usable teleporters at this moment. One of them leads to the very first teleporter room of the tower (and the loot within if you didn't already take it). The other teleporter (blue) that you could use at this moment is activated with the right switch of the three (there is a fire barrier). It teleportes you to the Archival Floor B.

Archival Floor B:

* Listed Items:
  1. Deck of Many Things - C2 (Not Loot)
  2. Ring of Contrariness - C13 (Not Loot)
  3. Animated Broom - A16 (Not Loot)
  4. Dark Seed - A3 (Special)
Archival Floor B map

In this floor, you only see the violet switch[17]. The teleporter gives you access to the other side of the Research Floor, where now you can use the other teleporter which was blocked by the force field.

You return to the room with the three switches, but to the other side. After defeating a Seraph and a Fiend, the barrier collapses. Press the middle switch to activate the red teleporter, which give you access to the Containment Room.

Containment Floor:

The letters go from up to down and the numbers from left to the right.

* Listed Items:
    1. Vorpal Sword-Chucks - A4 (Top Row, 4th chest from the left) (Not Loot)
    2. Flesh to Goo - B4 (Second Row from the top, 4th chest from the left) (Combat; Scroll)
    3. Antikythera Mechanism - C2 (Third Row from the top, 2nd chest from the left) (Special)
    4. Puzzle Box - D6 (Fourth row from the top, 6th chest from the left) (Not Loot)
    5. Philosopher Stone - E6 (Last row, 6th chest from the left) (Special)

  • Hint: After you open all the chests of interest, you can get 150 XP fighting three mimics.
Containment Floor map (Treasure chests not visible)

You will need the Wand of the Reality Negation from this floor. It's in the box below your starting position. Now that you are there, go down and activate the green lever. Return to Archival Floor B with the violet switch and interact with the statue to its left to reveal a red switch.

Remember the room with the three switches? If you return to that room, deactivate any active switches, activate the left switch and enter the blue teleporter on the opposite side of the room, you return to Archival Room B, but on the top-right side, when you will find another Dark Seed.

Now you should return to the room with the revealed red switch, active it and use the teleporter to access the area with the cells of the Containment Floor. Go the green teleporter (that you activated before, see two paragraphs above), you must pull the yellow switch to get rid of the ward in front of the teleporter to the vault (this switch also releases more enemies, but it's required to pull it to finish the quest), and you'll be in the Vault.

From there, there is only the boss fight... and your reward.

It's Pronounced "Sabotage"

Shally[18] sends you to your first mission for the Queen by sending a missive to your room in the Northmarket Manor. Go and find her in her pub in the Northmarket Slums, and she will tell you to to go to the pub in Eastfort and find your contact. Before starting the dungeon, make sure that you have Contact Poison on your inventory[19] .

After a funny dialog with The Dark Wanderer (*lol*), you're instructed to infiltrate a Kellos fortress[20].

You start, as traditional, by a cave underground. In there, you will get another quest (o o O O 0 0). If you taught Elaiya snapfire during Ain't No Party Like a Search Party then there will be a Kellos soldier camping in the cave. If you have the phrase book[21] then he will teach Elaiya strike and fade. There is pool near the last metallic chest that you can contaminate with the Contact Poison or not[22]. From there, go upstairs and make a real nuisance of yourself: fight anything that moves (and you can catch!). The way is straightforward to a big door. Behind it it's another big-boss-cute-girl, but sadly you can't collect her either (these annoying Kellos girls...). After your victory, talk with your contact in the pub for your not-reward:[23] Hey you're not in jail, so keep up with the program!

After that you will see a generic H-scene and you will advance a day.

Circle of Strife

Provided that you have completed all the prerequisites for this quest, upon entering Eastfort on foot you are presented with a chaotic scene (if you travel by horse directly to the condo, you don't trigger this quest). The town is on fire, soldiers are dead and strewn about the city, and Kellosian soldiers are running amok rounding up citizens. You should escape with the rest of the people fleeing...But wait! Serade and Randi! Time to beat up some Kellosians!

To begin, battle the Kellosian Soldiers and continue to progress through the city towards Vonex's shop, making sure to loot the bodies of the dead soldiers for some valuables. Make sure to get the Antique Knight Shard and Dark Seed. Proceed through Vonex's shop after saving him and his wife (and procuring a future favor!) and continue towards your condo. After a conversation with The Dark Wanderer search your condo for Randi to find her with Serade's children, but without Serade, who failed to get home before the Kellosian Soldiers invaded. Upon exiting, you see the captured citizens, including Serade, penned in by some Soldiers.

Continue through the city, and approach the soldiers. Barst the Lion, another Kellosian commander, warns you not to test his might and gives you two chances to yield to him and swear to the Kellosian ruler. If you battle him and do well enough, a Precision Armlet is yours to take (if you swear, it simply skips the fight), however he is far too strong and defeats you, forcing you to yield.

Upon waking up, the queen has some terse words for you, but allows you to go.

After that you will see a generic H-scene and you will advance a day.

With Allies Like These, Who needs Evanie?

After Circle of Strife, there will be a Kellosian soldier waiting for you next to the Eastfort Condo, where he will inform you that Barst the Lion wants to see you. Apparently, he's a moron and actually believes you're now working for the Kellos empire. He will reveal that Evanie is a terrible commander appointed only because the Kellosian emperor has a crush on her. He wants you to rape her so that she will be so traumatized that she'll go back crying, so that a proper commander will be appointed instead.

  • First, find the Kellosian War Camp. It's southeast of Lumberhill, past the mountains. Once inside, you have to find a way around camp in order to get close to Evanie's tent (trying to storm the camp simply results in the hero stopping and going back, because doing so would alert Evanie).
  • The path goes through the forest then into an elevated area around the camp. It will be heavily patrolled. Of course, the guards have terrible detection and is relatively easy to hide. Still, don't worry if you get caught, it doesn't fail the mission, you just have to fight the guards. It is recommended to explore it fully before proceeding. There are valuable items, including an Elven Artifact Piece in the southwestern part.
  • Keep walking until you find a small haystack. You can use it to jump down.
  • Scare the horse to distract the guard.
  • Get into the tent for another fight against Evanie. You can choose to either ravish her as Barst wants, which results in an H-scene and +3 satisfaction, or warn her (which currently has no reward).

Go for the throat

After completing Circle of Strife and having reached the guild rank of Banneret, you find a letter from Shally on the desk in Northmarket Manor. Go talk to Shally to start the quest.

-Note- If you start this quest, Eastfort will be surrounded by soldiers on the world map and you can only get in with your horse if you upgraded your shed with satisfaction points. Also, the quest With Allies Like These, Who needs Evanie? won't be available after you finish this quest.

Shally sends you to join the army that's about to attack Eastfort and drive out the Kellosians. However, your mission is to ignore all orders and go straight for the enemy leader to take her out directly. Easier said than done.

The difficulty of this quest as well as the quest reward depends on some decisions you made earlier in your game.

  1. If you invested into the Sons of Ducayne, they will now give you heavy support instead of light support, Heavy support has a damage multiplier of 6 whereas light support has 4.
  2. If you poisoned the water during It's Pronounced "Sabotage", some of the enemies you fight will start with the Nausea-debuff.
  3. If have finished With Allies Like These, Who needs Evanie? The Kellos Elite troops will now be Third Legion troops instead.
  4. During the quest, you have the option to blow up the black powder barrels by the cannons.

Each of those actions will improve your quest reward at the end.

If you do none of the above, you won't get a quest reward. If you do one of the above you will get 20k Sil. If you do two of the above you will get 20k Sil and an Old War Armour Piece. If you do three of the above you will get 20k Sil, an Old War Armour Piece and a Golden Haircomb. If you do four of the above you will get 20k Sil, an Old War Armour Piece, a Golden Haircomb and a Kellos Warhorn.

By any means, it's going to be a rather long quest and rather difficult on the recommended level 31. As always, leveling up head makes things a lot easier.

You arrive at the army camp and can talk to some of the soldiers. To advance the quest, you need to talk to Lord-Commander Gadfry who says he doesn't need you and sends you to talk to the Sons of Ducane instead. You'll find their leader south in the camp. After talking to him, you can enter the battlefield through the stairs in the east. A short battle scene later, you are on your own in a battlefield full of Kellosian troops and fallen soldiers. You can loot the bodies for items. It is not necessary to fight all the enemies, you can dodge quite a few of them. If that's your plan, you should take the south-most path on the first screen, it has the least enemies and a body with a Gold Chain armour fragment which you'll definitely want. Then, on the next screen, stay south, get up to the little plateau and down again on the stairs to the east. You'll find a save point there. Progress further to the east to the next screen, where you'll find only on path leading north available. At the end of this path, you'll find the boss of this quest.

If you choose to fight the enemies and collect all the items, get ready for some annoying fights. You'll be faced with five different types of enemies, sometimes all five at once and the combinations can go from damage heavy to plain unfairly annoying:

  1. Boagres (look like werewolves) are fast, hard-hitting bruisers who can stun, knock down or pin down your party members down, debuff your stats with Eerie Howl or simply deal lots of single target damage.
  2. Third Legion Musketeers will use Headshot, Scattergun (deals damage to everyone and can inflict bleed), Grenado (hits two random targets or doublehits) or Snapfire against you. You can pin then with Bronwyn's Pinned Arrow to cut in some of their damage, but even their auto attacks deal a good amount of damage.
  3. Third Legion Sorcerers will use Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolt against you and not only deal a lot of damage but also drain your mana. On top of that, the can buff their allies' attack stat and cast Regen on allies for healing. You can try to mana-burn them, but most of the time they just ignore it and keep on casting. I really hope that's only a bug.
  4. Third Legion Swordsmen will use Phalanx to buff their defense and Shieldwall to buff up even more and protect weak allies. They will use Shieldwall with priority over dealing damage. They can use Flame Slash which has a chance to burn a single target.
  5. Third Legion Officers can use Encourage to heal enemies, remove debuffs and buff defense, just like the improved Hero ability. He will also use Zama Formation which makes all enemies resistant to any form of group damage, meaning your aoe spells will only deal 25% of their actual damage. He will use this with a priority over dealing damage.

As I said before, it's the combination that makes them so hard. If there's an Officer, you can't

rely on AoE damage anymore to quickly kill them off (their HP is not too high). You'll have to rely on single target damage, which means you'll have to kill of the Swordsman first because he will use Shieldwall. So as you have to kill them all off one by one, that gives Musketeer, Boarge and Sorcerer a lot of free turns to either heal up, one-shot or CC your party.

Any party setup will struggle with at least one combination of these enemies, so pick what you feel most comfortable with. I'd highly recommend bringing a tank and either Felix or Yeon as healer. In my first kill, I had Bronwyn for single target and Damage over Time and Kyrie to kill off groups without an Officer with Burning Blizzard and for decent single target damage with Coldsnap/Ray of Frost.

Other recommendation would be having Elaiya learn Prep Guns, you can use it before the battles, then you get a pretty high probability of instakilling anything that is not a commander (or the boss) with a nice Headshot.

At the end, you'll face the boss (Fiona the Gravedigger) who is a lot like the enemies you already defeated, only tougher and harder.

Immortal Kombat

After you defeated the Kellosian armies, you can enter the mine near Coastburg. Inside, you'll find a few packs of animals, slimes and Darkness Elementals. Work your way through the mine, until the Hero exclaims that the mine will collapse soon, so it's the perfect place for a trap. You only need a bomb, so talk with one of your loyal alchemists in Westcastle to get it. After that, go to Eastfort and talk to the Kellosian soldiers in the Adventurers Guild hall. The Hero will challenge Barst the Lion to meet him for a fight, and he will take the bait. Head back to the mine and wait.

Barst arrives and after some talking, the fight starts. Like the last fight with Barst, he will used scrolls, techniques and heavy hits to damage you and chug potions to heal himself. He is still invulnerable, your focus should be hanging on until the bomb is primed. Barst resists (but is not completely immune to) Blind, Stun, Sleep, Paralysis and Knockdown, so plan your team accordingly. A great way to trivialize the fight is to use Ghost Party ability from Phantom Knight class as most of Barst's attacks will miss or be neutralized, spend the first turn drugging the Hero with TP items and your team will gain a massive boost in survivability until the ability expires, which by then you can just repeat the cycle.

After 10 turns, the fight will again stop without a clear winner. The Hero triggers the bomb and runs away, leaving Barst inside the collapsed mine, covered under tons of rock "for the next few centuries". Or will he?

Whose Fort Is It Anyway

The Dark Wanderer can be found inside your Eastford Condo. Once you had done your daily tasks, speak with him to advance a day. The next day you just have time to select the party and start the quest. In most of the fights one or various members of the party will be silenced so it's recommended to use a party with most physical fighters and just a healer (I had found that the combination of Raina, Gargan and Yeon works well here). Another good combination at higher levels would be Meline, Larelle and Kyrie, assuming they can attack before the enemies, using all their AoE's should be enough to kill all enemies before they manage to silence. Remember that you can also dispel the Silence state with a Cleanser.

Outside the Condo, there are some corpses laying around, so don't forget to loot them (There are 2 missable items including an Old War Armor Piece from a corpse in a barricaded area in the northeast corner of the map). You can snag some Kellos banners when you visit the Adventurers' Guild. The boss that custodies the fortress is tough and summons reinforcements if you take his men down, so it's better to just concentrate on him.

Once you're finished with him, advance to the left side defeating the enemies and looting the corpses. The Barricade is a Construct, is weak to Acid and Fire, immune to Venom, Necrotic and most DoT effects. Once you're done with it, you can speak both with the soldiers and the civilians and see the queen's speech. This will advance a day. No other rewards are forthcoming, but the Vendor Trash will net you about 10,000 Sil.

Princess Bride

Before starting this quest, Talk with Shally to start the heist. After the setup(Requires Diadira to be on your team), you recover the control of the party inside the palace. Go to the flour deposits in kitchen (the room on the southeast on the second area). On the right side of the screen, there is a lavatory with a save point. Take as many goblets and bottles as you can (they can be sold later for a nice profit). Also check bookshelfs for free scrolls. Explore the side rooms to find a Mysterious Cosplay Part.

Once you have dealt with the Queen, go to the prison to liberate Kyrie's parents. Once you have finished there, it's time to storm the castle. Don't forget to visit the barracks to get a good selection of gear. Deal with the guard if you want both experience and Sil. When you are ready to finish the quest, go to the Palace Courtyard and access the cathedral by the rectory on the right side. Enjoy the drama!

You have all the information to deal with the boss here. It's an interesting fight indeed. After that a bit more drama and an H-scene.

Demon Cult quests

The Virgin Gynocides

See the relevant Guild quest.

Quest for a Cure

To begin, you must complete Virgin Gynocides, turn the quest in and have gotten Raina. If you got Raina before completing Virgin Gynocides, you must advance time in a way that will send you to your room in Northmarket. Otherwise it will start after becoming a Journeyman.

If you have Larelle in the harem [24], she solves the question of who has a genie. Otherwise, you can get the information from the informant in the Northernmarket Slums in a building in the upper right corner[25].

The informant will tell you to go to Westcastle Noble District. There, the fence to jump over is in the upper left corner to enter the cemetery.

  • Note: Players should be aware that it's a good idea to bring Larelle for this quest. The final boss of the quest has multiple forms and is rather difficult, however if Larelle is in your party then you can choose to have a threesome instead of fighting him. You will still get experience and items as if you fought him, but now you also get +2 satisfaction and get to avoid one of the harder encounters of the game. As of v 32.4, if you do decide to go that route, you don't get the key from the count (Probably just gave another item accidentally, this doesn't appear to change anything though). Since a large number of enemies are rather resistant to necrotic magic, it would be a good idea to give her one of the various spell books to give her access to some other form of magical damage, at least until the second save point in the manor. Another point to consider is to do Meline Quest love first: it gives you resistance to the necrotic magic, which most of your enemies will use, and Lightning magic from Doctor Weird Vol. 3, which undead enemies are weak to.

Each of of the bosses will drop a Craft Item (for Raina, Felix, Yamamaya and Larelle), so the strength of your party will get a boost after this quest.

The dungeon is quite long with three different zones (you can go back and forth between them freely), so it's a good idea to use the save points that you would find along the way. To start just go to the fence on the west side of the Royal Arena:

The start of the quest.
  • The Mausoleum: the Gravediggers drop Grim Keys, they are necessary to open the various crypts around the area. There are some missable items: two Dark Seeds, a Strange Note, the Barbaric Hides and one Buried Treasure in this area. In case that you haven't it found before, the violet liquid drains the health of your party so avoid to walk on it. Near the end of the dungeon, there is a crypt with a save point and a jar of water that heals the party. When you try to open the doors, you trigger the boss fight of this area. You're against three werewolves. They are able to hit hard so reduce their ATK and reduce their regeneration by Fire, Venom or Bleed.
  • The Wine Cellar: there is another Dark Seed in this area. There a few zombies in this area too, but also some weird dolls and some mages. Meline's Heretical Censure should work well against them. If you had bring Larelle, her Synchronoise spell works well with Meline's Judgement. Don't forget to open the wooden chests and take the Fist of Flour with you. There is another save point and a jar of water near the stairs to the next screen. The boss fight is not that hard, provided that you have the Flour to make it partially visible. Alternatively, you can use Magic to defeat him.
  • The Manor: A book next to the clock talks about how everything is arranged to be a hint for what the code is. There are three groups of three servants on the ground floor, and on the tables in each room are always three types of items, three each. This makes "three sets of three" a common theme in every room and the floor in general; meaning that the clock should be set to 03:33. The Boss hit pretty hard, so try to reduce his attack with Necrotic spells ASAP. He is vulnerable to Fire and Sonic Magic, in case that you have issues dealing with it.

Before dealing with the Count, don't forget to save and replenish your Mana pool with the tea, if you're planning to fight him. Once you have dealt, you will get a Vampire Fang. A new day will start. Introduce the code (03:33) on the clock near the bed to get access the secret room. Inside you will find the Genie Lamp that you need to heal Gargan. Return to the Northmarket Manor, go to the Hero's bedroom and use the Lamp. No more decisions or actions are required to finish the quest.

Sacrifices for Algernon

See the relevant Guild quest.

Cannibal Corps

See the relevant Guild quest.

Send Newts

Start when you have finished the previous Demon Cult quests, plus Get Dumped and you've got the Fate Ender weapon, you need to talk to the butler inside the Northmarket manor. Go to Countess Silvayuco's manor in Southporth Dock (to the East of the Shipwrights Guild) and talk with her. She will send you to the Bitter Marsh island (the island close to Odd Farm). Be aware that you're stuck with some temporal Party Members (level 1), that can be killed so it's recommended to increase the Hero's threat level by: a) equipping gear that increases it, and b) choosing the Phantom Knight mode and using Attract/Improved Attract as much as you can. Also some Lo Potion and Red Ethers will be useful.

  • Once in the marsh, go to the north until you see the abandoned tower go to the East and then north to enter the Kobold village. You will find Kobolds roaming around. They are a good source of Sil, Ko'blood, and EXP. Try to enter in the Ruined Tower that is in the northeast corner, you can't, so you will be told to look for an alternative. Defeat the Kobold who roam as they will be more difficult later.
  • Walk to the south of the island until you interact with a newt that asks for help. Enter the Newt Village (there is a Save point) and talk with the leader who is next to the green tree. Depending on who is in your party, a short dialogue scene will play out which is unique for each party member, but always results in the three other members of your party staying behind and teaching the newts how to read.
  • Now, you have 3 newts in your party instead of the other members, and you need to look for scrolls (if any of them are killed you can replace them by speaking with the chieftain again). Go to the building that you went to before, stand beside the vines, and let the newts get you the scrolls. It is the one with the rusted door and ripped poster. While you're there, defeat the White Lion behind the tower and bring a "White Lion Cloth" to a static Newt in the village (just south of the dead tree). This Newt will craft clothes for the newts in your party and make them harder to kill and way more efficient on combat (you also a White Lion Cloak).
  • Now return to the village and talk with the leader; he will ask you for help again. Go to rescue the newts in the Kobold Kitchen (the kitchen is in the north part of the village, you will need the Rope that you find in the Barracks).
  • Return to the village and speak with the leader again. You have the chance to arrange your party. See the cutscene and get access to the Ruined Tower. There are some chests with some interest items. You have another Save point in the second floor. Defeat the Dragon, go to the countess manor, and enjoy!

Dude, Where's My Sword?

This quest is initially given by Gargan when he joins the harem. But it cannot actually be continued until after you have finished Send Newts. In this quest you will be controlling Raina, and she will be joined by Gargan. Wiki-tan and Cerulean can be joined if you have them. Your objective will be to find the Fate Ender.

  1. When this quest begins you will be Raina in her house, go talk with her mom, after the talk see who is at the door.
  2. Now leave the house, and after a cut-scene Gargan will join you, and you will now be in Northmarket - slums.
  3. Go to the adventure guild, and talk with everyone inside. Technically only the left one of the two guys at bottom is enough, but the rest do have something to say.
  4. Go to the Tin Dog Tavern and talk to Shally.
  5. Go to Wench's Gash and talk to the bartender.
  6. Go to Bitch's Sixth Tit/The Pink Banana and talk to the bartender. He refers you to the guy at the middle table to the right.
  7. Go to Hero's old home. House right above the slavers, and close to the adventure guild.
  8. Go to the church and interact with rightmost of the three graves.
  9. Enter the church. And open the chest inside.
  10. Defeat the boss, get rewarded with a Scroll of Max Healing.

Fortress of Solitude

  1. Search Xaven's office in the Northmarket adventurer's guild. The bookshelf on the right contains a journal that you need to continue.
  2. There will now be a previously hidden fortress available in the mountains north of Southport (Near a waterfall, east of the Bitter Marsh, you can see it from the road). Be prepared, there are a lot of very tough demons and other enemies to fight in this fortress.
  3. You need to go straight to progress, but the path is currently blocked by raised spikes. Turn left and pass the four empty rooms, to reach a hallway, then fight your way in.
  4. Keep going up until you reach the third floor. There's a red switch which will lower the spikes that were blocking your way forward in front of the main entrance.
  5. Return to the main hall and continue along the Secret Path. Make sure to climb the ladder before going into the cave.
  6. Fight your way past the Second Gate (the exit is at the far right end of the cave).
  7. Once you're back on the Secret Path, make sure to climb down the stairs before continuing, then return and keep going.
  8. The Final Gate is made up of a few rooms. It's not a very large area but it's full of enemies. From the entrances, go left, up, all the way to the right, then up and left again to find the stairs. Go up the stairs to find the Ritual Room. (In the room before the stairs there is a Dark Seed hidden in the crates).
  9. Let Borgen give you all the information you needed, then a fight with him and 2 powerful demons begins defeat them and watch the characters discuss plans for the next quest.

Stranger Things

This quest begins on the insistence of Raina, when you defeat Borgen in Fortress of Solitude.

There is a mountain range West of Westcastle. Follow it north till you see a forest which leads further west to a desert with a crater like place. That crater is Terra Cicatrix.

  1. Follow the path to the south. After going down the second stairs, head west to the river. You will see a rock in the river. Press action key (Space/Z) and the Hero will jump across the river. (Note: Every time you are unable to find a straight route, look for a rock in the river.)
  2. Head west through the bridge and enter the cave to the north. Head west then south and you will see an exit. Skip this one for now, Head east some more and you will see another exit. Go out this area and get the Mysterious Tile C from a chest to the northwest. Head back in and go out from the previous exit.
  3. Keep going south till you see the stairs. Head east after the stairs and you will see another rock in the river. Hop over it. Go south and then a little towards east, there is another rock. There is a save point here. Head north and in to the cave.
  4. Head north and you will reach a cross road. To the north of the crossroad, you will see that the path is blocked by a huge pile of dust. On the western and southern paths, there are two black spheres that you can move by just pushing them around. Bring both of them to the Pile of dust in the north. (Note: The spheres explode when they come in contact with each other, make sure they explode near the pile only!) When they explode, the path will be cleared. Head east then south from the cleared route and head down the exit. To the southeast, there is a rock in the river. You know what to do!
  5. To the north there is a chest containing a Hallucinogen Grenade. Also, there is a flower moving around that will not attack you and you can pick it up. Head south. To the west of the stairs is a chest containing Oil Of Instability and to the south east is another chest which contains a hi-potion. Another rock to the west in the river.
  6. To the north west after crossing the river is a chest that contains Purple Ether. Head through the cavern. The ground is made up of different tiles. Head east, then south, then north where the floor looks Icy. There is another cave. Head through the cave.
  7. Here, you'll see the dark crystal. A cut-scene plays here, where a Machine angel will intervene. She is the boss. After the Angel is defeated, she will initiate a delete sequence for the Area before disappearing. You now have 5 minutes to get out of the Terra Cicatrix with the Blackwarp Stone! (Just after exiting the cave you were just in, an object appears just left of the cave entrance near the chest there. Pick it up to obtain the "Freestanding Prism") Avoid any fights as the mobs are pretty strong and will have become aggressive after the boss fight.
  8. After successfully reaching the safe area, the quest will be completed. An H-Scene with Clementine (Orange Kid) will begin and a day will pass.

Killing the enemies while on your way to the dark crystal will do no good for the escape as they spawn again after the boss fight. Stock up on lots of dragon eggs or grenados if you can, to use after the boss fight.

    • Note. It's 7 minutes to escape. I brought Gargan and Rania along to see if they had any relevant dialogue on this quest, but they didn't. I think more AOE spells for the run out would have been preferred, but made it out with over a minute remaining. If you plan on clearing the monsters

before they become aggressive, for experience, bring a spell caster that can cure poison.

Hell to Pay

Go to the room with the portal in the Fortress of Solitude after completing Stranger Things. A cutscene will start in which you decide to send a party of four people through the portal into the Demon Realm. Since Hero promised earlier, Raina is set as a party member and you get to choose who else. Once your party is set, you're sent to hell.

As soon as you enter the palace, you'll face groups of demons and cultists. You'll always fight packs of five enemies, these are:

  • Guardian Bane: Uses Guard to cover weak allies, deals more damage as you lower their health
  • Helldrangea: Heals and buffs allies
  • Obnoxious Imp: Buffs allies and casts Magic Missile at your party
  • Aggressive Brute: Deals heavy melee damage, reflects magic
  • Cadaverous Cultist: Casts AoE-Spells at your party
  • Cromulent Cultist: Buffs allies, deals melee damage and uses CC like knockdown and stun
  • Smug Fiend: Debuffs your party and deals AoE-damage
  • Razor-Sharp Succubus: Can inflict Possession on your party members and uses acid magic against you
  • Hell Nephil: Casts radiant and lightning spells at your party
  • Sleazy Devil: Debuffs and uses Surprise Mechanic (tm), which buffs him and unlocks new abilities each time he uses it, giving him AoE-debuff spells, reviving allies and doing AoE-damage.

In the palace, you can go up or down the stairs on each side. You need to solve three puzzles to enter the treasury, where the cultists are heading. If you go up the stairs, you'll end up on the roof and go left or right to head into a tower on each side. If you go down the stairs, you'll end up under the bridge that led to the palace, where you will find an imp who can give you hints (or exp) and a glass bottle. Opposite of the door, there's a passage that leads into a library.

Collect the glass bottle from outside and the Sheet Music from the lower right shelf of the library and ignore rest of the library for now. Instead, head up towards the roof and to the right tower. You'll end up in a gallery. Since you have the Sheet Music, you can play the organ to the right side of the room and unlock a hidden passage for some loot, including a Champion Armour Shard. On the left side of the room, there's a door that leads to a fountain. With the Glass Bottle, you're able to pick up some acid from here. Go to the top of the gallery and inspect the big painting of a devil. If Gargan is in your party, you'll get a hint. If you have the acid, you reveal a passage behind the painting. Activate the switch that removes one of the barriers, then head back to the roof and to the left tower.

Halfway down the tower, you'll find an alchemy lab. Read the book to find out that the demon potions you keep finding can be used to weaken banes, which will help later. At the bottom of the tower, you'll enter the Dining Hall. Fight your way through to the kitchen. On the right side wall, there are two doors, leading to the men's bathroom with a demon pack and the women's room with the mid-boss of the dungeon. It's Betta, the summoner who escaped during Sacrifices for Algernon, but now she's ready to fight you with her minions. Betta starts with three demons at her side and will heal her minions, buff them and use Cleansers and Dispellers to deal with debuffs. She will also use sonic magic against you and debuff your party. For each enemy you defeat (including Betta), a new one will spawn, so you'll have to fight through all Betta and all 10 types of enemies you already met in one long endurance battle. After the fight, pick up the Jar of Cooling Lotion in the bathroom and douse the green fire in the kitchen. Behind the passage, you'll find another switch that removes the second barrier you saw earlier.

Now, head back to the library in the middle section of the palace. You'll find a fake bookshelf at the top of the room blocking your way. At the lower shelf, you'll find a note with some hints:

Three lines, two parallel. --> Find the book that starts with the letter H: Hellbringer, the opener of ways, top left corner.

The sound of a rusty doorhinge. --> Eeeek. Find the book that starts with an E: Elven Paths, middle row rightmost book.

Two hockey sticks. --> Two Ls. Find the two books that start with Ls. First: Leading the way: A Basic Guide to Personel Management, top row, rightmost book, and then second: Lachesis Key, the third book from the left, lower row.

Say the name of my home --> HELL. All prior clues in order.

You can reach each book of the library, but to open the door you need to pull these in the right order. The passage opens and with the barriers already gone, you can pass through to the Casino. You can use the Demon Chips you got as loot or you find on the floor (Gen 1 game corner, anyone?) to play the slot machines and exchange the for some prizes:

  • Pearlescent Steel Bar for 30 Chips
  • Dark Seed for 20 Chips
  • Genevieve Awiiabu for 99 Chips
  • different consumables

There is an imp that exchanges Sil for Chips, but he'll run away if you killed any other shop imps in earlier quests. Note that you can't carry more than 99 Chips, so if you buy the Awiiabu and the imp is gone, you can't do anything else (except you didn't picked up all demon chips from the floor yet). In the top left corner of the room, you can also visit the hotel for a nap (full heal) and a save point for 13 chips each visit.

Finally, go through the passage at the top of the room to enter the treasury and the final boss fight. After some dialogue, you'll fight Xaven and Bell the Bane. Xaven starts with the Charged Weapon buff and will deal lightning damage with every normal attack. He will also use rites like Acid Rain, but instead of taking damage himself, he redirects all of it towards Bell. Bell will damage herself to buff Xaven until she reaches a certain level of health. After that, she will use Perfect Guard, which redirects any damage against Xaven to her. Since she is a bane, her damage will increase the more health she loses. At some point, she would simply one-shot your party with her Karma-technique that hits everyone, so you need to heal her up to lower her damage output. For that, use some of the demon potions on her to heal a huge amout of her health. Don't try to kill her off, she simply has too much health to defeat her before she defeats you. When she uses Perfect Guard, you can use stun or knockdown to interrupt her. Focus damage on Xaven and use Demon Potions on Bell regularly and the fight will be over sooner than you might expect. After you deal about 25.000 damage to Xaven, he will die and Bell will stop fighting you.

And, that's it! You finished the Demon Cult Arc and one of the most difficult quests in the game. Enjoy your exposition talk with the Demon of Tyranny and Control, a whole bunch of rewards and your newest harem slave, Bell the Bane (with a text-only sex scene so far). Some talks and feels with Raina and Gargan back at home, a new slave in your dungeon and weapon upgrades for Fate Ender and Therese on top.

Save the Elves quests

Stuck In The Middle With You

This quest is triggered by walking down the road to Westcastle. You find a Knight and two soldiers harassing an elf named Bronwyn. You can stop them by paying 2500 Sil or with by fighting them. After the rescue, you had the opportunity to learn Elvish. If you talk to the baker with Meline in the party, she will learn how to make elven waybread and start gaining more profit.

  • To continue you have to go to the Elven Village, which is located up to the left of the Strange Cave and then to the right.
  • Once there you meet with the Elven Elder and discover that slavers have taken some elves. You get Bronwyn as a party member for the duration of the quest after this. Now just head south into the forest, which is a dungeon area.[26]
  • You are going to have to chase after a clown and fight him and several of his goons. The clown will always flee after you have hurt him enough, so ignore the other combatants until he has fled. You should follow him.[27]
  • Once you reach the tent on the south side of the river, go behind it and finish of the clown (he no longer flees) and get a Crafting Item. Then go inside the tent and free the captured elves.
  • Although there is no monetary reward, you get about 1800 Sil from the various fights with the Clown and his minions.
  • Afterwards you will get Bronwyn as a harem member and get an H-Scene with her (+5 Satisfaction).

A Manxome Foe

This quest is triggered by talking to the elven messenger found near the entrance (on the inside) of your Northmarket or Westcastle manors or near the entrance of Eastfort on the outside of the wall (but inside the city walls).

  • Before starting the quest, it's recommendable to bring a Box of chocolates, a Rock Candy and a Slice of Cake.
  • Head to the elf village and talk to the elder, after being told the details you'll be given a 'waystone'.
  • Head to the world map, cross the bridge to the East of the elf village, and go to the bottom left corner of the fog to enter the dungeon.
  • There are a lot of enemies moving around, so you will need a dedicated healer (Felix or Yeon) and a Tank with healing abilities like Doll or Therese. For the 4th, my recommendation is Larelle if your level is 23 or lower and/or Meline if she has learn Crystal Rays (level 24).
  • From here take the left fork in the road and follow it North until you get to a wall with a soft patch of dirt and a fairy that doesn't walk around. Talk to the Fairy to learn that you need seeds.
  • Head back to the entrance of the map, this time head right, head North until there is a branch in the path to your left and head there.
  • You will find a stationary plant enemy with a blue flower here, interact with it, select the number of seed pods you want and fight it for them (it's advisable to get the required seeds here and forget about it for the rest of the dungeon). Note: There are a total of 3 of these plants in this dungeon, and you will need a total of 9 seeds to complete this quest.
  • Once you get the seeds return to the main path, then either carry on North or loop back around to the Fairy (there's less backtracking if you head back to the Fairy second).
  • Follow the path planting seeds in the small patches of dirt near the walls and collecting more seeds when needed. Note: The final patch of dirt if you follow the path to the right of the entrance is near the bottom edge at the end of the path.
  • At the end of each path there will be a patch of dirt that doesn't grow veins (on the right path it's the patch of dirt talked about in the above note), when you have planted a seed in both of these patches a cave will open in-between them only accessible from the path to the left of the entrance.
  • There are some non-hostile fairies around. They walk slower than the others. One of them ask for some Candy. If you give it to her, she will give you some tips about them. Basically, The are weak against Dark (Necrotic) & Light (Radiant) magic. If you give her each of the three candies she will give you a Dark Seed. There is another who will sell you some supplies. A third will give you a present.
  • The boss is inside the cave, so if you wish to rest up, near the end of the left path is a tent with a fairy nearby it who will let you rest. Very near it's a chest with the Tainted Shield inside, also left to the tent will be also a Strange Note. She will charge you 250 sil the first time you rest and 500 the second time, 1000 the third time and 2000 the fourth time afterwards which she'll disappear.
  • Inside the cave you will fight the boss. It has two forms. Defeat it to complete the quest.
  • After the sex scene, you will start a new day in your new home.
  • If you want to farm EXP you can revisit this dungeon once per day, from this point on.

Elf Half Empty

Requirements- acquire Banneret rank, complete Manxome Foe.

Helpful items - you will need at least one healing potion (a lo potion is fine) to rescue everyone when you reach the dungeon.  You might be able to find one inside, but its a lot easier to have it when enter.

An elf will be hanging out again, at all your homes (Entrance to Northmarket/Westcastle manors, Eastfort gate, or by the horses in Elf Village). Talk to any of them to start the quest. The messenger will tell you the village elder wants to see you again.

Call the elder on her bu****it, and find out about her grand plans. Agree to gather more information. Travel to university at Southport to get more information. If you enter the magical creatures building, the teacher in there will tell you the correct department. Go to the main building, East Wing (right as you enter), first door on the left. Find out about awful elf pregnancies (10 YEARS!!!). As you leave the university section of the district, you'll be ambushed. When you defeat them,  you'll get a key.  Instead of going back to elf village, return to the east wing. Ask the student if he saw anything, and he'll tell you the professor was kidnapped. You can also go all the way back to the office, but the professor knows less than the student)  I am sure there is some NPC who will tell you where the hide-out actually is, but I got tired of looking for him. Go to the other half of Southport, and enter the abandoned magical scroll print shop in the lower right. The key will fit the door. Enter the Order Round Hideout.

There are several missable items in here (I usually forget the doomsday weapon plans), so be sure to loot everything. Go to the left, and take out the guard in the bathroom (no fight). Grab the elf porn, then go to the rear of the building. Take out the guards in the cafeteria, past the stairs.  After the fight, you can pick up that map on the crate, despite the lack of sparkles. Every time you release a prisoner, a new set of roaming guards will appear.  All of the fights in this warehouse (including boss) will be a variation on these guards (a knight, a sniper, a dog, and a priest)  Head downstairs to basement 1.

To the left of the stairs, you'll see an orc in a cell. His purpose is to explain the Puzzle in this building[28]. Let the orc out, then take him to the breaker room to the right. Kill the roaming guard. Go back to the west (left), and turn off the switch next to the orc's cell. Continue south and release the elf. Turn the switch back off, and kill the guards. Head to the east, and throw the big switch (if you forgot to close the orc and elves doors, you'll blow the breaker, and have to reset it in the breaker room). Enter the south passage, and open the dwarf's cell (using 30 magic amps for the two switches- if you blow the breakers in this cell block, you're stuck and have to go back to your last save...). Give the dwarf a healing item, in exchange for a favor at a later date. Exit his cell, then TURN OFF the switch. Now you can release the cat-girl. Exit the cell blocks, and kill the guards. Steal the purple generator, then go down stairs to Basement 2.

After the orc explains red switches, kill the guard. Notice the stairs going down are unsafe, and the area to the north (where the bosses are hanging out) is currently unreachable. Power up the breaker room, by placing the purple generator on one of the platforms. Until you kill the bosses, you are going to need at least 1 purple generator in this breaker room. Ignore the prisoners for now, open the red switch, and then the yellow one. Climb down the ladder to Basement 3.

I am going to assume you are in good shape, and don't need to access the save point. Kill the 2 roaming guards, and get the rope from the chest next to the blue switch/orc. Release the orc, close the switch, then kill the guard. Go to the northwest corner, and go down the ladder to basement 4. Kill the guard, grab the purple orb, and climb back up. Keep the orb in inventory, don't place it in the B3 breaker room, and don't remove the orb from B3. Climb back to B2, close the yellow and red switches behind you, and place the generator from B4 in the breaker room (note: you only need 1 generator on B2 and 1 on B3 to access the save point- if you were worried/short on time, you could have come back here as soon as you found the rope). Go to the west, flip the green switch to enter the cell block. Open the red switch to let the elf out (15+20=35, but you have two generators, producing 60). Close the red switch, and open the yellow to let the werewolf out (who has unique dialogue if you don't know what werewolves are yet). Close that one, and open the green switch on the empty cell (technically, you could have all 4 switches at once, 15+15+20+10=60, but I feel its a good habit to close switches you don't need..). Walk to the hole in the cell, and you'll automatically use the rope. Climb down to B3.

Walk south, and throw the red switch if you wish to save. walk in the cell, save, exit, and close the switch. The green switch to the next room is hidden by the boxes. Face the gap in the boxes, and press space, grab the dark seed, then close the room again. Open the room with the two chests, and grab the generator from the unlocked one. Exit the room, close the switch, and climb the rope back up to B2.

Exit the cell block, closing the switches as you pass. Kill the guards, and steal 1 of the orbs from the breaker room (you need one to power the doors to the ladder). Go down the ladder to B3. Go to the breaker room in B3, and place your two extra generators on the platforms, for a total of 3, 90 Magi-amps. Now you can throw the blue switch to create a path through the barricades.  You will probably have to reset the breaker room after using it- the cart drew too much power, and broke the switch.  Open the cells, the cat-man has a key to that chest we couldn't open. You are almost at the boss battle, you might want to go back to the save point here, or grab the fireball scrolls from that steel chest. When you are ready, climb the newly uncovered stairs back to B2.

You have a pre-boss fight next to the chest, and then the actual boss fight when you enter the main room. Before engaging the actual boss fight, going to the save point is recommended, as the 4 bosses are ramped up versions of the same guards you've been battling (knight-titan, Imperialist Wizard, grand dragon, and exalted cyclops) and are quite a challenge compared to what you were battling in the dungeon so far. After you win, throw the purely mechanical switch to open the door. If you haven't already done so, use the key the cat gave you to open the steel chest (close the yellow and red switches to the ladder, and open the two green switches to the rope- the chest contains some fireball scrolls and potions). When you come back up the rope, the mechanical gate may have closed (probably a bug in my version)- if so, just go back down to B3, then back up the stairs to B2, and open it again. Take the generator out of the B2 breaker room, and go down the stairs to B3. Grab all 3 of the generators in the B3 breaker room (so you have 4 total), and go down to B4.

Put all 4 generators in the B4 breaker room, and throw the green switch. After checking the 3 cells (the elf girl is dead, the cat-boy is afraid to leave, and the last one is empty), throw the blue switch to open the professor's cell.  He'll give you a choice of leaving right now, or searching for stuff you missed.

Final cutscene, where Tito promises to "safely double the elf village's population every 2 years". Whether that means all the females having twins after 1 year instead of 10, and then aging the children in 1 year to maturity, or he's blowing hot air, it still sounds impressive.

You can meet some of the rescues: in the Westcastle Outer District a dwarf will thank you, a dwarf in the Southport Shipwright Academy building will give you an Expensive Wine, a catgirl walking randomly in the Eastford Non-Human District will give you a Hi-Potion, an elf girl inside the Tipsy Maiden will give you a Contamination Scroll, an elf boy in the Elf Village in the house to the southwest that gives you a Demimensch CD, an orc in the northeast of Orctown opens up a tavern and has a request you can fulfill (the elf girl in the Elf Village inside the house with the Casino ad is a rescuee who's part of this request, who's also a rescuee), a werewolf at the east part of Huntervale will give you 3 Wolfsbane Poison, and a catboy walking near the Northmarket Pawnbroker in the slums will give you +1 Fame.

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Note: Having Bronwyn in your party for this quest gives some extra dialogue.

Once you have the Fate Ender, have completed the Elf Half Empty, spoken to Meiriona afterward, and at least one day has passed, the next time you enter the Elven Village from the World Map (rather than by horse) you will find it on fire. Meiriona and Jakuhl tell you about the attack and point you towards a cave in the mountains east of the Elven Village. On the World Map, cross the bridge to the west of the village and double back east to find the newly revealed cave.

Inside, fight the strange enemies, then check the skeleton for an adventurer's journal, leather helm, and iron scalemail. The journal details an Elven fable about navigating a maze, which is full of clues for getting through the dungeon you're in now. Head down the vines to reach the first level of this dungeon's maze.

You'll notice that the lighting drops a bit on this floor. The maze itself isn't too bad, and the journal's hint should help you find the exit quickly. The skeletons denote which path leads towards the exit. There are four treasure chests on this floor, containing a Mid-Potion, a Hi-Potion, and two Cleansers. Grab them, fight the enemies, and head down the next set of vines to the lower level.

After that warm-up, the next floor takes the gloves off, as visibility drops to almost nothing and the maze is much bigger. You'll notice piles of gold coins all over the ground, which mark intersections. Unlike the skeletons, they don't necessarily indicate which way leads to the exit. You can pick them up for 15 sil each, and doing so on the way back from a dead end is a good way to keep track of where you've already been. You'll first want to make your way through the maze to the exit down, but the party will be unable to go down the vines because of poison gas. Head back into the maze and try and reach the northwest corner of the room, near a save point, and step on the green moss on the ground. You'll take some with you and will now be able to go down the vines. There are also seven treasure chests on this floor. Two contain Scrolls of Fireball, two have Resurrection Potions, two have Blue Ethers, and one has an Elixir (the Strange Note number 7 is just to the right of that chest). If you are on Easy Mode, an eight chest with a Potion of Excellence will be near the save point.

On the next floor will be five statues and seemingly no way forward. Once again, the journal will tell you what to do, so check the bottom left statue to reveal another set of vines and climb down.

Here you will confront the fake slavers and their mysterious leader, who will escape with some of the elves and prevent you from following. As a bonus, the ruckus they cause summons up a boss, the Primordial Slime, and its several helpers.

Defeat the boss and you'll bring the remaining elves back to the village, where you'll learn a bit more about the enemies you just faced and the tunnels you were in. After that, you'll be sent off to the Elf Impregnation Party and the day will end. (Note, the art for the sex scene is still to come.)

The following day, you can find Professor Titor in Meiriona's home, who will tell you about the various sub-races of Elves

Da Orcest Dungeon

After completing the Are You Afraid of the Dark quest, speak to Jakuhl in the Elf Village. He will ask you to investigate further by visiting the Orctown and speaking to the chief Orc in order to find a way to the Underlurk.

Visit Orctown and speak to the Chief. He will ask you to provide a proof about the Elves' request. Bring Bronwyn along[29] to prove it to the Chief. He will inform you that they have found a way to get to Underlurk.

Go left from the Chief to the waterfall and jump in to find a path in the middle of the lake. You will enter a new area.

Go down and then right to trigger a small cutscene where the hero comes to know that the crystals are explosive. Follow the path and interact with any crystal that you might find. Hero will pick up a crystal fragment which will come to use later. Go all the way south and hop on the rock in the river on your left. Go south from here and you will enter a new area.

Hero will set up a camp here. There is a save point here. From here, you just have to explore all three directions of your camp.

Head east. You will have to hop on the rocks in the river. Keep going east, jump on the rock. On this platform, you will notice that the next rock to jump on is blocked by crystals. Interact with the crystal and the hero will hurl a crystal fragment to cause an explosion, clearing the path in the process. Explore the area. There are no items to gain here, except a Ruby on the Southwestern Isle (marked by a glowing star). Also, a bunch of Magic Mushrooms and Truffles are on the floor that can be picked up. Head back to the Camp area.

Now Head west. There is nothing of interest here except the Topaz, hidden behind a crystal, in the Northeast corner of the area. Explore the area, get some dialogue while trying to cross the area in the far west and head back to the Camp.

Pick up a Crystal Fragment and head south from the Camp. Straight ahead, you will see a bridge blocked by the crystals. You got it right! Clear the crystals with an explosion and head south. Explore the Area. On the Southwest platform, there is a setup for bridge construction. Interact with it and head north back to the camp.

A boss (Teogumin) awaits Near the Camp!

The roof will collapse due to the boss fight and the Orcs will lower a ladder for you to climb up. Quest Complete.

In Hot Pursuit

After completing the 'Da Orcest Dungeon' quest, go to the Elder's house in the elf village. Inside, you'll see an orc who's an ambassador from the orc clan and tells you about a Dragon Graveyard which can be reach through the tunnels you explored in the last quest. The Elder tells you about dragons and what to expect, then you're off to find out more about the abducted elves and the mysterious dark elf.

Go to the orc cave and down the ladder, then head to the tunnels east (which the river section). Make your way right and up and head through a long tunnel to find reach the Dragon Graveyard. At the start of the dungeon, you'll see a yellow marking on a wall. This is a magic reset button you might need later. For now, make your way up and fight through a few roaming enemies. You can exit this room through two passages north and a stairway up. Take the stairway for now. Upstairs, there are more roaming enemies, a few chests and some holes in the floor, with strange looking rocks right next to them. You'll also find a pickaxe or "Vorpal Mattock" lying on the floor. With that, you can break down three rocks, before the Mattock falls apart. If you go back downstairs and up through on of the other pathways, you'll find a see of lava with small islands. If you broke down the right rocks, you'll find that the rocks can now be used to jump from to the other islands. If done correctly, you'll find two more Vorpal Mattocks so you can break down all 9 rocks in the upstairs passage. If you find you're stuck, you can use the time magic rune at the entrance to reset the rocks. Note: Enemies are not reset, so don't worry about that.


If you want to unlock the "A Miner Achievement" achievement, you're not allowed to use the reset. Break the two rocks on the bottom first, go downstairs to pick up the pickaxe in the left entrance, then proceed to axe the rock just slightly above where you axed the first 2, by then your first pickaxe would break. Axe the 2 rocks on the upper right side of the room, this will give you access to the final pickaxe, then break the remaining rocks in whatever order you choose.

The enemies in this area are pretty though, so you might want to focus them down one by one. The Kobold Druid can heal and put your party members to sleep, so you should always focus those down first. Depending on your party setup, you'll want to kill the Skulldelver next, as they can deal a ton of psychic damage and group damage that also lowers your magic defence stats. They are resistant to melee damage but weak against cold, fire or radiant attacks. The Bonechomper Ogre deals massive physical damage and can knock down your party members, if you didn't bring heavily armoured party members, they should be next to die. Otherwise, kill the Firebelly Drake first. They deal fire damage, can hit up to three times a turn and burn your party members so healing becomes a pain. They are also weak to cold damage. Lastly, you'll run into Magma Slimes. These aren't that dangerous, but they will use Guardian to protect weak allies. If you can, try stunning or knocking them down while you kill the others first, or if you brought high group damage, kill them with aoe. They resist acid damage but are weak to cold magic.

Be sure to get the Elven Artifact Piece on the middle left island in the magma lake for the Elven Artifact Armour.

Once you found your way across the islands with the double jump, prepare for a boss fight with a Phantom Dragon. The Phantom Dragon is accompanied by two Magma Slimes and he will recall them if one of them dies, so try to put them under crowd control like Stun while you focus all your damage on the boss. The Phantom Dragon is weak to cold and radiant damage and will use physical damage and necrotic magic against you. At some point, it will use Takeoff and fly. At this point, it will dodge any melee and most projectile attacks, but magic will still hit it. When in the air, it's also weak to lightning damage, so be sure to use this to your advantage. The Phantom Dragon is immune to poison and bleed, so you'll have to rely on pure damage instead of stacking damage over time to widdle it down. For this boss, Kyrie works well with her cold magic, especially if you also taught her lightning spells from tomes. Bronwyn's Mana Shock Arrow also counts as lightning damage and will hit the dragon when flying. Melee damage dealers like Yamamaya or Gargan can hit the dragon when it's on the ground and take care of the slimes otherwise. Bringing a healer is recommended, especially if you bring Yeon or Meline who can use radiant and lightning magic in their downtime.

After you defeated the boss, you can progress north where you will see a short cutscene. Talk to the elf to learn a bit more about the abductions. After that, you'll automatically be sent back to the orc cave for a short chat with the clan chief. The quest is then completed and the day ends.

Surprisingly Roomy for a Fixer-Upper

After you finished 'In hot pursuit', enter the Elder's house in elf village to start the new quest. You're out to find the 'Drums of Discord' next, who have been sold to a vampire in Westcastle, Lord Brogan. Since he's dead, talk to the next best person, which is Renfeld. She'll tell you about a magic warehouse, which you can enter through the magic mirror in the secret room (where you found the Genie Lamp). Once you enter the mirror, you'll find yourself in a upside down version of Westcastle Manor with a few changes.

On each floor (upper floor, lower floor and cellar), you will find a coffin and if you examine the coffin, you're ask to lay down some flowers. Those flowers can be found in the middle floor, where the main entrance would be. You'll find blue, red and yellow flowers and you can pick up as many as you want. Near the room with the mirror, you'll also find three portraits who show you a specific coloured detail about each of the three ladies (green, orange and violet). Take the right colour-combinations to the right coffin, and you'll free a bat from each coffin. Once you've done that, you can find a stash room in the wine cellar, at the far east side. Before you enter, prepare yourself for a boss battle against the three vampire ladies. Since many of the enemies can poison your party, either bring a lot of cleansers or a party member who can cure poison.

The three vampires use different spells and techniques against you, but don't have very much health. Every time you kill one of them, the remaining ones will get buffed. I recommend killing Sarah-Jezebell first since she can use Drain and heal herself, but any order works.

Once you've beaten the bosses, pick up any treasure you might have missed and leave the upside-down castle through the mirror in the hidden room at the top floor again to end the quest.

Those Who Help Elves

After completing Surprisingly Roomy for a Fixer-Upper and obtaining the Drums of Discord, return to the Elf Village and speak with Meiriona. She exposits, the orc liaison offers help, and soon you've got a plan: you, Bronwyn, and a couple of others (of your choice) will clear an area for Meiriona to play the drums. Yamamaya will protect the elven leader, being used to berserking. Of course this means she will not be available to join your party.

Once you arrive at the foot of the Black Keep Bronwyn has some sass for you before you begin the quest proper. Inside the Dark Laboratory, you need to clear the bottom floor before Meiriona can begin. Treasure on this floor includes a missable Dark Seed. Also grab the small red 'Locked Chest' in the room immediately north of the entrance. That done, find the elven chief and catgirl back at the entrance. Now you need to free the prisoners.

The Dark Laboratory has six floors, all helpfully labelled on the elevator panel. You are on the sixth ('Storage') and lowest. Most of the enemies throughout the compound will be slow and somewhat distracted, but they'll still chase if you enter line of sight.

On the 5th floor ('Prison') you'll get a short cut-scene of the dark elf making short work of berserk spiderlings, then monologuing before Bronwyn interrupts. There's a save point here. You'll need to release all the elves from their cages, but each door requires a separate key. The keys are inside of the 'Locked Chests' like the one you found on the 6th floor. In all there are seven Locked Chests, although the quest can be completed with six.

On the 4th floor ('Residences') you'll nab another Locked Chest. If you move as far to the northeast as possible you'll see an area you can't access yet, with a Locked Chest on a stone slab.

On the third floor ('Slime Generator'), you'll find another Locked Chest as well as a bunch of equipment. In the room immediately north of the entrance (access is through another room just west), you'll find a strange device which will inform you that it is a Slime Generator, and the Canister is at 0%.

2nd floor ('Magma Siphon') has equipment to shut off the Magma Siphon. There's a 'Chan's Hyperactive Pill' (increases Luck stat) in a chest here, as well as another Locked Chest. Shutting off the Magma Siphon disables the elevator, requiring you to use the ladders to move from floor to floor, so don't do it until you've gotten everything you need from each floor.

1st floor ('Magma Management') is only partly accessible until the Magma Siphon is shut off. In the two chests you can reach you'll find a Slime Culture and a Scroll of Treasure Finding.

Return to the 3rd floor and load the Slime Culture into the Slime Generator. Now move to the small green square below the ladder. Place a Locked Chest, then activate the Slime Generator. A Gelatinous Cube appears, digests the box, and, once you easily dispatch it, you've got the key. Repeat for each Locked Chest.

You're still one key short, so return to the 2nd floor. Now's the time to shut off the Magma Siphon. Then it's on to the 1st floor via the ladder in the northeast corner. The locked gates here are now open. The Dark Elf Sorceress is waiting for you, along with her pet Ultima Slime. This is one of the tougher boss fights. The Dark Elf Sorceress drops the Magical Bangle, a Crafting Item for Bronwyn's bow.

Once you defeated the Dark Sorceress and take your revenge, you can get the sixth Locked Chest. Go open it on the 3rd floor and then return to the 5th. Here you can open the locked door in the northeast (where no prisoners are). Climb up to the 4th floor area you saw but couldn't reach earlier. Here's the last Locked Chest as well as a Fierce Beast Fur and Elven Artifact Piece. Now return, free all the prisoners, and flee the compound. Enjoy your MILF!

Ancient Mysteries quests

Night of the Raping Dead

See the relevant Guild quest.

Hall Monitor from Hell

See the relevant Guild quest.

The Phantom Breaker Battleground

See the relevant Guild quest.

Golem to be Awesome

Bring Larelle to this mission (just to open the door) and the Phantom Knight class (if you want to know what the writings on the walls mean).

Pick up the envelope that can be found outside your residences in Northmarket, Eastfort and Westcastle (but not in the Elf Village). Then go to Southport - University District and talk to the old man from Hall Monitor From Hell quest inside the University. Then go to the Odd Farm directly above (north) Southport and get inside the dig site (Left).

With Larelle in your party, look at the red switch to the right and interact with the water to open the door, enter the door and choose if you will go with or without the professor (He is very strong, it's recommended that you bring him along).

Most of the golems will only attack if you pass in front of them.

From where you start, the door to the right (Central Command Interface) is locked, so you’ll need to find a key. Continue right to reach a room with a rough map of the dungeon on the floor. You’ll also see a green rock that you can check to collect some Jade Bits. You’ll need a lot of Jade Bits (65+25) for this dungeon, so collect every rock you see. You’ll also get some from fighting the enemies.

Go right again to a large room and then up. Here you see the door labeled “Power Room.” Inside is a puzzle in which you have to activate switches to add up to 32 units of power. Each switch represents a different number of units, outlined by the glyph's in the south of the room. You cannot activate adjacent switches, including diagonally. One solution is to activate switch 6 (bottom row, second from left), switch 18 (bottom row, second from right), and switch 8 (top row, middle).

Solve the puzzle to get the thunderbolt hat and several jade bits, then exit the room and continue northwards. On the left side will be another room, the Repair Facility, in which you’ll need to fight an experimental Golem with extremely high magic defense and the ability to reflect magic attacks as well. You’ll find the Stoneforge, a magical machine that can create a copy of an item using earth magic, which you’ll use a little later.

Head out of the room and north, then do a counter clockwise loop through the halls, fighting enemies and harvesting jade bits, until you can head north from where you started. In a room with several chests you’ll find Expanding Foam, which you’ll need later as well. Head to the farthest north room, the Dump, for the last of the Jade Bits and Mysterious Tile B.

Return to the Central Command Interface door and try the Expanding Foam to end up with a Foam Key. Now go to the Stoneforge and place the Foam Key and 65 Jade Bits in the center of the green pentagram to receive a Jade Key. You can use this to open the Central Command Interface door. Then if you have an extra 25 Jade Bits and an Ancient Porn Tablet in inventory, you can make another Ancient Porn Tablet.

Inside the Central Command you will need to use the magical interface to enter text commands. Start with “Help” for a list of possible commands. Be sure to use correct capitalization as listed:

  • “Dir” will give you a list of commands to use.
  • “FacLoc” will print a map of other facilities.
  • “Research” will give info on the facility and its purpose.
  • "Reboot" could be fun to try.
  • “Porn” is, unfortunately, password-protected.
  • "Swordfish" worth a try.
  • “Security” is also password-protected, so try three possibilities and fight a boss.

Afterwards, Professor Antimbits will reward you and the quest and the day will end.

Crystal Clarity

To get this quest, you need to finish Da Orcest Dungeon and you need to talk to Hanelore Egaris in her office. You'll find it in the east wing of Southport University after you finished Golem to Be Awesome. If you do, you'll find a letter in front of your Manor (doesn't matter which one) from Professor Antimbits who calls for your help once again. As you enter the university, Hanelore will be waiting for you and ask you to talk with her before you leave with the professor.

In his office, the professor tells you about a new ruin he found and the Hero mentions that they can reach it through the Underlurk area below the orc cave. Before you leave, you have to talk to Hanelore in her office again, who tells you to not risk your life for the old man. After that, tell the Professor you're ready to leave.

In the orc cave, go west through the area with the crystal and past the point you've been before. You end up in an entire town made of explosive crystal and with some enemies for you to fight. Next to the Clear Slimes and Force Elementals you already know from the D'Orcest Dungeon quest, you'll find Crystal Golems (with an awesome new sprite) and Crystal Skeletons. You'll notice right away that the Professor knows a lot less spells than he did during Golem to be Awesome. He also has lower stats. His Meteor Swarm spell is still there though and very effective against half the enemies outside and the final boss, so it's not that big of a deal.

Explore the first screen and the houses to find a few chests with items, including a Green Orb. In one house, you'll also find a magic machine that projects a beam of white light at some colored crystals that block the way further in. There are two pedestals on why you can put your Green Orb to change the light from white to green, but nothing happens yet. Move to the next screen in the north to find more chests, a few more houses and also a large temple, like the one you've already seen.

Before you enter it, you should explore some more first, so you'll find a Blue Orb inside the house. Now you can return to the house with the machine and put both orbs on the pedestals. The light turns turquoise and matches the colors of the crystal now, which makes them vanish. Pick up your orbs again once the way is cleared and head to the new path north. Pick up the chest and enter the facility. You'll be greeted by the image of an angry orc who speaks to you in an unknown language (Turkish). After some minor racism from the Professor, you follow the hallway which leads to a dead end with a chest, giving you the Red Orb.

Travel back to the other entrance and you'll soon find another machine, this time sending light at a set of yellow crystals. Use Green Orb and Red Orb to create yellow light and clear the path to a save point. Some more enemies, orc images and butt-headed professors, then you reach another hallway. Take the path to the left first which leads to a few chests locked behind purple crystals. You know what to do. Grab your loot, including an Armour Fragment, then head back and take the path to the right. It leads to a door blocked by black crystals, so use all three orbs this time. You should head back and save before going down, since now you're entering the boss room.

You'll find another telepathic console and the professor immediately activates something called Final Wish. A strange lady appears and claims that her masters are missing and that you are not of the superior race, so you have to die. Final Wish naturally regenerates a lot of mana and health and hits you with force spells. She is weak against fire magic, so the professor gets a time to shine with triple-hits from Meteor Swarm.

One boss fight later, Final Wish just reappears and claims that she's a being of pure mana and can't be destroyed. The professor will explain how this works but since you don't have a way to defeat her, you can only run away. Leave the temple and head back south to the entrance of town (remember you can increase your move-speed by pressing 'D'). At the entrance, the Hero blows up the entire town that's made of explosive crystal. The professor mentions that he already published some of his findings and that there's possibly people out there trying to dig up the next doomsday machine. For now the quest is finished but it seems like this wasn't the last time we saw the nutty professor.

You and Your Friends are Dead

After you finish Crystal Clarity go back to Professor Antimbits and get the quest. After this you are told to meet him at Crystal Coast which is located south of Eastfort, once you arrive you have to add him to your party.

Antimbits explains that you are looking for a cave along the coast just south of here, once you in the cave you stumble upon a clown laying in a pentagram Hanelore Egaris walks in with her students. After the two professors talk for a bit you get bored and decide to touch the clown and accidentally releases his bindings.

You are now tasked with finding the rest of Hanelore's students. They will be in the cabins (secrets in the fireplaces). One will contain the Pure White Silk Scrap (for Spirit Maiden Robes). Several of them will have boss fight with the clown. Make sure you explore the area, there's several chests around.

  • North - Cabin 1
  • East - Cabin 2 (save point)
  • West - Cabin 3

Now head back to the cave and talk to Hanelore. now she follows your party, and you can go deeper into the cave. Dont't forget Iku Awiibua in top right of cave! There you find a coffin, one you interact with it a boss fight starts. once you beat it you take Antimbits back to the university a scene with Chimei starts.

The Deep End

Finished "You and Your Friends are Dead"

Visit Southport University and enter Professor Antimbits office, will trigger dialog in which professor Hanelore walks in and Professor Antimbits complains about the next destination being underwater and it's a no go unless she knows a way to give the party the ability to breathe underwater, which she apparently does. At the end of the Dialog she tells you to meet her at the Docks

Go to the Second Dock from the left talk to (or Bypass) the student with the Mohawk to learn they are on this dock after being called an “Old Dude” make your way to the end of the dock and between the second to last and third to last pylons on top talk to Hanelore or Antimbits, Must bring Yeon with you. Get ready to play Jonah.

Go to the left and see a red lever (1/5), pull the lever and follow the crystals to the left, you will find a door with a pentagram pillars with Braziers in front of it and it will trigger a Dialog immediately left of there you will find a second Lever (2/5), pulling the second lever releases Mobs and the crystals do not ward against them. There is one red switches to light the pillars in each screen on this map I suggest exploring a little before you pull the second switch to find the route to escape the Final Wish later. Find all five switches to open the door and trigger a boss fight, High Kraken, It's Resistant to Lighting Damage. Each Switch also opens a door, one has dialog for Meline, another Kyrie, Another Bronwyn, and the Last Gargan, which pops a item from the fireplace (Don't miss it lots of goodies).

Afterwords go inside and find a crystal to the left and right of the main entrance, walk between them for a Final Wish Circle and get a dialog about being unpowered. Go to the left and right flip the switch go north from each switch for the Chests (Including a Dark seed) the go back to the Circle for Hanelore to activate the Circle and order the Final Wish to kill you and Antimbits. Of course it tries to kill her first, so MC Saves her then it's a race against time as you order Yeon to take Hanelore back to the University students and Professor Antimbits to get them to leave and it's another Chase by Final Wish, get caught and it's fade to black.

Make a full circle of the rooms (I went south, East, North, West) then go back up to base camp and see a Final Cut scene with Antimbits.


  1. As the character is a guest, you get her at a prefixed level and you can't change her equipment.
  2. You can get a Porn Mag by interacting with the left side of the bed.
  3. Don't forget to grab the STRANGE NOTE from the Eastern wall of the tower before prior to entering.
  4. Once the quest is finished, you can revisit this dungeon when ever you want.
  5. If you have the Seeker Stone, you will see a sparkle that indicates its presence.
  6. Be aware that once you do you cannot get a loan/pay a loan off until you after you collect all three 'payments', but loans still accrue interest.
  7. His home is in the south part of Southport's University District.
  8. Outside, to the left of the entrance.
  9. It is a hostile zone and saving has been disabled.
  10. If Meline has been recruited, she will participate in the first battle only
  11. Therese and the two nuns.
  12. Write down which girls you praised this time so you don't praise them again on the next event.
  13. The day after the Journeyman rank ceremony.
  14. But still attached to Westcasle, not an independent building.
  15. But NOT if it is equipped by a character.
  16. You appear from the right side.
  17. But there is a statue which position is a bit strange...
  18. If you had gotten your relationship with Elaiya to the Trust level, you will have to take her with you to speak with the bartender, because the information regarding that quest has priority over this quest. Of course that doesn't mean that you had to take her to the dungeon part of the quest.
  19. You can buy from the Northmarket Guild Adventurer Alchemist.
  20. As traditional in the genre, your route goes by an underground cavern.
  21. Purchasable at the bookstore in Southport
  22. This action has further consequences during the Go for the throat quest.
  23. But you get about 6000 Sil in Vendor Trash.
  24. She needs to be outside of the dungeon.
  25. For a price of course.
  26. To the left of the Elder's House is an elven merchant, however her prices are 10 (ten) times what is normal for the potions she's selling, so it is best to ignore her.
  27. In the dungeon there are are several chests, two of which with missable Dark Seeds.
  28. Every floor has a breaker room, producing 0-120 magic amps, depending on how many generators are hooked up. Turning on a switch used energy, turning it off stops using energy. Using too much energy trips the breaker, and turns off all the switches. Red switches cost 20 energy, green switches use 15, yellow switches use 10, and blue use a whopping 90 energy.
  29. You don't need to bring her to the dungeon, just to get access.