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Common Enemies


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 5400

Mana: 0

Attack: 153

Magic: 91

Defense: 158

Resist: 138

Agility: 102

Luck: 127

Item drops:
  • Shiny Bits (1/6)
  • Bottled Smoke (1/3)

EXP: 130

Sil: 142

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 95%

Evasion: 5%

  • Poison: 150%
  • Bleed: 150%


  • Blind: 50%
  • Daze: 50%
  • Stun: 50%
  • Knockdown: 50%
  • Paralysis: 50%


  • Bane
  • Mana Shock

Brutal Attack: Medium-High damage. Single target

Prepare for battle: 10 Momentum. Attack, Defense and Resist buff: 3 turns. Target self

Megaton Hammer: High damage. 5 Momentum. Defense debuff: 5 turns. Single target. Will always use the turn after "Prepare for battle"

Cleave: Medium-High damage. Technique. 10 Momentum. All enemies. Will start using at <80% health

Cleanser: Cures: Poison, Paralysis, Stun, Burned, Zombied, Blind, Bleed, Burning Pitch, Nausea. Will always and only use when Blind, Daze, Poison and/or Bleed


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 4720

Mana: 620

Attack: 72

Magic: 153

Defense: 138

Resist: 158

Agility: 122

Luck: 155

Item drops:
  • Pocket Tome (1/6)
  • Red Ether (1/6)
  • Scroll of Stormroar (1/3)

EXP: 104

Sil: 213

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 95%

Evasion: 5%

  • Deafened: 150%
  • Censured: 150%


  • Stun: 50%
  • Knockdown: 50%
  • Paralysis: 50%
  • Poison: 50%
  • Bleed: 50%


  • Bane

Rupture: High Sonic Damage. Spell. 8 Mana. Deafened: 40%. Single target

Sonic Boom: High Sonic Damage. Spell. 20 Mana. Deafened: 40%. All enemies

Lightning Bolt: High Lightning Damage. Spell. 8 Mana. Mana drain: 5%. Single target

Chain Lightning: High Lightning Damage. Spell. 20 Mana. Mana drain: 5%. All enemies

Magic Hammer: Medium mana drain. Spell. 4 Mana. Single target. Will start using at <90% Health

Red Ether: Recover 33% mana. Will only use at <5% Mana


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 5000

Mana: 520

Attack: 117

Magic: 128

Defense: 143

Resist: 143

Agility: 131

Luck: 145

Item drops:
  • Pocket Tome(1/6)
  • Red Ether (1/6)
  • Potion of Resist Sonic (1/3)

EXP: 78

Sil: 213

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 95%

Evasion: 5%

Magic Evasion: 15%

  • Stun: 150%
  • Knockdown: 150%
  • Paralysis: 150%


  • Blind: 50%
  • Daze: 50%
  • Deafened: 50%
  • Censured: 50%
  • Poison: 50%
  • Bleed: 50%


  • Bane

Attack: Medium damage. Single target

Shock Bolt: Medium Lighting damage. Spell. 8 Mana. Mana drain: 10%. Single target

Flashstorm: Medium Lighting damage. Spell. 20 Mana. Mana drain: 10%. All enemies

Mjolnir: High Lightning Damage. Technique. 10 Mana and Momentum. Mana drain: 2%. Single target. Will only us at <80% Health

Dispeller: Cures: Deafened, Sleep, Hallucinating, Daze, Charmed, Lightning Rod and Censured. Will only use when Deafened and/or Censured

Red Ether: Recover 33% mana. Will only use at <5% Mana


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 4780

Mana: 620

Attack: 81

Magic: 118

Defense: 162

Resist: 162

Agility: 97

Luck: 127

Item drops:
  • Pocket Tome (1/6)
  • Red Ether (1/6)
  • Scroll of Healing (1/3)

EXP: 104

Sil: 142

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 95%

Evasion: 5%

  • Deafened: 150%
  • Censured: 150%


  • Stun: 50%
  • Knockdown: 50%
  • Paralysis: 50%
  • Poison: 50%
  • Bleed: 50%


  • Bane

Pow Hammer: High Force Damage. Spell. 8 Mana. Single target

Healing Word: Medium Healing. Spell. 25 Mana. All allies. Will use more often at <50% Health

Focused Heal: High Healing. Spell. 18 Mana. Cures: Poison, Paralysis, Stun, Burned, Zombied, Blind, Bleed, Burning Pitch and Nausea. Single ally

Mass Haste: Spell. 12 Mana. Agility buff: 6 turns. All allies

Red Ether: Recover 33% mana. Will only use at <5% Mana


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 5100

Mana: 0

Attack: 128

Magic: 114

Defense: 152

Resist: 152

Agility: 132

Luck: 125

Item drops:
  • Shiny Bits (1/6)
  • Cleanser (1/3)

EXP: 78

Sil: 355

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 95%

Evasion: 5%

Magic Evasion: 15%

  • Stun: 150%
  • Knockdown: 150%
  • Paralysis: 150%


  • Blind: 50%
  • Daze: 50%
  • Deafened: 50%
  • Censured: 50%
  • Poison: 50%
  • Bleed: 50%


  • Bane
  • Mana Shock

Attack: Medium damage. Single target

Hammer Space: Is on a 4 turn schedule beginnning on turn 3(Turn: 3, 7, 11 etc.). Will randomly have one of the following effects:

  • Cleanser: Cures: Poison, Paralysis, Stun, Burned, Zombied, Blind, Bleed, Burning Pitch and Nausea. All allies
  • Fireball: High Fire Damage. Burned: 80%. All enemies
  • Greyskull: Attack buff: 5 turns. All allies

Zama Formation: Technique. 5 Momentum. Takes only 30% AoE damage: 3 turns. All allies

Cape Stun: Technique. 5 Momentum. Stun: 100%. Gain 10 Momentum. Single target

Penetrating Strike: Low-Medium Damage. Technique. 10 Momentum. Ignored defense. Single target


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 4720

Mana: 0

Attack: 118

Magic: 116

Defense: 132

Resist: 132

Agility: 132

Luck: 132

Item drops:
  • Shiny Bits (1/6)
  • Bag of Marbles (1/3)

EXP: 52

Sil: 71

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 90%

Evasion: 5%

  • Daze: 150%
  • Blind: 150%


  • Stun: 50%
  • Knockdown: 50%
  • Paralysis: 50%
  • Poison: 50%
  • Bleed: 50%


  • Bane
  • Mana Shock

Attack: Medium damage. Single target

Potion of Brutality: 15 Momentum. Attacks will now have a 50% chance of stun. Target self

Stun Strike: Medium Damage. Technique. Stun: 66%. Single target

Hammer Time: Medium-High Damage. Technique. 5 Momentum. Knockdown: 25%. Single target. Will start using more often after Potion of Brutality


Stats Rewards Elements

Health: 4370

Mana: 0

Attack: 126

Magic: 126

Defense: 122

Resist: 122

Agility: 146

Luck: 132

Item drops:
  • Shiny Bits (1/6)
  • Throwing Knife (1/3)

EXP: 52

Sil: 71

  • Anti-human: 200%


  • None
Other Stats

Status Effects


Hit Rate: 90%

Evasion: 5%

  • Daze: 150%
  • Blind: 150%


  • Stun: 50%
  • Knockdown: 50%
  • Paralysis: 50%
  • Poison: 50%
  • Bleed: 50%


  • Bane
  • Mana Shock

Attack: Medium damage. Single target

Contact Poison: 15 Momentum. Attacks will now have the Venom element and have a 50% chance of Poison. Target self

Poison Strike: Medium Venom Damage. Technique. 10 Momentum. Poison: 66%. Single target

Sharpened Hammer: Medium-High Damage. Technique. 5 Momentum. Bleed: 25%. Single target. Will start using more often after Contact Poison


Queen Regina
Queen Regina.png
Anit-Human: 200%
Item Drops
Shiny Bits (1/6)
Royal Hairpin

Other Stats

  • Hit Rate: 95%
  • Evasion: 5%
  • Momentum Regen: 15

Status Effects [Show more]


  • Blackmail
  • Bane


  • Blackmail: Double Action for 1 turn. All allies. Is on a 5 turn schedule
  • Assault: Technique. 15 Momentum. Attack buff: 8 turns. All allies
  • Improved Blazing Aura: High Mana Recovery. Technique. 40 Momentum. Magic buff: 5 turns. All allies
  • Crushing Ego: High Psychic Damage. Spell. 8 Mana. Resist debuff: 2 turns. Single target
  • Touch of Death: Medium Necrotic Damage. Spell. 8 Mana. Attack debuff: 6 turns. Single target


  • 1 Secutor
  • 1 Evocator
  • 1 Knight-Incantor
  • 1 Cursebreaker
  • 1 Lord-Castellant
  • 1 Decimator
  • 1 Retributor


Okay first of all some notes on required party members. Although you start the quest with Diadira, she will leave the party before any fighting and Kyrie will take her place right before the first fight, so keep that in mind.

There is an interesting mechanic about this fight, and that is the "Respawn Pool". Meaning there is a set amount of point in that pool, and the minions will keep respawning until said pool is empty. The respawn pool is currently 50 points (This will be lowered to 35 in the next release) and each minion cost a specific amount to respawn, the cost is as following:

  • Secutor: 5 points
  • Evocator: 4 points
  • Cursebreaker: 4 points
  • Knight-Incantor: 3 points
  • Lord-Castellant: 3 points
  • Decimator: 2 points
  • Retributor: 2 points

As said the minions will keep spawning until there is not enough points for them to respawn, for example if you have 3 points left and you kill either the Secutor, Evocator or the Cursebreaker they won't respawn, however the 4 others will since they cost 3 or less.

Secondly attacking the Queen as long as there are enemies is useless, one of the minions will throw themselves in front of the attack (The attack will be randomly redirected to one of them)

Alright so this fight is all about Crowd Control(CC) meaning all the enemies have some way for you to CC them. The Evocator and the Cursebreaker are weak to Censured and Deafened. The Knight-Incantor and the Lord-Castellant are weak to Stun, Knockdown and paralysis. The Decimator and the Retributor are weak to Daze and Blind. Now the Secutor is weak to Poison and Bleed, he however also cures said status effect, meaning to keep him CC'ed you would have to dedicate one party member to apply said status effect each turn, your turns are better spend doing something else, however it should be noted that he will always use Megaton Hammer right after Prepare for Battle, you can force him to skip Megaton Hammer by poisoning or bleeding him.

Alright so the characters that are able to CC are:


  • Meline: She will naturally learn Heretical Censure by leveling up, she can however also learn sonic prayers to deafen.
  • Healbot and Therese: They can both learn Sonic Prayers.
  • Chimei: She use Sonic Evocation which will have a chance to deafen.
  • Doll: She can learn Sonic Evocations, the randomness of Evocations won't make Doll reliable enough for this.
  • Yamamaya: She has a Sonic attack too, however it's really not worth it.


  • Gargan: He is the Stunning Queen. Technically he also use Knockdown now, since Stun Break now inflicts Knockdown if the target was stunned
  • Raina: She is the Knockdown Queen. Her UF Beatdown even has a chance to stun and paralysis too
  • Kyrie, Yeon, Larelle, and Healbot: They can all learn Magic Missile which can inflict Knockdown.


  • Meline: She naturally learns Radiant Prayers for Daze.
  • Yeon: She can learn Radiant Spell for Daze. However her UF Prism Heal is an AoE Blind attack(Which is unaffected by the AoE scaling to boot), and an AoE heal to the party
  • Kyrie, Larelle and Healbot: Can learn Radiant Spells for Daze.


  • Bronwyn: There is not much to say she is the Queen of DoT effects, her UF Supporting Fire even has a chance of inflicting both Poison and Bleed.
  • Chimei and Doll: They can learn Poison evocations, but their randomness really doesn't make this reliable.
  • Raina: Her UF Beatdown has a small chance of inflicting Bleed, but really if you bring her with you her time is better spend doing something else.
  • Gargan: To a small extend he can do it too, since after his second weapon upgrade (Venom Edge) he will have a small chance of inflicting Poison, but like Raina he is much valuable doing other things in this fight.
  • So in essence if you wanna inflict Bleed/Poison reliably bring Bronwyn.

I also wanna talk about items, since items are very good way to compensate for any party who doesn't have a specific CC. So first up is items that can be found during the quest, since that's the only thing you are guaranteed to have on you, I will also cover a few other items that can give you a big advantage.

Items found during the quest:

  • Bottled Smoke: This is an AoE blind item, and best of all it is unaffected by the AoE scaling so you are pretty much guaranteed to blind both the Decimator and Retributor
  • Scroll of Stormroar: These are your substitute for Sonic Spell to Deafen
  • Concussive Bomb: This isn't an item that is dropped by anyone, but it can be found in a chest during the quest. And this is a good way to start out the fight. It's an AoE attack that causes Deafen
  • Bag of Marbles: This causes knockdown very reliably
  • Throwing Knife: An item that causes Bleed.
  • Potion of Resist Sonic: This will give you a resistance to Sonic magic which the Evocator uses, but even better it gives you immunity from Deafen so this can keep your mages safe from that. This is a great item to give your mages pre-battle to protect them from the initial turns where you haven't gotten the CC going yet
  • Cleanser: To deal with those anoying DoTs and stuns
  • Scroll of Healing: This is an AoE heal, if you don't have a healer with you. Have the character with the highest magic stat use this

Items to give you a big advantage:

  • Resonant Oil: Applying this oil to one of your Melee party member, like Hero, will give their basic attack the chance to inflict deafen. Best of all one of these can be found during "Go For The Throat" which is an earlier quest in the questline.
    • Applying it pre-battle will save you an action in-battle
  • Potions of Brutality: Give one of these to your Melee fighters and their attack will have a chance to stun, best of all they can be used alongside oils, like Resonant Oil and Manhunter Poison. And they can always be bought at the guild alchemist for as low as 200 sil and as high as 400 sil or at the orc trader in the Eastfort Nonhuman district for 180 sil.
    • Applying it pre-battle will save you an action in-battle
  • Manhunter Poison: This one is fairly optional. However if you bring a melee damage dealer (DD) this will double their damage output. On top of that their attack will now have a chance to cause poison. But it is pretty expensive at 2000 sil from the elf merchant. Although it should be noted one can be found during "Cannibal Corps". which is a requirement for "Circle of Strife"
    • Applying it pre-battle will save you an action in-battle
  • Jar of Honey: This regens 25 Momentum, this is great for giving Hero a boost of Momentum early on the get his UF going if you are using that.

Okay so that is was the setup analysis, now I wanna talk priority in terms of CC'ing the enemies.

  • Evocator: This guy is your first priority, keep him Deafened/Censured at all times. Not only does he cause high amounts of damage he will also deafen your mages.
  • Lord-Castellant: This guy is your second priority, keeping him stunned(Don't bother with knockdowns, stuns are much superior here) will make sure he can never use Zama Formation and destroy your AoE damage. Also his Hammer Space can be quite troublesome aswell.
  • Decimator/Knight-Incantor: Now with the Evocator and the Lord reduced to non-threats, it's time to look at the enemies you can CC if you have the excess actions left. The second highest magical damage threat is the Knight-Incantor, if you have the time stun this dude. The Decimator depending on your strategy he could deserve spot 3 and the Knight spot 4, but his threat comes from stuns, Dazeing and/or Blinding him will reduce that threat significantly
  • Retributor/Cursebreaker: The Cursebreaker itself really isn't that huge a threat, but he heals the party which can be annoying and time consuming, so if you have the time to Deafen do it. The Retributor, poison can admittedly be annoying, but compared to the rest of the field it's one of the least of your worries here, but Dazeing and/or Blinding him will reduce the threat
  • Secutor: Now this dude does damage you alot, however I am placing him low on the list because any consistent controlling of him would require one party member to dedicate all their actions to control him. Your time is better spent trying to kill him as he is the one who costs the most to respawn.

Now whichever team you choose, a good way to do this fight is to open up with Concussive Bomb deafening both the Evocator and the Cursebreaker, Stunning the Lord-Castellant, Throwing a Smoke Bomb to Blind the Decimator and Retributor. And then keep up the CC'ing throughout the fight, making sure to Deafen/Censure the Evocator whenever it runs out or he respawns, the same with the Stun on the Lord and Blind on the Decimator. Everything else would really depend on your own setup and whatever you find to be the biggest threat.

So that's all my analysis on the fight, hopefully that can help you put together a team. However this is the team I believe to be the most optimal one for this fight:

Hero: Warlord, you need him to be warlord for this team.

  • Headgear: Raider's Helmet. Because of the Momentum regen. If you don't have Raider's then whatever Cloth/Light helmet you want.
  • Bodygear: Raider's Helmet/Barbaric Hides. Again because of Momentum regen. Raider's the better out of the two, it has higher stats plus resistance to Sonic.
  • Accessory: Agart Warhorn/Warrior Badge. The Warhorn is by far the best out of the two, however if you don't have it, the Warrior Badge can be found in this quest and it also have Momentum regen.
  • Items:
    • Resonant Oil: he gets this because he is not the DD so he is free to CC the evocator.
    • Potion of Brutality: There is no downside to using this.

Gargan: He is the real MVP. Not only will she be our tank, he will also serve as the DD. She is also the reason why Hero needs to be warlord, his UF Back to Back is a much superior version of Counter. And to top it all off she can keep the Lord stunned.

  • Off-hand: Tainted Shield/Giant Gear. Tainted Shield would be the best, it increases Resist and gives Fire resistance. However the Gaint Gear is not a bad replacement, it gives Fire, Sonic and Force, which is all elements used in this fight. If you have neither, then just whatever you have may have, probably the Shell Shield for the Resist increase.
  • Headgear: Helm of the Reaver. We want to give him heavy for the increases Threat. It increases Resist by a whopping 14 points. If you don't have this then whatever Heavy Helmet you have.
  • Bodygear: Inlaid Armour/Dwarven Plate. Inlaid gives you a 5% resistance to all magic, plus it has a higher Threat increase. Dwarven has a Resist increase and resistance to Force, and it's found during a required quest so you should have it available.
  • Accessory: Kellos Warhorn. Double action, enough said.
  • Items:
    • Manhunter Poison: As said this really is optional but since he is the DD this will speed up the fight, but it's perfectly possible without it.
    • Potion of Brutality: Same reason as Hero.

Yeon: Her and Gargan is the new dream team. Gargan's Counter makes Melee attack a low threats, and Yeon's Rally will decrease any Magic damage he takes, since Counter doesn't Counter Magic. Also her UF can keep the Retributor and Decimator perma blinded. You should also teach her atleast Void Orb for some AoE damage.

  • Off-hand: Amethyst Orb/Dark and Stormy Knight/Book of Love And Passion. If you haven't already taught her Void Orb permanently Stormy Knight should be given to her, otherwise Amethyst Orb would be the best, it's just an all around good anti-magic equipment. Love And Passion has a higher Resist than Stormy Knight. If you have one of these then whatever you feel like.
  • Headgear: Tapu Headdress/Battlemage Hat. Tapu Headdress is the better out of the two, magic resistance and lower mana cost.
  • Bodygear: Whatever Magic Armour. There isn't really anything that gives you a big advantage here, just give her whatever you have.
  • Accessory: Archmage's Ring/Rhinestone Glove. Archmage's Ring should be paired together with the Tapu Headdress, that way you won't have to worry about running out of Mana in this fight. And the Mana tegen is just awesome.

Kyrie: She is here whether you want it or not, so let's just use her for some extra damage. If you want her to have a bit more utility you can teach her Strobe Edge so you can Daze. However Yeon's blind should be enough.

  • Off-Hand: Whatever you didn't give Yeon
  • Headgear: Yet again, whatever you didn't give Yeon
  • Bodygear: Yes you guessed it, the same as Yeon
  • Accessory: Do I really need to repeat myself, just give her whatever Yeon didn't get
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The Virgin GynocidesLooking for a CureSacrifices for AlgernonCannibal Corps.Hell to Pay
Guild Quests Na Na Why Don't You Get A JobCheck Out My Package
Harem Quests One Is The Loneliest PartyA Forge Too Far
Love Quests
Other Quests Bonus Bosses